A/N: First Tavington fic. Please review, if you like it and want me to continue.




Catherine stood on the porch of her uncle's house. Her cousins stood next to her, listening to the thundering sound of horse hooves approach. Her oldest cousin had a rifle in his hands, his knuckles turning white around the gun. Sara stood next to her defiantly, her eyes on fire when she saw the red coats the men wore. Catherine was afraid she was going to get them in greater trouble than would already come out of this.

"Don't antagonize them Sara." She said softly. "They are just soldiers." Sara opened her mouth to argue but the Soldiers had gotten to close to the house and Alexander stepped off the porch and looked to the soldier who was appeared to be in charge.

"Colonel William Tavington of the green dragoons." He said, looking over the house and the six children on the porch. His eyes lingered on the two young woman, before looking back down at the boy gripping the gun.

"What do you want, Sir?" Alexander asked, holding the gun close to his body, as if it would protect him.

"We are here to inquire about a Samuel Grant." He spoke. Catherine was close enough to be able to see the coldness in his blue eyes and she grabbed onto Sara's hand, who was glaring at the colonel.

"He's my father." Alexander said. "He's not here."

"Yes. We know. Do you happen to know where we may find him." He asked, his eyes finding the two young girls again.

"We do not know, Sir. He has been gone for a few weeks. So, now may I ask you to leave." Alexander's voice was calm, even. But Catherine knew that he was afraid of the group of soldier's in front of him.

"No, you may not." The colonel snapped. "He is a traitor to King and Country and we have reason to suspect you are harboring him." He turned his head to a few of the other soldiers. "Search the ground. Farms, house, and land." He said and the immediately road off around the house toward the barn. Alexander opened his mouth and started a protest.

Catherine watched the Colonel's eyes flair up in anger. She knew who he was. She had heard plenty of the stories. Even up in Boston, where she lived, he was in all the patriot newspapers. The Butcher of the South, he was called up North. Just the Butcher, down this way.

She had heard of what he did to the Martin home. Burned it down and killed Thomas. She was terrified her uncle's home and living would be destroyed by this man, and that her out spoken cousins would be just the thing to provoke him. In order to stop this chain of events from un folding she cut Alexander off.

"Colonel." She spoke up stepping foreword. The Colonel's eyes flashed to her, their intensity not leaving them. "You and your men must be very tired, having to ride all day. Can me and my cousin make you a cup of tea? Something to eat?" She bit her lip and he raised his head, trying to size the young lady up. He thought she must be around seventeen or so. Maybe a year or two older.

She had soft brown hair, and open brown eyes. Her cousin was younger, with blonde hair and brown eyes, anger apparent on her face. "It would be an honor to be able to serve the soldiers of the King's army." She said biting her lips. An arrogant smirk crossed his face as he looked at Catherine, twisting her fingers in her hands.

"That would be quite agreeable. Bordon, McClee, Bronson, Williamson, You may come in with me. The rest, stand guard." He swung down from his horse, standing a full head taller than Alexander, who still held the gun across his body. The other Dragoon's hopped off of their horses and followed their commanding officers.

Catherine let out a deep breath and moved to her younger cousins. "Go on. Inside. I want all of you to go up to your rooms. Sara, will you show the soldiers to the dining room and then help me in the Kitchen?" She asked and looked back at the Soldiers as they walked up the steps, locking eyes with the dangerous Colonel.

"Johnny, go to the well and get me some water for the tea." She said and pushed the six year old toward the direction of the back door. "Would you like anything to eat, Sir?" She asked the Colonel.

"No, madam. Just tea." He said bowing, a charming smile on his face. Catherine smiled back, flattery and fear rushing through her. She made her way to the kitchen, preparing a tea kettle and herbs for the tea.

"So. You are a loyalist now?" She hear a hushed, angry voice from behind her. She turned to see her cousin, Sara standing there, her hands twisted into fists.

"When the occasion calls for me to be." She said strongly. "I am doing what I have to do."

"So you great Bostonian Patriots are only patriots when it suits you?" She snapped.

"Don't you dare question my loyalty. I am trying to keep us alive, and me and you from being raped Sara." Johnny rushed in with a bucket of water and handed it to Catherine. "Thank you Johnny, now go up to your room." She waited for him to leave the kitchen before speaking. "You know what soldiers do Sara. I want to escape this with my honor. All we have to do is keep them happy, and get them out of here. OK?"

She waited for her younger cousin to back down and she finally did. She heated the water, trying to block out the loud voices of the soldiers in the next room. Alexander was seated at the table with them, trying to keep up with the conversation, but he knew little of English politics, or gossip, and was a simple farmer, not a soldier.

Catherine walked into the kitchen with five cups of hot tea on a tray. She served the Colonel first, and then saw to the others. She watched them sip at the steaming tea and asked the Colonel. "Is it satisfactory Sir." He looked over at her, she being at his right side, and picked up her hand, bringing it to her lips.

"It is more than satisfactory. If only you could follow us on campaign and make me your lovely tea every day." She blushed and looked down at her hands.

"Thank you, Sir. Can I get you anything else?" When she looked up and caught his eyes he was staring her with the same intensity she saw the earlier. He smiled, but his eyes held something that she couldn't read the look. She backed away and gently pulled back her hand.

"That will be all. Thank you." He said and the others nodded. She smiled and nodded back and slowly left the room. She heard the English voices pick up in conversation and went back to the kitchen. She was frightened of the Colonel. He had been kind, charming even, but she couldn't help feel like he was hiding something behind his intense blue eyes.

She heard Alexander speak a few minutes earlier, his voice angry. "I told you he wasn't here!" He yelled. "Now leave." Catherine rolled her eyes and ran into the dinning room. A new soldier stood in the room next to Tavington who was now also standing.

"Change your tone Sir!" Tavington yelled. Alexander's face turned red and he clenched his jaw.

"I will not. You come to my home and order us about, you lobsterba-" Tavington cut him off by pulling out his pistol and pointing it at Alexander. He took an involuntary step backward and Sara cried out and placed her hands over her mouth.

Catherine watched the colonel move to cock his weapon and she ran to him, grabbed a hole of his arms and looking up at him with pleading eyes. He looked down at her coldly, and it took Catherine a moment to be able to speak. "Please don't kill him please. He is outspoken. That's all. He doesn't mean it. Tensions are running high around here with the new British campaign. Please." She stopped, her breaths coming out in pants.

He looked at Alexander, whose eyes were wide. "Is this true?" Tavington asked. "Did you not mean it?" Catherine still hung onto the Colonel's coat but turned her head to look at Alexander. He looked at her a moment, and she nodded her head.

"I didn't mean it Sir." He said through grinding teeth.

"He's very sorry Colonel." He looked down at Catherine again and smiled down at her. The smile was forced and looked painful, and she felt his hand grip her elbows.

"Is he?" He looked up at Alexander again who merely nodded. His gun was still raised, and Catherine felt like she was going to be sick. Finally, he lowered his weapon and Catherine wrapped her arms around the colonel's neck, standing up on her toes, not caring of how indecent she was being. Hugging a man she barley new in front of others.

She quickly jumped back, her face burning red. "I'm sorry, Sir." She said.

"Nothing to be sorry for, love." He said. "We will make camp here, until we have further orders from the General. I have reason to believe that Grant will return here." He said.

"You can't stay here!" Alexander shouted and Catherine turned to look at him.

"Alex, be quiet!" She snapped. "Me and my officers will take rooms in the main house." He said. "Now. If someone would show us our rooms?"

Alexander was staring dagger's at the Colonel and Catherine spoke up. "Sara and I can, Sir."

"Wonderful." He said, his face blank. "Lead the way. Young Sara can show my men to their rooms." He said, his eyes going to Catherine. His eyes were no longer cold, but almost lecherous, and Catherine felt her mouth go dry. "You, can lead me to yours."