They danced.

It wasn't often, but they danced.

She knew it meant something to him, so during those few moments in which he held her and they swayed to a nonexistent beat, she smiled and relished the feelings of his arms around her, feeling safe and warm and loved. She never knew the reason for the dances, but he needed it, and that was all that mattered.

He knew she wondered why. He also knew she would never ask, and that was just one more reason for him to love her even more. This beautiful, wonderful, scary woman was his, and when they danced he knew that it was just them, no one else existed. No well-meaning but overbearing mother, no constant visits from a well-loved knight, no pleading, nagging doubt (what if he comes back what if she wants him to come back what if I'm really not good enough for her). Just them.

Hatter and Alice

Alice and Hatter.

('Hm,' he thinks. 'Now that sounds nice.')

First attempt at fanfiction in well over a year. Forgive the rustiness. Feedback is greatly appreciated.