Where the hell AM I? Oh fuck… my room… its trashed… I mean it was always trashed before but this is REALLY bad!!

The couch was flipped, cushions were everywhere, the TV was lying on the floor, laptops were smashed, (although that was bound to happen sooner or later from them lying on the floor so much…) and everything was sticky… no need to explain there…

Oh. My. GOD! MY PSP!! NOOO!!

Matt rushed over to find said psp on the ground, stepped on and therefore broken…

Oh no! Even worse!! My chick left!! FUCK!! …wait…what was her name again?? …oh, Mello… how could I forget?! Shit… my ass hurts… OH MY GAWD!! Either that was one kinky ass chick… or… FUCK!! No. NO. NOOOO!! Godammit!! Fucking lying cunt-face ass-licking whore-vagina!!! (A.N. tis an insult me and my best friend use… .) SHE IS SUCH A- a… not a she… FUUUCCCKKKKKK!!!

Matt stomped around his apartment, blowing off steam. Pacing around and smashing things was definitely not helping the situation at hand...

Im not gay. Im NOT gay. I liked it. I'd do it again. FUUUUUUCK!! But maybe she- ... he was just... like, hot or something, i did think it was a chick. Thats it! I thought the CHICK was hot and thats why id do it again...and again.. and- ENOUGH.

He walked over to a table to get his cellphone to maybe, call a friend or something. Just to bitch of course. When he opened his phone he found a total suprise. There was a text from ''Mello ;)'' He checked it only to fly into another fit of curses. All the text said was '' LOLOL!! XD'' Wow. He got laughed at. Not the best thing to do to a pissed teenage guy. Not at all... Once he finally calmed down a bit his phone vibrated again. He stomped over and found another text from ''Mello ;)'' He stared at the phone in shock.

A.N. Daaaamn, shortest chapter youve ever read. yup:) This was saved on my computer forEVER and i just wanted everyone to know that im still working on this story. And now im speeding up with it, i went from snail speed to crippled turtle speed :D

Well... yup...

-Hannah ^-^