This is a collab fic by Neptune-WiNgZ and That Reminiscent Sky.

We don't own anything. This fic was written out of pure amusement and boredom. The characters belong to Akira Amano-sensei and what we do to them is for our own amusement and joy.

We hope you enjoy.

It was a day like no other. You could hear the sounds of birds chirping happily, you could see the clear azure blue sky, you knew the Sun had risen from the East, you could feel the cool morning- 'ENOUGH OF THIS CLICHE CRAP!' You might have wanted to say.

A nasty kick was delivered to a certain brunette's head, for this was one of the only methods that could work on waking this heavy-sleeper up. Within an instant, the brunette had fallen off the bed due to the impact and was awake. He rubbed his sore head before shouting. "Reborn! What did you do that for?!"

However, after ten seconds, he did not hear the lecture he was awaiting. He opened his eyes, curious. He saw an afro-headed, forty-two centimetres in height, cow-looking baby. The baby, who was standing in front of him, burst out laughing. "Dame-Tsuna mistook me for Reborn! How stupid!"

The brunette, Tsuna, sighed. "What are you doing here, Lambo?"

"Nyahahahaha! Lambo-san won't tell you!" With that, the baby ran out of the room. Tsuna sighed again, before looking at the clock that was positioned on his bedside table. To his horror, he was running late. With a hasty "HIIIEEE!", he quickly changed into his uniform and dashed out of his room. He grabbed a toast from his breakfast plate and ran for his life to the school.

Outside, Yamamoto and Gokudera had been waiting for him. "Good morning, Tsuna/Tenth!" the both chorused. Tsuna nodded briefly, as the bread in his mouth had prevented him for uttering any greetings. Then, the trio started running for the school, for Tsuna had informed them that they were running late.

In no time, they had reached a traffic junction. Tsuna, knowing that it would be him who would feel the worst of Hibari Kyoya's wrath, dashed across the road without checking for any cars. Gokudera would have stopped him from doing so, but who knew Tsuna was so fast? Suddenly, a loud horn rang in the atmosphere, air or whatever you call it. A car was approaching Tsuna.

Yamamoto stood rooted to the ground, momentarily shocked. What an idiot. Gokudera instinctively ran towards Tsuna, wanting to save the Vongola Tenth's life. However, someone else beat him to saving the brunette.

Please gasp for the following following sentence. The person that had just saved the idiotic, retarded, Sawada Tsunayoshi, nicknamed Dame-Tsuna of Namimori Middle was none other than... HIBARI KYOYA!


Gasped enough?

Let's get back to the story.

Hibari pushed both himself and Tsuna away from the oncoming car. Although unintended, Hibari slammed Tsuna against the wall and both their heads hit each other's really hard. With that, darkness crashed into the both of them.

We would understand why Tsuna would faint but... Hibari Kyoya? Who knew his skull was so thin.

Yamamoto, having snapped out of his shock, pulled out his mobile phone and dialed for the police and ambulance. Finally, Yamamoto did something commendable and useful, instead of standing there like an idiot and having pure shock written all over his face. Meanwhile, Gokudera turned useless and was at a corner, blaming himself for not being able to have saved Tsuna.

A whole bunch of people were crowding around the two, who had just met a life-and-death situation. Seriously, you should leave them alone. Crowding is a serious offense, didn't you know that?

Soon, the ambulance arrived, with its oh-so-familiar flashing lights and wailing siren. Hibari and Tsuna were pulled onto two seperate stretchers. The paramedics who were placing Hibari on the stretcher were shaking in so much fear that they almost dropped him.

The brunette's eyes fluttered open as he glanced at his surroundings. He saw a completely white area, except the fact that a whole group of people were around him. "What are you herbivores doing here?"

Nana put her right hand to her cheek. "Oya, Tsu-kun is speaking so coolly!"

Gokudera stared at him for a second. "Tenth! Why are you speaking like that bastard?!"

'Tsuna' glared at him before asking him who he was calling a bastard. Gokudera simply stared at him, gaping his head off. 'Tsuna' excused himself to the toilet. To his horror, it was not the body he was expecting to see. Hibari Kyoya was in the body of none other than... Sawada Tsunayoshi.

He would have shrieked in absolute horror, but we all know that the oh-so-great Hibari Kyoya does not shriek like a herbivore, right?

Immediately, 'Tsuna' ran out of the room, ignoring the protests made by Gokudera & Co.

Meanwhile, 'Hibari' was still unconscious, in the hospital bed, sleeping like Sleeping Beauty. However, 'Hibari' immediately jerked awake, after feeling a dark aura around him. His eyes blinked open, in absolute shock, to see 'Tsuna' in front of him. He shrieked.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi, I want my body back."

TRS (That Reminiscent Sky): Hi there! XD This is the first chapter of Switched, and we hope that you enjoyed the chapter! For this fic, Miharu-ssi (Neptune-WiNgZ) is coming out with all the ideas and plot while I'm doing the writing. We can't ensure that we'll update on a daily basis, so please be patient and stop asking us to update faster. If we get pissed off, we might stop writing this.

Neptune-WiNgZ: Hurhurhur, that's right (maybe). This has been a short chapter but this is just the first chapter only. Please review~ Hopefully, our chapters will gradually get longer and longer. Thank you for reading!