Tony, Abby and Tim go undercover at an Australian High School where the body of a Petty Officer was found....

Tony smiled as he walked into the high school "I just loved high school" he said

"I didn't" Tim said glancing at the students walking past them "I can't believe we're going to be here over Christmas"

"C'mon it doesn't matter it'll give us the chance to see how they do it over here" Tony smiled

"Plus it's really hot over here really, really hot" Tim sulked

"Get over it" Tony said heading for the office

"It's not going to be too bad is it?" Abby asked she was really nervous

Later Tony found himself talking to the head of the P.E department Ally Taylor she was a little shorter then Tony but not by much she had long blonde hair that was pulled up into a high ponytail and bright blue eyes Tony couldn't help but think that she was beautiful "I'm your boss here and don't forget that ok I tell you what to do and you do what I say you mess up you get fired it's pretty simple" she said angrily

"Um Ok?" he said confused

"Now get out of my way I've got a class to teach" she said actually shoving him slightly Tony eyes widened

Abby clomped down the hallway heading for the science wing she opened the door to see a class waiting for her most of them where on phones she sighed "hey!" she exclaimed "I'm you're new teacher you may call me Miss. Walters" Abby said they had to use different name while undercover and she hated it everybody sat up straight in their seats all staring straight at her "a Goth teacher god the school really has lowered their standards" one kid snorted

"Hey Goths are awesome!" Abby argued the kids looked up at her and rolled their eyes

"Hey you don't know me how dare you judge me" Abby sulked the door opened McGee stood there smiling at her "umm Miss. Walters may I talk to you for a minute" he asked

"Of course Mr. Samuels" she smiled wolf whistles erupted from the class she rolled her eyes and joined McGee in the hallway "so what's up Timmy" she asked

"I don't know Tony wanted us to meet him in the staffroom for some reason" Tim said "he thinks he might have found something"

"Let's go" Abby smiled she knew she wasn't suppose to leave he class but who really cared