11. Birthdays and surprises again

March 1st, F. A.

My son will come for dinner tonight. Elwing will cook a fish with herbs, and her special cake. (I would prefer a chicken for once, but I can't tell her – we don't eat birds...) Elrond and Celebrían are a frequent guests in our house – actually tower – in the last years. I thought it might become commonplace to me... But it didn't. Every time I see him walking the white path leading to our door, my heart leaps with joy, and I can't believe my luck to have my son with me, to be able to speak to him. The parents who were never apart from their children can not understand...

Maybe at time I am annoying in my care. I want to compensate for all the years I have missed. Just as I regret all those moments before my journey that I did not spend with my boys, I know there is a debt I cannot repay. I know he is not a boy anymore. Sometimes I feel like a boy myself when I ask him to go fishing or riding together. I know he has his own wife and friends here, but still I would selfishly try to steal as much time with him for myself as I can. We have so much to catch up on, and so much to get to know abouteach other...

At the beginning, it was not easy, but I value every moment like a gift. And I know you understand, my son... When you go with me to see me off on my nightly journey, I feel your glance on my back until Vingilot becomes a little point of light on the night sky. I know you think on those who remain on the far shores of Middle-earth. You understand my care, because you know the feeling of being apart from your children like no one else can.

I know how often you have waited for the return of one of your sons to Imladris, looking into the cold rain behind the window and worrying over them. I know how then, after they finally arrived, drenched and exhausted, you cared for them tirelessly and treated their wounds – sometimes serious, but sometimes just scrapes – despite their protests. That's why you just smile at my little whims – and that's why my heart aches every time I see you looking to the East with a longing expression.

And in this part of the year, you look to the East more often, walking deep in thought, almost like dreaming, during the bright day. This is the day that is hardest for you – that you usually spend alone, sitting on the shore and listening to the waves of the Sea without truly hearing them. Today is Aragorn's birthday.

Your other children – my grandchildren – did not celebrate birthdays. The years for them were just ripples in a stream, washing the shore with a steady rhythm while it remains unchanged. But for your mortal son, it was different. And so the first day of the third month was always celebrated in Rivendell, even when he was not present...

Oh, I know how you miss them. Aragorn and Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir. You know the twins will arrive one day, in a white ship, just like you did. You will stand on the shore and wait until the ship is secured in the harbour, until your sons will step onthe soft soil of Valinor... and I will be at your side, because I know how hard such waiting is.

Back and forth. Back and forth will the waves wash the shore, while their ship will draw near – slowly, so tortuously slowly... But when the twins arrive, I will be there for you also,for another reason. I will be there to support you, because I know what their arrival will mean – that Aragorn and Arwen are gone forever, gone like Elros beyond the circles of the world where we can't follow, my son.

No, it is not this year yet. Aragorn's reign will be long, and his love with Arwen has many happy years ahead. There will be a celebration in Minas Tirith today, but you, you would sit on the shore, and raise a lonely glass of wine to the East when the Sun kisses the mountains of Pelóri at the end of day.

This year though, I insisted that you come to visit us. Without Galadriel, I don't think I would succeed. Maybe it was mean from me to ask your mother-in-law for help, but believe me, it is important that you are with me tonight.


And so you arrive. We exchange greetings, but your mind seems to be wandering somewhere else. I pretend I don't notice, and help Elwing to cover the table.

"Try the fish, Elrond." Elwing encourages you. "I caught it myself..." Oh yes, she is much better at fishing than me.

"And take a piece from the cake. It's the one you liked so last time..." I help her, and so, at least from politeness, you must eat something, although I know you have no taste for food tonight.

After the dinner, we sit at the fire, and speak. What a family picture! Well, it is mostly Elwing and Celebrían who speak, to tell the truth. You look absentminded again, and although Elwing tries to pull you into the conversation, she doesn't manage to get more then a few words inreply. You seem eager to leave already, but I can't allow that yet! You must stay until the dusk...

"Will you accompany me to the harbour tonight?" I ask. You bite your lip, but agree reluctantly. Oh yes, the years as Gil-Galad's herald have taught you courtly manners... And so we wait and look into the fire when the conversation dwindles. Finally the time comes. I need no clock to know that. I stand up, and you follow me.

"Take your cloak," I tell you. "It is cold outside tonight."

You look at me incredulously – it is a quite warm evening for spring, actually – but does not protest. I see he has no will to argue today.

Without a word, we reach the harbour. Vingilot dances on the waves, eager to sail. I can almost feel her sharing my suppressed excitement. You stand on the pier while I prepare everything for the journey. You give me your goodbye then, prepared to watch me leave and imagine the lands beyond the sea until my ship disappears among the stars. To watch me leave tonight... oh my son, do you really think I could be so cruel?

"Goodbye?" I ask, feigning surprise. "I thought you might accompany me a bit further tonight..."

Yes, that is my surprise, my birthday gift for you, although it is Aragorn's birthday today. "Didn't you guess why I insisted you came this very day? I spoke to Lady Varda, and for one night in the year, she will allow it." I remember how unthinkable it would be to consider speaking to the Valar for such a seemingly minor cause just some decades ago. But this matter is not minor to me, and now I know that with selfless intent, there is no reason to fear. She assured me that the cold and lack of air will not harm you because of the enchantment on the deck of Vingilot, and that for that one night you will see the world below just like me, with the sight of an eagle that Manwë gifted me with after the War of Wrath.

But my voice trails off as I watch your eyes, wide in mute astonishment. Suddenly I am unsure if the surprise will not bring you just more pain, a salt into the wound...

"Only if you want, of course..." I add uncertainly, waiting for his decision.

In a moment, it is not pain that I see in your face, but a cautious, disbelieving smile.

"Is that true? Can I really sail with you?"

I nod encouragingly.

You shake your head in awe, and walk the plank hesitantly, with a curious glance in the direction of Taníquetil. I extend my hand to help you, and soon Vingilot takes off into the air, leaving the white shores of Valinor behind. I follow your face, my son, and your expression reminds me of the feeling of my first flight. I was worried and anxious, not knowing what I would see below. But for a short moment, every fear was forgotten. The wind swept my hair, and the light of Silmaril reflected in the ocean below. Tilion greeted me, and Manwë's eagles flew at my side. I felt the smooth motion of Vingilot's wings as if they were my own. In the joy of flight, I laughed aloud.

I smile at the memory and guide my ship to the path of stars, effortlessly as if she were a part of me. And who knows, maybe she is... Then I let her fly alone, knowing that we have setthe right course. I join youat the rail then.

"We will sail above the Sea for some time now. You can sleep for a while if you want." I almost always do – that way I need just a few more hours in the morning, and can be with Elwing – no, with my entire family – for the rest of the day. The heavenly streams are safe now, unlike at the time after casting Morgoth out into the Void, when many dark creatures slipped past the open Door of Night. But that's another tale, about one reckless Maia and friendship. Now there is nothing to fear in Varda's night.

But Elrond shakes his head, not even taking his sight off the Sea below. You didn't think you will sail it in this direction, did you, my son? My ship is the only one that does in this Age of the world... No, I know you wouldn't sleep now – and neither will I.

Side by side we stand at the rail and look down at the endless ocean, the realm of Ulmo. Yet you do not see the blue waves. The joy of flight has passed in the calmness of the sky. I can almost see the faces of your children as your memories paint them on the canvas of the sea below.

You are holding Arwen in your arms for the first time, and she is the most beautiful thing in your world...

You are looking into the scared eyes of a small boy, and for something you see there, you name him Estel...

Your daughter is dancing among the birches, young and carefree like a bird in spring...

Estel returns from his first hunting trip, dirty but shining with pride at the pheasant he caught alone...

Arwen with tears in her eyes watches the ship carrying her mother towards the setting sun...

Aragorn returns home for a few days, a grim Chieftain of the Dúnedain with worries written deeply in his face...

A letter from Arwen, dwelling in the land of her grandmother in Lórien, letting you know that she is safe but avoiding any other topic...

The face of your son, unconscious and devoured with fever when you found him in the mountains at the very border of death...

The love in Arwen's eyes looking at the lonely ranger, driving away the shadows of her mother's departure...

Aragorn's last look, taking leave of the hidden valley as he left to fall or fulfil his destiny...

The hands of your children connected, and the winged crown on Aragorn's head...

The bittersweet leavetaking until the end of time...

I put my hand on your shoulder. "You will see them again tonight..."

You nod. Oh, my son... this is not a night for sadness. It is time to create some new memories, a happy ones... I embrace you. "You will see them soon..." I whisper.

Yes, there are the lights of Minas Tirith already! Many lights are shining– the city shines like a white jewel at the feet of the mountain. It is the King's birthday today... The scars of the city after the war are almost healed now, and the White Tree at the fountain square will have flowers soon. Down in the city, people dance and sing still, celebrating the King for giving them a reason to celebrate, as is the nature of Men.

"Third window from left at the second floor..." I murmur, knowing what your eyes are searching for. I can find that window by heart now. There retreated the kingly family from the noise of the celebrations. Aragorn sits in an armchair near the fireplace, and the flames dance on his face, solemn but relaxed.

After a long moment of emotion, you find your voice. "He looks content..." you say approvingly, in a very fatherly tone.

I smile. "He does..." I know his reign was not easy after the defeat of Sauron. Shadows remained on the East and South, numerous rebellions, and so much to rebuild after the war. Often have I seen him working long into the night, until I finished my journey. But the fruits of the hard labour can be already seen, and the worries are balanced with happy moments – like this one. "He does," I repeat quietly.

"Happy birthday, Estel..." you whisper.

Suddenly Aragorn turns as someone enters the room. I nudge you. I must assure you do not miss this moment!

Arwen enters the light of the fireplace, already dressed in a nightgown. Her dark hair cascades on her back like a veil of night, from which her eyes shine like stars. A smile is on her lips, and in her arms – oh Elrond! – in her arms she holds a baby...

"Your grandson, Elrond..."

You spend just a heartbeat to look at me in astonishment as your eyes return to the scene below, drinking the sight like precious wine.

"I have... a grandson..."

Yes, my son. You have. And I have a great-grandson! Is he not beautiful?

Aragorn's face lights up as he stands up and kisses Arwen. Then he takes their son into his arms, and walks to the window. With the little finger hidden in his strong hand, he points at the sky. Oh Aragorn, you are showing him the stars! You are showing him my light... If you only could know that his grandfather is looking at him tonight... The little hand waves, as if really knowing it! Do you see, Elrond? Your grandson is sending his greetings to you!

"His name is Eldarion..." I say quietly.

"Eldarion..." you repeat the name, tasting it on your tongue. "Son of Eldar..."

"And a scion of the houses of my both sons."

But you are not in a mood for philosophy tonight. "My grandson..." you smile proudly, and that title is more worthy than any other in that moment.

"Your grandson," I confirm.


Minas Tirith is long behind us already, and the sky on the East is getting brighter with the first rays of Arien's daily journey. But still you stand at the rail, replaying the pictures in your mind over and over to remember them forever.

I take two glasses and a goblet of the best Tirionian wine from the cabin – yes, I planned this journey for some time... I pour the glasses, and pass one to you.

"To Eldarion..."

You smile at me. For a long time I haven't seen such joy in your eyes.

"To my grandson... and my father."

The glasses clink. No words are needed... and that is good, because in this moment, I am at a loss for words...

A/N: And to you, my readers! Thank you for your support during this story, and for all feedback! *clink!* To you, Cairistiona, for being such a great and patient beta reader! *clink!*

This is the end of the "Eärendil saga" – Gil-Estel (Star of Hope) and Hope of a Star. But if you are curious about the "tale about one reckless Maia and friendship", and the "time after casting Morgoth out into the Void, when many dark creatures slipped past the open Door of Night," I will tell it to you... It's called A Hawk and a Star, and you can already read the prologue.