
Francis paused in the hallway to the kitchen, listening to small childish sniffles. He had only come down for a midnight snack, hadn't been aware that anyone else was still awake. So he abandoned his quest for the tempting double chocolate fudge cake sitting in the fridge, and went out to the living room, where Matthew sat at the coffee table, crying by himself.

"Mon Souris Petit, what's wrong?" He looked over Matthew's shoulder and found scattered bits of paper and aborted attempts at cutting and crafting.

Matthew sniffled, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. "I'm trying to make snowflakes for my art class." he held up one and just as Francis opened his mouth to compliment the wonderful job, it fell to pieces. Fresh tears sprang to violet eyes, new sobs breaking loose. "But I can't do it right!"

Francis smiled. He wished that all of Matthew's worries would always be so simple. His fingers raked through Matthew's blonde hair, pulling his head towards him until Matthew had cried away all of his frustration, mumbling soft soothing words. He took the scissors, bending down to meet Matthew's eyes. "Come now, you're not going to let a piece of paper defeat you, are you, Mon Souris Courageux?" taking a steadying breath, Matthew shook his head. Francis nodded encouragingly. "Bon."

They sat beside each other cutting paper just like that, past the twelfth chime of the clock. Francis couldn't remember spending quiet time with Matthew the same way for years, understanding what being a father meant again as he gently showed Matthew the right way.

Maybe, Matthew would look on this day and smile, the same way he would. But he wouldn't worry about that just yet. Matthew showed him his elaborate paper snowflake with the same innocent 'please love me' smile that Francis adored him for.

"Good job, Mon Cheri, off to bed with you." Matthew smiled, hopping up and kissing him on the cheek, giggling a little at the tickle of rough stubble. Francis sat at the coffee table, pleasantly surprised. Outside, fat fluffy snowflakes drifted down, melting when they touched the Christmas lights.

Well. Time to get cake.
