Again I am a FAILURE!

Please Read This For Future Updates:

Okay, I just re-read this story and what was I thinking? NOTHING MAKES SENSE! Maybe the romance but still, not even /:

I read in the first chapter, Noctis's City is in Tenebrae, then in chapter four, Noctis's City is neighboring Tenebrae? WHAT!

Then it said Noctis's City was fighting a war agaisnt against it's own Kingdom, Tenebrae, but they had a meeting in complete peace! WHAT! Yes it's official I was on crack (not really)...

I guess I just ignored the setting and plot to make Stella and Noct meet, not good!So this is what I'm gonna do to make this actually make sense, I'm going to rewrite them, still same plot and actions, just gonna make it make sense.

So, uh I don't know what to say...other then SO SORRY!

I'll be rewriting the chapters, adding more stuff, and changing a few things so it's not completely redundant.

So after this note, the re-written versions will be up with new chapters!

I feel horrible and stupid...GAH!

There is good news, since there was more information released about FF Verses 13, I can make it better, and since FF13 is done and FF13-2 is coming out, it makes things a little simpliler and interesting (:

I'm VERRRRRRRYYYYY sorry, I'll rewrite this ASAP!