Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Final Fantasy.
Chapter Seven: The Kingdoms.

Noctis POV

It had been a few weeks since Noctis had met Lightning. Now that she was living with him, or in his stronghold, things were a little more exciting but even more confusing.

Prompto was in process of fixing the communicator so Lightning could call her comrades and he could get more answers about the impending threat.

He hadn't mentioned anything to his father or anyone. He had to be a hundred percent sure that Lightning wasn't mistaken.

The only one who knew anything was Prompto and that was because Noctis trusted him the most. Sure he'd known him for the least amount of time, but Prompto had always been loyal and dedicated. He was definitely Noctis' best friend but lately, their relationship was a bit rocky. Noctis only had one explanation for it-Lightning.

Lightning was alluring and Noctis had to admit he was attracted to her. However, he knew he wasn't the only one. Prompto was too.

However, Noctis would be damned if he let one girl come between him and his best friend, especially a girl he barely known.

Speaking of that girl, Noctis made his way through to Lightning's room to make sure she was doing alright and also to maybe get more information from her, but then again, she was very good at avoiding questions.

When Noctis was close to Lightning room, he already heard voices coming from the inside. He listened carefully; it was Lightning and….Prompto.

Noct's eyes widen in surprise, why was Prompto in there already? He kept listening carefully; he could hear laughter, why were they laughing? Shouldn't Prompto be fixing the communicator and not flirting.

It made Noctis a little mad and a little jealous. Had Prompto spent another night with Lightning? Now with this thought in his mind, it made him angrier.

He shouldn't be jealous! He tried to calm himself but the hell with it. On an impulse, Noctis pushed opened the doors to see Lightning and Prompto looking at him dully.

With their expression's Noctis kind of felt a little embarrassed but he pushed it aside.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Lightning asked him in a teasing but serious tone.

"It's my house, "Noct retorted.

"Well this is a lady's room. Just because it's your house doesn't give you the right to barge into a lady's room unannounced. "Lighting said. "What if I wasn't decent, think of that?" This time it was more of a teasing tone and Noctis didn't expect that from her,

Prompto stood up from his seat," Anyways, good morning bud," He was in a good mood, why was that? Prompto was hardly ever in a good mood in the morning.

Noctis unintentionally glared at Prompto," Why are you in here? Shouldn't you be fixing the communicator. "

Prompto seemed a little surprised," I was bringing Lightning some breakfast," and Noctis looked around, and there he saw the food. Once again, he felt embarrassed. "I was just about to head there."

"Oh, "Noctis let out.

"So Noct," Lightning said and Noctis looked over at her," Why are you here?"

"I was..." Noctis was lost for words. He knew why he was here but he just couldn't say it. Noctis took a mental deep breath," I'm here to check up on you."

Lightning smiled," how noble," however to Noctis it sounded a little sarcastic.

Prompto looked from Noctis to Lightning," Well I'm going to go and fix the communicator before Noct scratches my eyes out," Prompto joked.

Noctis didn't say anything, just waved bye to his friend. Lightning was slightly amused as she too waved bye to Prompto.

Lightning then looked at Noctis," So I know you didn't come here to see how I was doing."

"You think I'm heartless, don't you?" Noctis asked a little annoyed. He did care if she was doing alright or not.

"Oh," Lightning was genuinely surprised, "I'm perfectly fine. There's nothing to worry about," She assured, "but are you sure there's nothing else?"

"Well…"Noctis didn't admit that he had another motive so he played dumb, "What do you mean?" And he mentally slapped himself, he was being an idiot.

" I mean are you sure you don't want to know more about the crystal?" Lightning asked, smirking.

Lightning had seen through him so he just nodded and played cool again, knowing he was going to be doomed again," Yeah I'd like to know if you'd tell me anything."

"Well I told you already, I have to talk to Snow first before I can tell you anything." Light said.

Noctis wanted to know the information sooner than later, it was suspenseful and a little scary. "Light, if I'm involved I'd rather know the details in a timely manner," he was serious.

Lightning sighed," I can imagine how you feel Noct, I really do but I really can't do much about it. Even if I were to tell you, you'd still be confused."

"…And how so?" Noct questioned further.

"Even I don't fully understand it, so I can't I explain it. All I need you to know now is you can trust us." Lighting said. Noctis looked into her eyes; he saw no sign of doubt. He gave in.

"Fine. "

"Thanks Noct," Lightning gave him a smile that made Noctis' stomach queasy.

Normal POV

"So is it really necessary for me to me locked up in this stronghold." Lightning asked out of nowhere.

Noctis looked at her surprised," Well, yeah I guess. I mean I can't just have you wondering outside."

"Why not, "Lighting challenged, "I know this stronghold is isolated so no one would see me. So why can't I be outside relaxing and taking in the fresh air." Lightning hated being cooped up, she liked the outdoors and nature.

"Well, it's dangerous." Lightning raised her eyebrow," there are a lot of monsters and creature lurking around these parts. With you being newly healed, I don't want to risk you getting hurt."

"I'm touched my your concerned but honestly, I'm bored! I like the fresh air, it's been awhile." Noctis couldn't help but smile on the inside by Light's attitude," how about you come with me?"

"S-say what?" Noctis was a little baffled that she'd want to spend time with him.

"Yeah," Lightning said, she wanted to go outside, plus getting to know Noctis wouldn't be horrible. "You being the prince, you're probably really strong or you should be. A tiny monster shouldn't be a threat to you," Lightning was baiting him and Noctis knew it.

"For your information I can handle monsters, I choose not to. There are hundreds and it's exhausting, plus if I took you outside, you'd be spending all your time fighting the monster and not enjoying the fresh air.

Lighting looked at him, understanding what he meant," You've got a point. I'd rather have something relaxing to do than fight; I've been fighting too much lately." Lightning sighed. "Then how about we go into the city?"

"That's even more unrealistic," Noctis said, "I mean I have no problem getting you in and out of the city, but how are you going to go around. We'd have to hide your identity and even then, I can't be seen with a girl without the media speculating something. "

"Well I could always use a disguise and I wouldn't have to go with you, I could go with Prompto." Lighting told him, she didn't mind who went with her.

However, she spent a lot of time with Prompto and she knew she was getting a tad bit attached. A change of face wouldn't be bad plus she wanted to crack Noctis' character, he seemed interesting and he wasn't a bad person either.

On the other land, Noctis' nerves had been struck. What was it with Lightning always wanting to spend time with Prompto, wasn't he good enough? He didn't like this, not one bit.

"Well he's busy fixing the communicator," Noctis told her grumpily.

"Right…."Lightning was a bit disappointed; she really wanted to go outside. However, Noctis noticed her disappointed and took it the wrong way, thinking she was disappointed that she couldn't hang out with Prompto.

It made Noctis feel like crap.

"Look I could take you-"but before he could continue his sentence, Prompto barged into the room, which surprised both parties.

"The communication screen works now," He grinned, "I finally fixed it!"

Lightning's eyes widened, "Finally," She thought to herself. She got up quickly, "let's go, I have to call Snow."

The three of them ran to the communicator screen, Prompto leading, and the others following behind.

Lightning was ecstatic. She could finally call Team Nora and inform them about her progress. She could also check up on Serah, she had been worried sick about her and Hope.

Noctis was enthusiastic too, now he'd get some answers.


Lightning POV

Lightning was glad that she could finally contact Team NORA. They had entered the Communication Room and immediately Lightning went over to the screen.

Lighting pressed button's quickly, typing in the codes to get to NORA base. A thought crossed her mind, see turned to Prompto.

"Prompto, did you block off any interference and transmission signals?"

Prompto nodded," No one can interfere, intercept, or trace this call. It's a hundred percent secured."

"I hope so," Lightning said.

"How long will this take?" Noct asked. He seemed eager.

"I'm just waiting for someone to answer the call," Lightning said, "give it a minute or so."

Not even a minute passed before the call was answered. On the screen, facing her was Team NORA in all their glory.

"Light, where the hell are you?" Snow asked. His face practically covered the entire communication screen. Besides him were Fang, Vanille, Hope, Sazh, and Serah…

"Lightning, you're okay!" Serah let out a sigh of relief, "I was so worried about you."

"Worried about me, I was worried about you," Lightning told her sister, What about all of you? How are you guys?"

"We're all fine," Sazh assured.

"Yeah don't worry about us Lightning," Hope added. "We're worried about you."

"Yeah especially with your impulsive behavior," Fang joked, "We're all keeping a good eye on each other but no one can keep an eye on you."

"Well don't worry, I'm fine." Lightning told them.

"That's good," Vanille smiled and she seemed to have spotted the two boys behind Lightning, "and who are they?" Vanille examined them real quick, "They're cute."

Lightning rolled her eyes and so did Hope, Snow, and Sazh.

"Anyways," Lightning gestured for the boys. They came into full view of the screen, "This is Prince Noctis and his guard Prompto. Guys, these people are part of Team Nora." Lightning introduced them all.

"Seems like you're doing fine," Sazh said, "I'm relieved. You had me worrin'."

"No worries, we're taking good care of her," Prompto grinned and Lightning swore she saw Vanille, Serah, and even Fang blush.

Etro help her.

"Well Light, it's good to know your safe. We'll be heading to Caelum Dynasty soon. We'll fill you in on recent reports." Snow told her.

"Alright, I'll send you the coordinates for the stronghold," Lightning pressed a few buttons and sent them the location.

"Alright, we'll all see you soon." Snow said.

"Hold up, I have a few questions. Exactly who is Team Nora and why is my Empire in danger? And how is it possible that all of you are I'Cie? " Noctis asked, his face completely serious.

"Like we've said," Fang was the one to speak, "We'll tell you everything when we get there. It'll be safer and easier to do so."

Noctis wasn't completely convinced, Lightning could tell. "Fine,"

Fang smirked, "See you all soon."

"Take care," Hope added in.

"You too," Lightning said and the screen went blank.

Lightning turned to face Noctis. She could tell he was a bit frustrated, she would be too. She felt the need to comfort him.

"Look, they'll get here soon and you can have all your answers then. Don't worry about it," She assured him. "It'll all be explained."

"Why can't you just tell us," Prompto questioned.

"It's better to hear it from them then me, they would know more. Plus, Fang and Vanille can go into depth about the magic bits about it all." She merely replied.

"And why's that?" Prompto asked.

Light sighed," I don't think you'll believe me if I'd say this but they're from Grand Pulse. They're the last of the Oerba's."

"Wait a minute," Noctis said, "the Oerba have all died off."

"Like I said, I wasn't sure if you'd believe me but...well Vanille and Fang had been petrified in crystal forms for the past five hundred years, "Lightning said, "It was part of their curse."

"So they completed their focus, huh?" Prompto asked.

Lightning nodded, "Yes and now, their being used for another. And since they're from Grand Pulse, they know everything there is to know about the Fal'Cie and about the crystals."

Both Noctis and Prompto exchanged confused looks. They had no reason not to trust Lightning but even so, everything seemed so far fetched.

"Well, if all of it is true, then I have more questions than I have answers." Noctis said.

"All in due time Noct, all in due time." Lightning told him.

Lightning promised.


King Caelum of Caelum Empire/Dynasty, King Albaric and Queen Lyra of Tenebrae, Primarch Galenth Dysley of Cocoon, and President Orion of Niflheim were all seated around a round table with their armed guards.

The atmosphere was very tense and this was a very crucial moment.

"I have discussed the terms of the treaty and I hope that all of you have considered it and wish to join me in peace," Caelum said.

"I, for one, think this treaty is a good idea. There is no point in starting a war," Albaric announced, "My queen and I have agreed to sign this treaty."

The Prime Minister and the President exchanged looks.

"I have no reason to wage a pointless war for a damned Crystal. There is no good that can come of it, so I as well, agree to sign the treaty." Dysley announced.

Now the only one left swas President Orion.

"My job is to protect my people. If this Treaty is the means to do so then be it. I will sign." Orion said.

"Wonderful," Caelum said, "as long as nothing is breached, the power of the crystal will be shared among all the nations and there will be no more war."

"Agreed," Everyone around the table said as they signed the treaty.

No one in there was anticipating what would happen next…

Well I've finally got this chapter done and don't worry, chapter eight is already in progress. I don't think it'll take me more than two weeks to finish it, so it'll be updated soon (: Well tell me what you think, I'd love reviews and criticism.
This by far, is my longest chapter...well I think. So yeah, hopefully it wasn't a disappointing (:
Hope you enjoyed tho!