Wow.. sorry about the really late chapter. I doubt anyone reads this anymore. But yeah, sorry, my father died, so I've been stressed out. I hope you enjoy.

"I don't want to believe this, oh Merlin..." Hermione sighed, placing her hands on her face. "We're dead aren't we?"

Stop. You're scaring our own daughter.

"Sorry," Hermione mumbled, her worries gradually stopped showing and thought about what Draco said to her. Our own daughter. They were really a family, and not even long ago she was in Ron's arms, not exactly happy but they were a family nonetheless. It was hard to accept the fact it would never ever be like that, it was hard to accept her enemy is her lover, and it was so hard to accept she might never see her son again.

Talk to me through here, what's wrong? You looked stressed.

Nothing new, really. I'm just trying to put some sense into my mind. This doesn't seem real.

"Why don't you register Rose and Scorpius to Hogwarts?" Draco asked. It wasn't really a question that needed to be answered though, it was more of a command.

"Oh! Please mom?" Rose begged.

"It's something I don't want to do right now," Hermione said, "I don't feel safe, what if I see Ronald?"

Draco chuckled. "Do you really think Weasley would hurt you? He still loves you, the only person he wants to kill is me... he just wants you to miss him terribly. Even if he did try anything, you could hurt him with just one tap."

"I guess you're right, I'll go," Hermione said and Rose's eyes grew with excitement. She was still a little worried, she didn't know about what though, seeing Ron or just from the news her whole family might die. She hugged Draco tightly, like she was leaving for a while. "I'll be back soon,"

"Promise?" he whispered in her ear as he kissed it gently. She didn't want to leave anymore. Just feeling his breathe on her face felt like the perfect place to be. She suddenly remembered why she went for Draco again, he made her feel so in love again, not like her and Ron, every time they fought she felt a little less for him, which made her upset that she was still with him.

"I promise," She said back as she just let her head lay on his shoulders for a little while. He kissed her forehead and that was his way of saying goodbye.

"Use Aetalis magic!" Draco encouraged. "It won't hurt anymore, you will feel nothing."

"What if I screw up? You said learning how to do it is tough."

"Vidoring is the easiest thing, trust me. Just stop thinking of everything else and think about where you want to go. Just say : Exsto Hogwarts. You'll be fine."

"If I land in a different country, I'm never forgiving you," Hermione warned Draco, as if she was being serious.

"I'll take the risk." Draco said. "Now, go!"

Hermione gave Draco a quick smile before looking back at her kids. "Rose, Scorpius, grab one of my arms, and don't let go. You know what to do. Ready?" After the kids nodded, she looked at Draco again for the last time.

If you need help, I'll always be here. Just talk to me through here, I'll get it, okay? Draco assured her.

I'm not five, Draco. I'll be okay. He smiled as she thought really hard where she wanted to go before she actually said anything.

"Exsto Hogwarts!" Hermione screamed, and as soon as she yelled it, she was gone.

There was a bit of Draco that was gone when she left, but he dealt with it. She'll be back soon, Draco thought. There was more reasons for letting Hermione go just because she needed something else to get the whole dying thing off her mind. No, there was so, so much more. He sighed deeply and then decided to get to work. Before Adalhard came, he needed everything to be perfect. It had to be soon, and if it was, he was going to be more then ready.

"Diagon Alley? Ugh..." Hermione said, disappointed. "I was thinking really hard about Hogwarts too, oh well, this is close enough."

"No more shopping, please, don't kill me here." Scorpius said and Hermione laughed.

"I'm sick of it as much as you are, I wouldn't do that to either of us. For now... let's just go into some shop and look around. Wanna get an owl?"

"Not interested," Rose said, Scorpius agreed. "I wanna check them out though, I never know what I want till I see it."

"I was never into owls either, I'm more of a cat person, but the stores right over there," she pointed out, "I'll be there in a minute. I'll be watching you guys, I just need to check something out before I go in."

The kids didn't even need to say anything. It was like a kid on Halloween, they were so excited to just step a foot in this place. She took out her phone and dialed out Ginny's number, she needed something, someone.

"Hermione?" Ginny asked, happiness in her tone. "Oh, Hermione, I need to talk to you, there's so many things..."

"Great. I'm at diagon alley. You better get here."

"Just me right?"

"No, of course not! Bring Ronald and Harry along too, you know we'd make the happiest family." Hermione said sarcastically.

"No need to get all attitude on me miss, you've been hanging with Malfoy for far too long."

"Really funny Ginny, I'll be waiting. I'm gunna be with Rose and Scorpius in the pet shop." And with that, she hung up. She knew Ginny would be here in a matter of time, they both missed each other, and Hermione really needed a girl talk.

Hermione went into the pet shop, to see many people look at her. They knew her, they knew her name. She didn't want to deal with this "fame" she had still. If someone dared talked about her being here, it could get to Ron or Harry really quick. She rapidly caught up with her kids, and acted like everything was normal, like she was nothing but a ordinary witch.

"Find anything you like?" Hermione asked, trying to ignore the stares she's been getting. Rose and Scorpius knew it too, they were just too awkward to ask.

Rose shook her head, "Nothing to special here. Yet Scorpius on the other hand..."

"Shut up Rose, no one asked you," Scorpius joked around and Rose just rolled her eyes. Before Hermione could ask what he saw that caught his eye, he told her. "There was an owl over there, a beautiful brown one with white dots, but it's nothing I want though. I heard owls are too much to deal with."

"They're not that bad, actually," Hermione told him. "My best friend had one when we were younger. He was his best friend."

"I might want it, I don't know, I don't have any useful money."

Hermione searched through her pockets and handed him some Galleons, "This should be more than enough for an owl, if you want it don't be afraid to get it, they're friendly to have if you treat them right."

"Wow, thanks ... Thank you." Scorpius stopped himself before he could call her that. He felt to weird saying mom, and Hermione understood, it took some time to get used to calling him her son.

"Heh, you're welcome," Hermione said, searching for a fimiliar redhead.

"I think I might buy it," Scorpius said to Rose, in more of a whisper. "Let's check some more out, but I'm pretty sure he's the one."

"Maybe he'll be your friend," Rose giggled, "'cause I'm definitely not."

"Funny Rose, you're such a joke," Scorpius said as they ran to another aisle of animals. Hermione smiled to herself as she watched them both run and laugh, they'd probably would have got in trouble right now, but she guessed that the owner didn't want to yell at "Harry Potter's friend's kids."

Hermione went back outside of the store, waiting for Scorpius and Rose to buy that owl.

"Hermione! Hermione!" A girl screamed in the crowd as she jumped onto the brunette and hugged her tightly.

"I can't breathe, Ginny," Hermione laughed. Ginny didn't even listen, she kept hugging her tight and wouldn't let her go.

"I missed you, what do you expect?" Ginny asked, and finally let go. "Where have you been? Where do you live? Why are you around here?"

"Give me a minute to breathe, Gin. I can't answer a billion questions at once."

"Sorry, but you have me so curious!"

"Aunt Ginny?" Rose asked in shock when leaving the pet store with Scorpius' new owl.

Ginny smiled. "Hey Rose sweetie,"

"Rose!" Scorpius yelled as he ran out the shop, "you git! You're suppose to wait till I was done paying...! Oh, hello." Scorpius had a red tint to his face now, feeling embarrassed how he was acting to a friend of Hermione's. He put his hand out. "My name is Scorpius."

They shook hands awkwardly. "Ginny Weasley. Nice to meet you, Scorpius."

"The same, Mrs. Weasley."

Before the awkward silence could even begin, Hermione broke it. "Let's go out to eat, I'm pretty hungry."

"Yeah, same." Ginny added as they began walking to the nearest cafe.

It was pretty quiet to the walk there, except for the laughing of Rose and Scorpius behind Ginny and Hermione.



So you're not dead yet. Thank Merlin. I'm surprised you didn't contact me earlier. What are you doing?

With Rose and Scorpius. He has an owl.

An owl? Really, what is he, a Gryffindor?

Draco, shut up.

"Hermione?" Ginny said, worried. "Can you hear me?"

Hermione found herself back in reality. They stopped walking and all eyes were on her. Was she not listening for that long? It seemed only a few seconds... "I can hear you. Sorry, I dozed off."

"I can tell," Ginny said, "but you got everyone worried."

It was only Ginny that was worried. Scorpius probably had an idea what was going on, and Rose wouldn't be that worried if it wasn't dangerous. At least Ginny cared. She wondered how much longer she would, though.

It wasn't long after until they got to the nearest cafe. Rose didn't order anything, her excuse was, "I feel sick. Can we go home?".

"After lunch, okay?" Hermione said, she wished she didn't though. What was she going to do with Ginny? Just leave her behind? No, she needed her. Was Ginny going to betray her? Hermione would have never thought of such cruel things, but she was Ron's brother. They're family. Would Ginny betray her brother instead?

After everyone was satisfied in the cafe, it was time to go back home. Ginny was saying her goodbyes to everyone, the last goodbye was for Hermione. The words choked from Hermione's mouth, she didn't know what exactly to say. She was scared of what Draco's reaction would be when he saw Ginny in their household.

"Uh, Ginny," Hermione mumbled, as she was giving her a hug, "Come back to my place, it'll be nice,"

Hermione could tell she was surprised by the way Ginny hesitated. "What would I tell Harry, or... gods, Ron? They might try to find me if they know I'm with you. I don't want to cause more trouble."

"You're acting like there's a war, Ginny," Hermione laughed it off, even though Ginny was right, she could be dangerous to be with, but compared with the other trouble she has, it seemed little. "we're grown up. They can deal being without you."

"I suppose you're right. Sure, why not, let's go."

"This is going to be quite the fun," Rose whispered to Scorpius, "his reaction might be shocking."

"Yeah, Rose," Hermione said out loud, "it should be." Rose's eyes opened quickly, forgetting that Hermione had better hearing as an Aetalis. Ginny looked confused.


Hermione laughed. "Nothing, Gin, my daughter is just a little devil sometimes." With that said, no one else spoke a word, as they all left the cafe, Rose looking at her surroundings one last time.

Ginny broke the silence. "Hermione, where do you live anyway?"

Hermione smiled. "Ginny, you're going to learn something new soon. A new magic, that is."

Ginny cocked her eyebrows. "What's going on?"

Draco, we're having company tonight. Be on your best behavior and please, don't embarass me. Thanks, lover.