This is a Ginny oneshot. It's basically: Ginny sees Harry's limp body being carried into the forest. She goes to the common room and writes a letter. Let's see what happens...

Disclaimer: I own plot. Nothing else.

Harry had won the battle. His friends and most of the Weasleys came and congratulated him. Of course, he just died, then came back to life, and was extremely tired, and asked for permission to retire to the Common Room. The Weasley's accepted his request, and let him to rest. Mrs. Weasley and George were especially sad. Fred was killed a few hours ago, and they just recovered the body. Neville's girlfriend, Hannah Abbott gave him the sad news before the two left to go elsewhere. As he went to the Boys' dorm, Hermione handed him a letter that she said was adressed to him. She looked just as tired as he was, but smiled at the look of her friend alive. He went to a desk and read the letter slowly:

Dear Harry,

Well, you're dead. You're gone. I saw Hagrid carrying your body. It was sad, for all of us. Me, Hermione, Ron. Hermione broke down. Ron had to bring her to the Hospital Wing to calm her down. Neville and Luna were really sad about it, too. I saw Luna cry for the first time today. Neville tried to comfort her, but...she just wouldn't stop.

Anyways, I still won't believe you died. I... I thought you were better than that. I'm still sad, but you're with your parents and Dumbledore. You should be happy now. Don't worry about me, really. But please come to the Burrow and visit me (not during the night, you'll scare me to hell). Well, I guess this is goodbye...

I Love You,


P.S.- I left you some food on your bed. I thought you'd like your last meal from earth to be from me. You know, before you to to heaven permenantly. Don't worry, it's from the house elves.

Harry put the letter down and turned to his bed. There was a piece of red velvet cake, and a note.

For your last day on earth. Hope you like it. I'm miss you.

~ Ginny

Crap. He had to find Ginny. He wanted her with him so bad. In his arms, engulfed in a kiss. He wanted to show her that he wasn't dead after all. She would kill herself if she found out is was true.


Just near the Clock Tower, he found a bunch of red hair curled up in the corner. The red hair cascaded down the girl's shoulders, like a waterfall, and there was a Lily flower in her hair, too. Harry ran next to Ginny and went to her side, pulling her into a tight embrace. She was crying.

"Gin, shhh, it's okay." Harry saw one of her amber eyes peer up from under her hair.

"Harry!" Ginny jumped, hugging him. "Harry, you're alright. I thought you were dead." She was panting hard, and Harry couldn't even calm her down. Poor thing.

"I'm back, Gin. Don't have to worry about me being dead." Harry hugged her tighter. He could feel Ginny's warm breath on his skin.

Ginny breathed a sigh of relief. He's back. And alive.

I dunno, did you like it? It was sort of a oneshot thing. I didn't really like the way it turned out. Anyways, review if you sort of like it (or sort of don't). I'll take anything, really. Just no harsh flames. Thanks and good night, Luna.