A/N: So, last chapter. Thank goodness. This fic has been so difficult for me at times - it'd make my headache worse, stuff like that. So don't ask me why I forced myself to write this. But thank you to everyone for your support, I never thought people would even want to read this as it is rather medical.

Thank you to: Divinia Serit, Chiisana Minako, Iloveplotbunnies, yaba, lisbon69, Famous4it, Ebony10, shopping-luva91, MK, mtm, Jadestar1981 and HOUSEMDFanForever for reviewing part six. And to anyone who has taken the time to read this, I appreciate it.

And hugs for shopping-luva91. You know why. :-)

x tromana

Part Seven

Lisbon has a spring in her step today.

The rest of the team has noticed the subtle shift in her behavior. They know that they're not going to be snapped at for the most ridiculous of things now and frankly, it's a relief. They've been walking on eggshells for over a year now, especially so for the past two months because of this. But that's not as important as finally knowing that their boss is actually feeling a hell of a lot better. Despite the fact they are her subordinates, they care for her surprisingly deeply. After all, she's proven time and time again just how much she cares for them, so it's only fair that they repay the compliment.

When she attended her final appointment with the headache nurse yesterday, Jane went along with her. He'd made a promise to stick beside her throughout her recovery and hadn't intended to break it, even at the last hurdle. Besides, it was nice to see her genuinely smile and thank the nurse profusely for helping her out. And he had wanted to show his gratitude too; Amanda had given him his Lisbon back. The healthy, happier Lisbon rather than the quiet, withdrawn one with sullen eyes and a distinct lack of spark.

Throughout her washout, Jane had been terribly concerned. Whenever he had had an opportunity, he'd researched into daily chronic headaches online. Finding other cases where people still suffered from them five years, ten years, even longer than that, hadn't done much to quell his fears. But now, he doesn't have to worry anymore. Lisbon is one of the lucky ones, all cured, more knowledgeable about her migraine triggers and aware of the dangers of falling into the vicious cycle of taking analgesics daily. And that is something he's able to keep an eye on too. He knows the warning signs now and he might as well use his heightened skills of observation for some good.

If course, no one is happier about her recovery than Lisbon herself. She appreciates every single morning that she wakes up headache free and knows what a blessing that something as simple as that can be. Work no longer feels virtually impossible and she's actually starting to enjoy herself again, in the understated way that she does. Another thing she's learned throughout this is that however vocally she may complain about a certain blond consultant, she really does appreciate him. And it's shown that despite the losses he's endured in the past, despite his fruitless quest for revenge, he can still care for those around him. Maybe, just maybe, there's hope for him yet.

After all, she's grown used to having Jane as such an integral part of her life. Though she'd be reluctant to admit it, Lisbon enjoys him company and his friendship. Besides, she's grown to rely on him and he was the one who didn't give up on her when she was at her bleakest. In fact, he pushed her until the problem was solved and held her hand, figuratively speaking, throughout it. Even before he had actively shown her this level of support, she hadn't been willing to give up on him as he is one of her team and she feels obliged to protect him like she does any of the others. But now, she feels almost validated, like she needs to ensure she drags Jane back in the right direction. Like when they finally catch Red John, that he is more likely to hand him over to her, to deal with legally rather than subject him to Jane's sense of morality.

But she is slightly concerned though. Part of her can't help but wonder if his support was a one time deal and now that she's better, he'll withdraw from her again. Maybe it was even a case of him needing her feeling one hundred percent so that it makes it easier for her to focus on apprehending Red John? Could Jane really but that selfish and egotistical? How often does he do something when there are no obvious benefits for himself? Is she just being paranoid now?

She approaches his couch somewhat tentatively, shifting the box she is carrying from arm to arm. He doesn't even bother to pretend that he had been sleeping ad instead, smiles broadly up at her. After he's moved his legs to make room for her, she perches on the arm and they spend a few minutes just staring at each other, both waiting for the other to start. Lisbon eventually shakes her head, coming to her senses before handing him the box.

"Um, it's to say thank you."

Lisbon's apology is rushed and she's not certain, but she thinks she has managed to avoid blushing. Jane smiles in response; this is somewhat unexpected as he's never thought that Lisbon owes him anything particularly.

"You shouldn't have," he replies and means it.



Jane smiles slyly when he realizes that she has actually listened to him for a change. She's not exactly one for taking orders, which means it's probably a good thing that she's the boss. Carefully juggling the mystery box, he maneuvers himself to a sitting position before opening it.

It's tea, which isn't exactly surprising, but there's flavors and combinations that even he hasn't heard of. Immediately, he concludes that not only must she have imported it from somewhere, but it must have cost her a fortune.

"I do hope you've remembered to order some decaffeinated varieties, woman,"

"Why?" she queries, feeling a little idiotic but pleased with his reaction, nevertheless.

"Because I need someone to try them with."


Lisbon smiles as what he actually means by that dawns on her. She'd just bought it as a simple thank you gift from one friend to another, but she realizes now that she should have known that he'd have other plans. Maybe she shouldn't have underestimated him and maybe he appreciates her company too, despite all the crap she's thrown at him because of the headaches. With a smile, he leads her through to the kitchenette, eager to try one of the selection out. Both are grateful now. If one good thing came out of the debacle, it's their strengthened friendship.
