Title: Library

Author: Sammiantha-x-

Pairing: Kyle x Stan, Stan x Wendy

Notes: Quick drabble, written to help warm me up to this genre.


Kyle knew it was a hopeless venture, really, but for some reason he couldn't help but reach forwards, slowly, and brush his lips across Stan's. As expected, the boy reeled back, arms flailing.

"What the fuck, man?" His eyes were wide, glancing panicked around the library, in which the two boys were the only two souls to be found. If given half the choice, Stan wouldn't even be there, but his friend had insisted that he stay, pulling a pouty face and saying something about 'desertion' and 'super best friends'. One just couldn't ignore those types of arguments. The black haired boy fervently attempted to convince himself that it had nothing to do with the fact that he just could not, under any circumstances, refuse those big, green eyes.

Kyle gave a half smile and shrugged, returning to his work as though nothing had happened. Stan's mouth was hanging open. He figured that he might be in shock. That would also explain the reeling, lurching feeling in his stomach, right? Right?


In the perfect instance of coincidence and unlucky timing, Wendy Testaburger entered the library with a late-return after debate club, just in time to watch as her on-and-off boyfriend of almost nine years leaned forwards, lifted his red-haired best friend's head from a book with his index finger, and kissed him with the sort of nervous, almost shy passion that she had always, always yearned for, yet never quite received. She thought about throwing something. She thought about crying. In the end, she backed quietly out of the library, forgetting to drop her book into the return slot.

Ten minutes later, as she rounded the bend into her street, she smiled humourlessly to herself.. She wondered if he'd tell her. She wondered if he'd let everything go on as usual. She wondered if that would break Kyle's heart.

She wondered if she minded.


AN: Reviews make Sam happy =)