Title: Dark Magic

Authors: Cassy27
Words: 2237
Characters: Merlin, Arthur, Gaius, Morgana
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of Merlin, sadly enough!
Spoilers: No spoilers in this chapter

This story takes place somewhere in season 1

AN: This is it, the final chapter...I know it might come suddenly, but I believe that this story has been told like it should have and that there is no need to drag it out. It is a longer chapter (if that is any comfort) and I hope it is liked...

Chapter 12

"Welcome back," Gaius smiled.

Merlin, who was slowly trying to adjust to his surroundings, tried to search for the origin of the sound. Was that Gaius' voice? It seemed so distant.

Merlin felt a fire in his side and he automatically moved his hand towards it until Gaius stopped him from touching the wound. When Merlin looked him in the eyes, asking for an explanation, he could see the worry written all over his face. None of this made sense. He searched his memory and tried to discover what had happened to him. The last memory that was absolutely clear to him was when he had gotten shot with that arrow of the sorcerer. Then he remembered flashes in which he was talking to an armed Arthur who actually seemed a little hostile towards him and he remembered running through the forest.

"How are you feeling?" Gaius asked. He filled a cup with water and Merlin couldn't wait until he could drink from it. God, he was thirsty.

"Nauseous," he answered. The weakness of his voice surprised him, but Gaius didn't seem to get worried by it. He helped Merlin drink from the cup and then he sat down next to his bed again.

Merlin now gently searched the wound in his side with his fingers, seeing how Gaius was watching him closely as he wanted to make sure that he wouldn't open the wound.

"What happened?" Merlin asked, no longer able to keep all the questions inside his head.

"You don't remember?" Gaius' eyes grew wide and Merlin was even more curious for the truth now. He shook his head.

"Think," Gaius encouraged him as he started filling the cup with water again. Merlin only now noticed the wounds on Gaius' hands and shock filled him. The skin was raw and red and Merlin couldn't believe that it didn't hurt. Looking at Gaius' face, he could still see traces of pain. Who had done that to him?

And then he remembered.

"No," he gasped. How could he have hurt Gaius like that, no matter what had gotten into him. He remembered his talk with Morgana again and his fight with Arthur while using magic. How could all of that have happened? Why hadn't he been stronger and fought the urge to hurt the people he loved around him?

Another question Merlin couldn't help having was why he was lying in a comfortable bed with Gaius next to him and not in a dirty dungeon, chained as he was revealed as a sorcerer.

"Gaius, I'm so sorry," Merlin whispered. He hardly dared looking at him anymore.

"What happened was not your fault," Gaius reassured him. A faint smile even filled his face.

"I did that," Merlin said, pointing towards Gaius' hands. The sudden movement made him groan in pain as the wound in his side started protesting.

"Here," Gaius simply said, handing Merlin over a small bottle with a yellow looking substance in it, "it will help against the pain."

"Thanks," Merlin smiled. He gladly drank the whole bottle empty and already felt its numbing effect. "Why am I here and not arrested?"

"Because nobody knows about your magic," Gaius answered as if it were the most logical answer in the world, "I told them that sorcerer gave you magic."

"But what truly happened to me then?" Merlin still needed to know.

"He turned your magic darker. He influenced your thoughts and emotions so that you would turn against Arthur."

Merlin couldn't believe he had actually fought Arthur with magic.

"I am so sorry," he sighed, "really, Gaius, I'm-"

"Merlin, this is not your fault," Gaius said, stressing every word he said as he wanted Merlin to believe him. He manipulated you, so don't worry about it. Now sleep, you need to rest." He knew ho thorn Merlin now felt, but he really needed to sleep if he wanted to get better soon.

"Thank you, Gaius," Merlin whispered as Gaius stood up, wanting to leave him so he wouldn't get disturbed any more.

"I'm just glad to have you back," Gaius smiled. Merlin smiled back and not long after that, he fell asleep, knowing he needed to rest as Arthur would want him to come back to work soon.

* * *

The next day soon came and Merlin was surprised to hear that he had slept over eighteen hours straight. He had to admit that he already felt better as he could sit up alone now without his wound protesting.

It was around noon when a short knock could be heard.

"Come in," Gaius said. He placed down the book he had been holding and waited on who would enter. It was Arthur who looked a little uncomfortable coming here and Merlin knew it was because he would never want to admit that he was coming to see how Merlin was doing. Admitting that he was worried about him would be like admitting that he considered Merlin to be his friend. Merlin smiled though when he saw the prince entering.

"Gaius," Arthur greeted him, nodding to the man as he walked further in, "Merlin, good to see you awake."

"Thanks," Merlin said.

"How are you feeling?" Arthur asked, standing a little awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"I have been better," Merlin laughed softly as laughing loudly would cause him pain, "but I'm glad that everything is alright with everybody."

"Yeah," Arthur said, "you know it is not your fault, right?"

Merlin nodded even though he didn't truly believed it. His eyes shifted towards Gaius' hands again. "Gaius has told me enough, but I am going to tell you as well; I'm sorry."

"Nobody got hurt," Arthur said, but then he rephrased, "nobody got seriously hurt, but everybody is alright now."

"Thanks for stopping by," Merlin said. He just wanted Arthur to know that he really appreciated it.

"Yeah," the Prince snorted, still not knowing how to behave correctly without showing some vulnerability, "are you going to try and kill me again this time for doing so?"

Merlin couldn't help but laugh while Gaius seemed to be a little shocked. Merlin needed to laugh even louder and then the pain kicked in.

"Aw," he exhaled, but still he couldn't stop laughing.

"Merlin, you must stay calm," Gaius warned him.

"Sorry," Merlin smiled and then he turned to Arthur again, "I will not try and kill you again, I wouldn't be able to do so anyway."

"Fighting me with magic was cheating," Arthur agreed. A smile filled his face as well and Merlin could see he felt more comfortable now. "I expect you back at work soon," Arthur continued saying, trying to appear serious still, but Merlin didn't stop smiling.

"Of course, Sire," Merlin said.

Arthur nodded to him and then said his goodbye to Gaius before leaving again. It was silent in the room for a short moment as Gaius and Merlin looked at each other briefly.

"That went smoothly," Merlin said, lifting up his shirt as he wanted to check if his wound hadn't opened by all the laughing. After another short moment of silence, Gaius started laughing as well, knowing for certain that everything would be alright.

* * *

Two weeks had passed and today was the first day Merlin was going to work again. His wound was still not fully healed, but it didn't hurt anymore unless Merlin made rapid or sudden movements. All he needed to do was stay calm and everything would be alright.

His mind wandered to Morgana as he walked through the halls of the castle. He was going to visit her for the first time since he had woken up as she hadn't come to see him yet. Gaius had told him that she felt very guilty and that she probably couldn't face him yet after she had stabbed him.

Gwen had come to see him nearly every day and she too had told him that Morgana was feeling awful about it, so Merlin was going to see her before he would go to Arthur and make everything right again between them. He and Gaius had agreed that Merlin would pretend not to remember everything that had happened. Merlin feared that him calling Morgana a witch in a rather offensive manner also caused her to be reluctant to have visited him.

When he arrived at her chambers, Merlin saw Gwen just walking away. After taking in a deep breath, he knocked on the door and waited on Morgana to invite him in.

"Lady Morgana," Merlin greeted her.

"Merlin." She seemed surprised to see him here and now, but she still smiled.

"I came to thank you," Merlin said and he could immediately see the confusion in her eyes. "You stopped me from hurting people, from killing Arthur."

"But I nearly killed you!" Morgana still didn't understand.

"But you obviously didn't," Merlin smiled and he could see Morgana loosen up once she saw he had his childish smile back, the smile everyone knew so well. Merlin knew though that the toughest part still had to come and he needed to do this right.

He acted as if he was about to leave when he turned around again. Morgana patiently waited on him to say something more.

"I don't know if I owe you an apology?"

Morgana frowned and Merlin recognized some fear as well. She knew what he was talking about, but Merlin pretended not to see the fear.

"Apparently I was rude to everyone who crossed my path, but I don't remember it all. If I said something to you, then I am sorry."

"No," Morgana quickly said, "you didn't say anything."

"Thank God for that," Merlin sighed with relief. He smiled as everything had gone according to plan. Morgana would never know that Merlin still remembered and she would be able to feel comfortable around him again.

He said his goodbye and left the room, heading towards Arthur's chambers, knowing he was late for his first day. He didn't bother knocking on the door, he just entered.

"You're late," Arthur said who was standing at the window.

"I'm sorry," Merlin apologized.

"Glad you're back though," Arthur mumbled. Merlin didn't answer to it, just smiled as he started collecting dirty clothes which lay everywhere around the room. There were even dirty plates with food on it which had to be older than three days. It was even starting to smell awfully.

After having done all that, Merlin suddenly noticed that Arthur was still standing near the window.

"Is something wrong?" he simply asked, starting to make up Arthur's bed now.

"Do you believe that some sorcerers can be good?" Arthur asked. Merlin couldn't help but look at him now. He took a step closer towards the Prince as he was trying to see his face. He seemed to be deep in thought.

"Yes," Merlin answered as Arthur turned to face him now, "I believe that not everybody who practices magic is evil."

"That is funny coming from you," Arthur said, still serious. Merlin frowned.

"A sorcerer gave you evil magic, made you hurt people and yet you believe magic can be good," Arthur explained.

"Yes," Merlin simply said, "I do believe that, why do you ask?"

Arthur turned his gaze towards the floor. "Because I met someone, a sorcerer, that only wished to help me. He wasn't evil or corrupt."

"That is because not all magic is evil or corrupt," Merlin said, still looking at Arthur. What he was saying now could get him into trouble as he was obviously showing support towards magic, but then again, Arthur had met a sorcerer and not arrested him, otherwise, Merlin would have heard that news by now.

"See," Arthur looked up again and grinned, "that is why I am glad to have you back, because you sometimes you say things that do make sense. That and there is still a lot of work to be done."

Merlin smiled, recognizing the good old Arthur again who always needed to make stupid jokes, but he also smiled because he now knew there was hope for magic after all. Arthur was starting to believe that not all magic was evil, that some was good and could help him.

Merlin knew that a day would come where magic would be allowed again and that Arthur would be the one to welcome it as a King.

Only one more question was left unanswered and Merlin knew that one day he would receive an answer to it. Who was the sorcerer that Arthur had met? Merlin didn't care if it would take him years to find out, he would know his identity eventually.

And with that Merlin got back to work, hoping that the next few days would go by peacefully as he had seen enough action for the past few weeks. Some peace and quiet would do them all some good.

* * *

The end

* * *

AN: That was it, the end. I thought this was the best way to end; Merlin is completely safe as nobody thinks he has magic, Morgana trusts him again with her life, Arthur is opening up to the idea that magic can be good as well and Merlin can continue his old life again. I hope this chapter as well as the story was liked and you know the way to let me know your thoughts...please review for the last time =)

I want to thank everyone who reviewed before on the other chapters. I want to thank those that read the story and stuck with it all the way 'till the end, just...THANKS and have another great day!