
Despite the fact that the changes will only seen at the end of this chapter, said changes will cause the major plot shift to make it more plausible and clear. I figured that the story's original version will just imitate "Just My Luck's" plot. So yeah…thanks to astraldrop11 for the very wonderful idea :)

I will definitely update the second installment as soon as I get to finish the fifth chapter of Contrasting Parallels.

Comments are lovely.

Warning: Rated-PG. The story is set in Alternate Universe.


Chapter 1: Her Wish

He had everything and she had nothing.

The prince, unfortunately, was the luckiest insufferable brat in the whole world. The Jerk but ironically had been dreaded hot and handsome by a great deal of woman specie. Echizen Ryoma was the tennis prodigy who championed and dumbstruck the whole world with his tennis skills and undeniably good looks. Just one smirk and you would fall on your knees. Hadn't she been hearing the same perfection like forever?

The saddest part was to know that she too had been one of the 'superlatives', in her way at least. She had been the clumsiest and even the most wretched woman on the face of the earth. She was hopeless. And to top it off, she was kicked out from her job from all the problems that she had given the company. Define ineptness, it is Ryuuzaki Sakuno.

Of course there was no way that she could call it an impasse. That she was born to be doomed and that fate hated her. She only wished for another chance and yet her luck wasn't working.

"B-But still, why me?" she asked almost whining, taking another swig of whiskey. "I did my best but I was expelled?"

"You tripped over one of the investors with a hot coffee, broke four table glasses plus thirteen goblets and a photocopy machine?" Tomoka enumerated, shock written all over her face.

Sakuno shrugged, "I said I was sorry," she defended. "And…they deducted everything in my salary. I-I don't see the point."

And no matter how honest, faithful and hardworking she was, she would still lose her job. How life could be so rude was just beyond her.


Echizen Ryoma sat on the blue velvet sofa inside of his glorious presidential suite. Life couldn't get better than it was for him. He practically had everything— fame, girls, glory, looks and tons of money— though he hadn't been the best person in the whole world. He abused his endorsers, caused pain to women and used his good looks to entice them for temporal pleasures not to mention all the gambling that he was involved.

Virtually, he exploited everything he had.

However, things kept coming. They just needed him; his name and his skills. He was everybody's icon, exalted even if beyond evil and no one could tell if it was going to ever stop soon.

"Sir," his beautiful secretary— and fourth girlfriend for the month of April— called in a soft voice. "Hanari-san wants to talk to you," her tone altered into disgust at the sound of the name.

Hanari Keiko, his ex-secretary slash ex-lover had been quite tough on keeping their relationship longer. She had been so desperate…so eager, so clingy so possessive and irredeemable. He wouldn't say she wasn't attractive, but her beauty was a mere material to cover up her slut nature. And that he must note that it wasn't seducing him anymore. She was a kind of person who would destroy the image of women's generation just to have one more night with him.

He shrugged; the woman in front of him was not in the least unusual, "Do you want me to tell her that you have more important things to attend to?" she said suggestively.

So addictive and lustful.

"Why yes," he replied and grabbed her waist.

She sat excitingly on the prince's lap and smiled expectantly, knowing what was about to happen tonight. She instantaneously wrapped her arms around his neck, her eyes full of pleasure and desire, as if a predator that was hungry to devour its prey.

And the rest was history.


Sakuno lie on the bed restlessly. The job was very important to her. It was her bread and butter. And death wasn't exactly very welcome at the very moment. But even after countless pleas, she guessed they wouldn't consider.

Absurdly, she even thought that promotion would be her best present for this year but fate was really rough on her. The company wouldn't even give her a chance to prove that she was worth the work and instead of the promotion she was anticipating, it was dismissal that had occurred upon her.

It was tiring, dearly, to be born good but nonetheless unprivileged.

If only she could have everything.


If only wishes were made to be bought she would be willing to trade her everything altogether.

If only…

She continued to reckon on the possibilities until she drifted off to Dreamland.


Sakuno squirmed, feeling the hot and sunny morning seep through her pale skin. She really didn't want to get up. The distress of losing her job was enough to ward her off from the painful reality of the world forever. She couldn't imagine how other people could fire someone here and there without thinking about it ten times. Tripping over something and spilling cups of coffee were very common mistakes among workers nowadays and she was only one of them. So it wasn't actually about ineffectiveness, it was in fact the authenticity that she was after all a human.

She sighed. Of course she knew she was lying. Breaking tables, goblets and photocopy machines were in no way a common scenario in office hours. But anyone could make mistakes every now and then. Once…twice…thrice. But then again, she just had a lot of them. She had to move on, she decided. All she had to do was find another job and do her best to get the lustrous promotion she had ever wanted.

Opening her puffy eyes from last night's commotion, she got up…

She gasped and fell flat on her back as soon as it ensued. Her eyes went wide as she was sure that she felt a hand on her stomach. Andthe odd thing was…it wasn't hers. She shook her head and closed her eyes trying to pull herself together.

Now that she tried to ignore it, she could actually sense that someone was beside her- purring silently. She opened her brown eyes to confirm if it wasn't hallucination or the whisky or the frustration. And sure, there was indeed a guy beside her. Her eyes regarded the place widening in the process as she came to a realization that she wasn't in Tomoka's room but in a beautiful and large suite that could fit Hulk himself inside.

Moreover, the guy was still asleep, giving her occasional caresses on her bare shoulder that sent electric shocks down her spine.

Sakuno took a deep breath to get rid of the growing panic inside her. Slowly, she attempted to lift the bed sheets off her only to find out that she was completely undressed. Her throat tightened and she couldn't find her voice to say anything, to reprimand him or to scream for help. Her head was spinning in circles as she tried to recall how on earth she ended up sleeping with him. She drank a lot the night before but it wasn't like she could sleep walk and do the things that she couldn't imagine she could be doing…ever. Or so she thought. Now she couldn't even be sure if she did the one night stand willingly.

Oh my…

She tried to release herself away from him but the man next wouldn't just give in, producing occasional grunts of complaints as the way he held her waist got tighter and tighter. She couldn't see the man's face, his head was snuggled lower on her shoulders and she couldn't risk moving, afraid that she might wake him up. All she could see was his tousled, soft and dark green hair. She couldn't even see the rest of his body. It was covered up with the bed sheets and said sheets were covering hers as well.

Sakuno couldn't believe it. She wouldn't claim that she was the most innocent woman in the face of the earth but making love with a man, a complete stranger no less, was an absurd idea and she wanted to slap herself for doing the said detested idea.

"This can't be happening…" she whispered in denial.

What would her deceased grandmother say about this?

Alright, she encouraged herself, she had to clear things with this man. And by faith, she gave him a slight nudge.

"A-Anou…" she uttered awkwardly.

The upsetting thing was the fact that the man didn't give an effort to wake himself up. She tried again and nudged him, more forceful this time.

And he groaned.

He only groaned.

Sakuno frowned; the man sure was making things hard for both of them. Her body was already numb from her unmoving position and he was there, nuzzled comfortably beside her body.

She coughed and wished that it would wake him up.

And the man laughed derisively.

He was laughing.

And she couldn't see why.

"Morning," he whispered, nibbling her left ear as he continued further to her jaw line down to her neck.

Sakuno could feel the muscles of her face tighten, it wasn't bizarre…he had taken advantage of her. "Pe-Pervert!" she screamed, swatting him off her with a pillow, as tears kept streaming down her closed eyes.

"O-Oi! Oi! Stop it!" the man tried to stop her helplessly, futilely avoiding every hit from her.

"G-Go away!" Sakuno couldn't stop herself even if the man was already ten feet away. She pushed back the damp hair off her face as she spoke, "D-D-Don't touch m—" her sentence was cut midway when she finally saw who her harasser was… the man she couldn't imagine to be with…

"Echizen Ryoma?" she asked disbelievingly.

...To be continued


Date Submitted: December 22, 2009