
They never really went into Tramm much in the show and he's not anywhere on the web. (which is understandable because they made up Tramm for the cartoon and named him after one of the producers) So, I'm just going to wing it, 'kay?

I don't own the Titans....they say i'm too young :(

Read and review, you guys know the drill.

Tramm tinkered with one of the many gadgets in his underwater cave. He had been pretty lonely since Aqualad had gone to the surface and joined the Titans East. The Atlantian still called and visited regularly and he also had the other Titans but it was tough to have visitors in the ocean especially ones without gills...

The silence was broken by a loud ringing echoing over the rocks. Tramm dropped his tools and ran across the cavern to his communicator.

"Hey, Tramm." Aqualad's face greeted the fish boy when he flipped open the screen.

Tramm chattered a hello and began to gesture widely with his hands.

Aqualad laughed. "Yeah Tramm, I've miss you too. How you been?"

The other boy bounced happily and began to tell his friend about the new baby dolphin that was born recently. She was amazingly quick and already swam circles around the sharks. Tramm was thinking about naming her Splash because she was always splashing water in his face. She seemed like a trickster.

"That's so cool!" The Atlantian's eyes narrowed with mischief. "Guess what's new on the surface."

Tramm could smell a good story a mile away. Aqualad was always highlighting the best battles for him and telling him funny stories about the Titans. What will it about this time?

"Well, we saw an article in the news paper-"

Defiantly gossip.

"-and it seems like Robin and Starfire hooked up in Tokyo, which is extremely overdue if you ask me...now we just need to get Kid Flash and Jinx together." Aqualad tapped his chin thoughtfully.

Tramm nodded vigorously. The tension between those four were almost unbearable.

"We can't wait until Rob and Star come home! None of the Titans West are picking up their communicators, they're apparently on vacation until further notice. I think they deserve the break. They all work so hard. I'm surprised they didn't do this earlier."

Tramm chattered in response. Robin might've snapped under the pressure.

"Yeah, Robin is pretty stressed out but that's all in the job, I guess. He is the leader after all. But hopefully Starfire will help make some of that stress disappear." Aqualad winked suggestively and the fish boy laughed.

The Atlantian glanced over his shoulder as an alarm started to go off at his end. He looked back at his friend apologetically. "Sorry, seems like I'm being summoned."

Tramm understood and he nodded. The city came first.

Aqualad smiled and gave a wave before disconnecting.

The fish boy threw the communicator over his shoulder and into his ever handy backpack. The dripping and sloshing of water was the only thing that met his ears.

It's so lonely down here...

Suddenly, something burst out of the water and swam towards him. Tramm smiled before kneeling down and dipping his hand in the water as the dolphin began to circle it.

Splash lifted her head up and shook some water in his face, squeaking happily.

The fish boy laughed and began pet the dolphin's snout.

I guess I'm not completely lonely but you're no girlfriend...

Splash pushed past his hand and pressed her nose to Tramm's cheek, almost like a kiss.

That only made the boy laugh harder and he fell over on the rocks.

No. no. no, he doesn't love a dolphin. Get those thoughts out of your head! But wait, he is a fish boy so it would work...wouldn't it? :S (sorrysorrysorrysorry)

Awwwe!!! Cute. It's like friggin' Sea World! XDXD I thought Tramm would get lonely without Aqualad so i gave him a little friend :)

Love you, my loyal kids!