An: How long has it been? Sorry fans of this for taking so long to update this. : ) But this will be the last chapter. I'm going to start I heart vampires 2 because I think the first part will just be up to this point. Look out for the next installment, I'll have it up a few days after this post. So without futher a do

I heart vampires Chapter 25: what will the future hold?

Days passed, and the two best friend's couldn't find where Neji could be. They didn't understand it. How can he just up and disappear? Garra was a mess and Naruto didn't know how to help his friend out.

Days turned into months, and with summer right around the corner they didn't know if they would ever see Neji again. Garra sat in front of his computer replaying all the vlogs they did together. What's going on?

Garra and Naruto were once again in Garra's bedroom doing a vlog. "I'm going crazy waiting for the next book yet again." Naruto said with a laugh. "Hopefully Mikoto will release the date of the next book." Naruto smiled, "So since this is the end of our senior year we are excited to announce that we both got into college. Who would have guess with my grades?"

"No one." Garra said from his bed. He was still a bit shy when it came to the vlogs.

"Don't be jealous that you worked your butt off at school while I didn't and still got into a good college." Naruto said back with a smile. Garra didn't answer and instead huffed and looked away. "I think he's still butt hurt. Well we are going to different colleges, but that won't stop us from vloging. It's only a 30 minute drive between us so we will make time to do vlogs, just not as often."

There was a noise outside. It sounded surprisingly like someone playing the drums. Without meeting a beat Garra jumped up from the bed and ran outside. "With that said, We'll see you next time!" Naruto said as he stopped the recording to upload the video.

Outside the house Garra ran to the balcony and looked over to where the noise was coming from. Garra's breath hitched as he saw the man he was hopelessly in love with. "Neji!" he yelled out.

Down bellow the man smiled, "Did you miss me?"

"Are you kidding?" Garra was close to tears as he saw him. "Don't you ever do that to me again."

Naruto was soon out on the balcony as well. "Well looks like Mr. mysterious vampire hunter decided to show up." Neji rolled his eyes at the blonde.

"Are you going to come down here?" He asked referring to Garra. Garra didn't need to be asked twice. He ran back inside and down his stairs.

"Hey, don't leave like that again Neji." Naruto called out as Garra went out to see him. "He missed you."

Neji nodded his head, and a second later a red headed boy collided with him. "Don't do that to me again." He repeated. Neji smiled and leaned in to give the boy a long over due kiss.

An: It's supper short I know, but the second part of this will be up soon. And I think you'll love the beginning part of that. : ) And there will be another adventure.
