"They'll never us be together, Roxas."

"I know..."

"They'll always be hanging over your shoulder."

"I know..."

"I won't be here forever."

"...I know."

"What don't you know, Roxas."

The night was calm around the two lovers, a clear star filled sky filled with warm air. A few ducks sitting by the motionless pond and an empty bench under a willow tree. The two opposite lovers were sitting together on the wet grass by the fence that surrounded the area. Even though it was calm out in the summer air, the area around Axel and Roxas was tense.

The firey red head stood up from his damp spot in the grass next to his lover. The blonde, Roxas, looked out at the silent pond glimmering under the moonlight. His hands were shaking as he stared out at nothing, trying his hardest not to look up at Axel.

"I don't know what to do..." He whispered to Axel, daring a glance.

Axel's eyes searched around the night sky for an answer when he suddenly bit his lip and stomped on the ground.

"Just come with us!" Axel yelled down at Roxas, not meaning to scare him.

"You know I can't!" Roxas yelled back, his eyes filling with tears.

Roxas turned his head quickly, realizing that Axel noticed the tiny droplets on his face. The evidence of his stress was finally showing and Axel couldn't help but let his heart swell at the sight. Axel immediately regretted his outburst and sat back down, this time he sat himself behind Roxas. Axel wrapped his arms around Roxas, the warmth from his black sweater radiating onto Roxas's bare skin. Roxas felt Axel's head rest on his shoulder, the end of Axel's spiked hair rubbing against his cold, exposed neck.

"Please, think about it...I know you're still underage and controlled by them, but please Roxy." Axel whispered into the younger boys ear. Axel laced his fingers with Roxas's as he placed a soft kiss on the boys neck, getting his head to turn.

"I can't leave, Axel...I don't have a job, how would I pay for anything? You don't have room for me at the beach house, it was meant for you and Demyx."

"You can stay in my room, Roxas, you know that. We'll find you a job down there, I'm sure there's tons of places looking for help. Even if you can't get a job, I wouldn't mind paying for you to live there." Axel tightened his grip.

"No, I can't let you do that...Besides, I don't want Demyx to think I'm taking advantage of you." Roxas sighed and leaned back against Axel's warm body.

"Dem would never think that, he loves you almost as much as I do." Axel smirked, stroking Roxas's fingers.

"Still, I'd feel horrible. And if I didn't get a job, what about school? I'm a senior and half way through, unlike you I haven't finished yet...I even got accepted into a collage." Roxas felt his worries start to pill onto him again.

"...Roxas, your father is only sending you to that collage to get you away from him. Hollow Bastion is full of assholes and drug dealers, please come with me." Axel begged.

"My father is sending me there because, he wants me to be a doctor one day..."

"That's not what you want, Roxas. I know you better than anyone, hell I know you better than you know yourself."

"Please, enlighten me." Roxas smirked and rolled his head to the side, letting Axel look into his eyes.

"You love to write, Roxas. You imagine and create worlds that I've never even dreamt of. Your way with words and the feelings you express, blow my mind every time, Roxas." Axel closed his eyes.

"I know, but, Axel seriously what are the odds that writing will get me somewhere?" Roxas whispered softly, feeling as if he spoke to loud their world would shatter.

"That's the chance you have to take. If you believe in what you do, and I believe you do, you'll get somewhere." Axel unlaced his right hand from Roxas's and used it to tilt the blonde's chin up towards him. "You're amazing." Roxas smirked before closing his eyes and letting Axel kiss him.

"I love you, Axel." Roxas whispered with his eyes still closed.

"I love you too, Roxas." Axel opened his eyes, starring at his blond before looking off at the moon above them.

"Don't leave me." Roxas buried his head in Axel's chest, lacing their fingers again.

Axel didn't say anything, he only sealed his promise with a soft kiss to the top of Roxas's head. Both boys never wanted this moment to end, but in reality the moment had to end.

"Come on, I'll take you home...Demyx is probably wondering about where I am." Axel sighed after a long period of silence.

"Or he's passed out on the couch with his sitar." Roxas weakly smiled.

"You're probably right..." Axel smiled down at the blonde, "Still, we have to get you home. Your parents hate me enough."

"Yeah..." Roxas agreed, letting Axel get up than, letting the red head help him up.

Roxas gave a soft 'thank you' before walking hand and hand with Axel towards the car. The car was parked a block away from the entrance, letting the two share a few more moments together before the car ride home. Axel opened the car door from his side and got in, reaching over to unlock the door for Roxas.

Roxas sat on the leather seat and pulled his seat belt over his chest before raising his foot up and resting it on the dashboard. Axel glanced over at his boyfriend's position and smirked as he started his car.

"You know, I thought I told you not to put your foot up there." Axel joked, glancing down at his gas gage.

"Sorry..." Roxas put his foot down, side glancing at Axel when he felt Axel's hand clasp over his.

"It's fine, I was playing around...Want to go get gas with me? I'm running low." Axel smirked.

"Yeah, sure." Roxas suddenly felt his phone go off in his pocket, the vibrations running down his leg making him shiver.

"Mommy calling?" Axel's voice held a hint of amusement.

"Hey, dad." Roxas answered, noticing Axel's hands tighten on the wheel.

Axel kept his eyes on the road, listening to Roxas talk.

"We're just going to fill up Axel's car, than I'll be home....Dad, we're already by the gas station....I can't force him to take me home now!....I'll be there when I get there!...Bye, dad!" Roxas slammed his phone shut as Axel made a turn into the station, biting his lip again.

"Hi, can I help you?" A short, older man came up to Axel's window as Axel shut the car down.

"Yeah, twenty regular."

"Cash or credit?"

"Cash..." Axel looked down and pulled his wallet out of his jeans pocket.

"...Roxas." Axel pulled the bill out and looked over at Roxas.

"What?" Roxas kept his gaze on the store in front of him, taking in all the details about the store. Apparently, they sold Ice's for 99 cents.

"Three days. We're leaving in three days, and after that you won't have to deal with them anymore." Axel tried to remind his lover of the situation's results.

"Axel, please...stop bothering me about this...Let me think." Roxas closed his eyes, blocking the tears from falling.

"I'm sorry, Rox." Axel leaned over slowly, brushing his fingers over Roxas's face and placing a kiss on Roxas's cheek.

The pump clicked and the short man returned, taking Axel's money and letting the boys leave the station.

Axel and Roxas stayed quite during the short ride home, the feeling of sadness overwhelming Roxas. He didn't want to stay here in Twilight Town, he'd love to go Destiny Islands with Axel and Demyx. In one of his stories, Roxas could write the real life problems away, but in real life he had to deal with them. Truth of the matter was, Roxas couldn't afford a life on his own.

Axel pulled up to Roxas's home, cutting the engine as he let his green eyes look over at Roxas. Axel looked down at the seat belt restraining Roxas in his seat still. He reached over and pushed the red button on the buckle, letting the metal slide up and over Roxas. Axel smirked weakly, looking up at Roxas with hopeful eyes.

"I don't want you to go, can't you wait another year..." Roxas braced himself.

"You know why, Roxas my job is there, and my only home...I was kicked out, unlike you I don't have mommy and daddy to support me and hand me everything." Axel hit a nerve in Roxas that he knew he shouldn't have.

"Fuck, Axel! I'd rather be kicked out, than be held hostage! I hate my life at home! I know the second I go in there, I'm going to get it! You know why? Because I spent night with you! They give me what I want, in hopes that I will stay with them!" Roxas opened the door quickly, almost slamming his own fingers in the door.

Axel cursed to himself before opening his door quickly, chasing after Roxas.

"Roxas, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that, you know that." Axel grabbed Roxas's hand, only to get shaken off violently.

"Sure you didn't." Roxas walked up his steps, leaving Axel to stand alone on the front lawn.

Axel watched his blond angel walk into his dark house placed in hell. Before turning back to his car, Axel watched an older version of Roxas walk to the door, glaring at the red head before closing the door. Axel didn't need to see what was happening in order to understand how Roxas felt right now. Axel knew to well of what happened behind closed doors.


"You hung up on me." Roxas felt the tone his father had, with one look at his brother Roxas knew this wasn't going to be good.

"You were being irrational, dad." Roxas tried to reason.

"I'm your father! I'm allowed to do whatever I want to you!" Roxas glanced at his older brother, the horror on his face was etched perfectly.

"Like I give a shit if you were the pope." Roxas replied before feeling a hard smack on the back of his head.

"Roxas!" His older brother was heard yelling before Roxas was hit again. "Dad stop!"

"Sora, go to your room. Roxas needs to be put in his place." Their father was taking off his belt slowly, watching Roxas nurse his bleeding lip.

"Dad, seriously. This needs to stop!" Sora knelled down by his younger brother, helping him up off the hardwood floor.

"Let go of him, Sora." Their father was calm, but still infuriated with the younger of his sons.

"I'm taking Roxas up to the bathroom, he's taking a shower and going to bed. I'll make sure of it." Sora promised, putting an arm under Roxas's arm.

"...No. Sora, now." Sora glared at his father as he raised the belt in Roxas's direction. "Just drop him on the ground."

Their father glared as Sora made no move to putting his brother down.

"No, I'm not letting you-" A quick snap and Roxas yelled out in pain.

Sora looked down at Roxas was suddenly crying out in pain. He was hit with the belt on his exposed leg, a red spot formed over where a bruise would soon take over.

"Fuck, Sora just let him fucking do it!..." Roxas bit his lip, trying to get out of his brothers loving embrace.

"Roxas..."Sora whispered to him.

"Please...you and I both know he won't give in." Roxas closed his eyes, feeling Sora slowly let go of him.

The new few seconds of Roxas's life were fast paced and painful. Roxas blocked out Sora's plea for their father to stop and tried to ignore the stinging pain of the leather belt being slapped against his skin and clothes. It was over soon, and as promised Sora did help him up the stairs after their father left the room.

Sora helped Roxas sit on the toilet seat as he started him a hot bath. Sora sat on the floor beside the tub as Roxas held his hand over his eyes, not wanting Sora to see his pain. Sora pressed his lips together, letting his soft hand press against Roxas's hand.

"Roxas..."Sora spoke softly over the sound of the rushing water.

"I can't stay here and I can't leave...What the fuck am I supposed to do, Sora?" Roxas asked desperately.

Sora didn't have an answer for his broken brother, he simply sat up and help Roxas out of his clothes. Roxas let his older brother help him into the tub of welcoming hot water. Sora knew what would help, he always knew what to do when Roxas needed him.

"I'll go make you some, tea. Want me to wash your hair?" Sora asked.

"...Sure, thanks." Roxas stared off at the titled wall.

"Okay...I'll be back." Sora walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Sora knew of all the problems Roxas had. Sora was the first one to know about Roxas and Axels relationship, he was the one who gave Roxas advice about it in the first place. Sora never told anyone, and helped Roxas hide it since he knew their father wouldn't allow it. Sora and Roxas's mother was never home, so they didn't have to worry about her as much.

The day Roxas got caught with Axel, was the worst possible ways to get caught. When Roxas got caught, Sora wasn't home. Roxas and Axel were spending their night together in front of the flat screen in Roxas's room, Axel being Axel got playful and took off his shirt. Roxas knew the older boy was only playing with him and began making out with him. At that moment, his father walked in catching more than one thing.

He found out his youngest son was gay. He found out Roxas had a boyfriend. He found out that he's had a boyfriend for three months. He found out Sora knew, Roxas was gay and had a boyfriend.

In a short sentence, Roxas lost his relationship with his father that night. Soon to follow, his mother also was displeased and hurt by the new information. The only people Roxas had, were his brother and Axel, and its been that way for the past two months.

Roxas's father wasn't normal, he was abusive when he felt he had to be, controlling and found out dirt about everyone. Needless to say, his father had dirt on Axel that was forcing the boy to leave town.

"You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals,
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel,
Do it again now,
You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals,
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel,
Gettin' horny now!"

Roxas looked over at the sound of the ring tone he knew belonged to Axel and let a smile ghost over his features, before frowning again. Roxas watched his pants vibrate on the toilet seat as his phone moved about inside. Roxas moved up in the water, letting his skin break contact with the water to be violated by the cold air. Shivering, Roxas reached for his pants and pulled his phone free.

It was only a text from the red head, but anything from Axel right now was good enough. Axel did piss him off before, but he loved the outrageous red head. What couple didn't fight?

I'm really sorry, babe. Call me, I want to make sure you're alright.

Roxas felt his heart beat faster at the text, he decided to let his boyfriend sweet a little before answering. Roxas would call him after his bath. Roxas placed his phone back on his pile of clothes, now waiting for his brother to get back.

As if on que, Sora walked in with a small smile and a cup of tea for his brother.

"Hey, feeling better?" Sora knelt down beside the tub to hand Roxas his cup.

"Yeah, thank you, Sora." Roxas took the cup gratefully, sipping slowly.

"No problem, Roxas." Sora smiled and looked down at his hands resting on his ankles. "Turn around, I'll wash your hair for you."

Roxas turned his body and let Sora massage soapy liquids through his hair, just like how their mother used to do it. Back when everything was normal, and the only pressure they had was when they would be able to eat junk food again. The days that Roxas would kill to have back.