Title: Back Home

Rated: G

Summary: Castiel finds God. In Kansas

It was pouring in Lawrence, Kansas, but the weather did not dampen Castiel's mood. He had finally found his Father, after two long years of searching he had found Him!

He was standing alongside the two hunters who had become the brothers he longed for, his hand on the amulet which burned hot against his fingers.

"This is it, I found Him, He- He is behind that door! I wonder what He is like!" Castiel whispered, grabbing onto Dean's hand. "I don't think I can do this! Dean, I- I am in fear!"

"Relax," Dean said, mouth dry. He knew this house, but his assumption couldn't be right. How God could be living in this house. It sounded crazy, "Come on, let's- let's go say hello to God."

Sam led them up the house, glancing at his brother with apprehension as his hand shook above the doorbell, finger pointing at the button. As his hand moved forward to ring the bell, the door opened slowly.

"Hello boys," came the friendly greeting, "come on in, don't stand outside in this cold weather. Come, come my darlings. I'll warm up some cocoa!"

"I- I found You," Castiel said, at last, staring in wonder at his, "Father- I mean I found my Mother! They said You were dead! No one believed You were still here."

"You've always had the strongest faith, sweet child," Missouri Mosley smiled. "Now come on in, the cocoa's ready. Would you boys like some cookies?"

"I like this version of God," Dean whispered. "He- uh She isn't so- so..."

"I still have my spoon ready, boy," Missouri warned. "And I ain't scared to use it!"

"Sorry, uh, praise God!"

Sorry, I had to get that out of my system... God is both black and a woman... hehe.

Peace and chicken grease
