Chapter Five

Hermione's flushed cheek pressed against the rough stone. She repressed another gasp. A few years ago, if someone had told her that Severus Snape was going to arouse her so thoroughly, she would have hexed them until they passed out. As a young student, she had always thought of Professor Snape imperturbable, even ghastly. His treatment of her best friend, Harry, and his continual favoring of the Slytherin house always made the young Hermione seethe with anger.

She had never met another person so infatuated with the superiority of one kind to another in her adolescent mind. Yet, as she got older, Hermione grew to respect and appreciate the callous Potions Master. She believed that his aloofness was only due to a cautious disposition; while his favor leaned towards Slytherin, he commended intelligence and reasoning. She had always had an attraction to him but now, pressed against an one-thousand year old wall with his delicious body pressed against her, she was melting. The heat in her abdomen threatened to consume her at any moment.

"I asked, How do you know who I am, Miss Granger?" Snape threatened again.

His fingers itched upwards, caressing her bellybutton. He positioned his thigh between her legs, getting a firmer grip. She bit her lip, to keep from moaning. She couldn't let him get to her. She tried to think of scenarios that would curb the flames, only to fail. She conjured fantasies of lazy Sunday afternoons and stolen kisses between classes. Trying to clear her head, Hermione tried to offer an answer.

"I'm not from here."

She could feel the anger radiate off of him and he flipped her around roughly. Hermione looked up. His black eyes bore into her own. They flashed with fury and lust. His chest crushed her breasts, forcing her to pant. His minty breath mixed with hers and she looked way from him. Her arms cradled to her chest.

"That is not an answer," Snape demanded.

Hermione gasped as he rolled his hips into hers. She reached out and clung to his thick robes. He pulled his hips away and she snarled. She pushed her hips into his. The bulge growing slightly.

"T-time," Hermione mewled as he stroked her ribs and licked her earlobe.

"What about time?" He mumbled into her neck. He briefly brushed his hand against her breast. She gasped rather loudly and he captured her lips to silence her. His lips were soft and surprisingly talented. Before she could do any further, he pulled away.

"I do not like to repeat myself, Miss Granger." Snape pushed.

As her brain recalibrated, Hermione answered with half-lidded eyes, "I'm not from this time."

Hermione looked back into his eyes. They were unreadable. As she leaned in to kiss him again, Snape dropped her onto the unforgiving stone floor and walked away.


Severus strode to Dumbledore's office. In pain, he had to think of McGonagall in a teddy to get his situation fixed. He could not believe that he had let such frivolous emotions get the best of him. He had so many questions to ask of Dumbledore. How could he let this happen? Why didn't Dumbledore tell him? If Dumbledore believed in the girl so much, then what did that make him? After years of spying and torture, Severus could not believe that Dumbledore would leave out something of this significance. Gods, this girl could change the entire future if she wasn't careful.

When Severus reached the gargoyle, he tried to calm himself but it didn't work. He still couldn't fathom any reason why Dumbledore wouldn't warn him outright.

"Ice Mice," Severus sighed.

The gargoyle hopped out of the way and Severus slithered into the habitual office. It hadn't changed in the many years he had been to it. The chestnut bookcases overflowed with books, the many portraits watching down on him, and the archaic archways leading to the Headmaster's desk. Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix, squawked at his arrival. Dumbledore rose and glided over to his pet.

"A pleasant surprise, Severus." Dumbledore chimed, while stroking the almost purring feathered creature.

Severus clenched his jaw and said nothing. If anybody knew anything about Albus, it was that there were no surprises towards him. The wizard was a human crystal ball.

"You know why I'm here, Albus." Severus replied.

The bearded man turned around and smiled softly. His crystal blue eyes twinkled.

"Well, my boy, you've come to the wrong place. If you want answers, go to the source herself."


Hermione sat shocked. Professor Severus Snape, the most hated teacher and the bat of the dungeons, had just thrust her against a wall, turned her on immensely and then walked off as if nothing had ever happened. She had no idea what possessed him to do that. 'No, you know exactly what he did it for,' Her inner consciousness scolded. It wasn't like Hermione wasn't asking for it. She had basically told him the future, blackmailed him and expected him to do nothing about it.

She was incompetent, mindless and utterly foolish if she thought she could have gotten away with it. He just rubbed his cock against her, for Merlin's sake! Like it was an everyday occurrence! 'It wasn't like you weren't pushing back, Honey!' Her Inner Voice admonished again. It was true. Very True. Hermione had acted like a kitten to fresh cream.

No! Hermione had bigger issues to deal with. She was in a foreign time, presumably before her own, where the slightest mistake could send the future of the Wizarding, and Muggle worlds into peril. She decided pointedly that she wouldn't do anything else that might change anything. Even if that meant staying as far away as she could from the dominating Potions Master. Now all she had to do was plan.


Severus sat in his private study wondering about what he was going to do. He watched the Standing up, Severus walked over to one of his many hidden cabinets. He pulled out a small glass and pick out one of his most aged firewhiskeys. Pouring himself a glass, pondered what Dumbledore had said. How could he go to the girl now? The earlier incident was impulsive and irrational. She was surely never going to speak to him again. He hadn't thought of the consequences until it was over. But, Merlin, she was reponsive. Every cry and sigh made his groin throb with anticipation. She was so small compared to himself. She only came up to Severus's chest but she was curvier than he had expected. From what he could feel, she was soft and supple, yet toned. She had a fantasic bum and he wondered if her nipples was a peachy color or dusty rose? As he pressed her to the corridor, he wanted to take her right then and there. Now, what could he do? The girl was probably going to avoid him at all costs.

Then a plan came to mind.

Severus would need to get her alone.

A/N: Sorry if its kinda short. this chapter just needed to be shorter. the next few chapters are going to be LONG so you can hold it against me :)