Okay, heres the second half. Tell me what you think, any criticism will be happily received. Hope you enjoy! :)

Instantly, water rushed from the troughs surrounding the pit. A huge sphere of water formed, which expanded until it encompassed the awestruck audience, but not soaking them. Instead, the water sank into the ground around the stands, and grass promptly sprang up from the once parched earthy floor.

A sheet of flame erupted towards the stands from Aang, but once again the flames left not only the crowd unharmed, but the newly grown grass as well. The flame seemed to reach the heavens, and swiftly died out as Aang pointed swiftly at all four stands, wrenching the roofs into points using Metalbending, as he carefully separated yin and yang around himself. He began to glow with the crackle of lightning, and fired off four careful bolts, electrifying the stands around him. They seemed to glow, even shimmer, as the electricity coursed over them, still leaving his audience untouched.

He sprang off the ground, rising nearly one hundred feet in the air, seemingly jumping up through thin air as he stopped, and dropped to the ground. Toph could feel the earth begin to tremble as he reached the floor, and the pit exploded into dust, which the Avatar contained, and sandbended the word PEACE into the floor of the pit surrounded by the insignias of the four nations, combined into one.

Carefully, he stood up.

"I shall not demonstrate Bloodbending or energybending here tonight, as I have made solemn promises to never practise these again unless in dire need. But heed this warning, attempt to stir up further unrest and attempt to bring war to this land, and you will suffer the consequences. Now leave this place, return to your homes and your people, and spread the word that there shall be peace in this land once more!"

His words resulted in an astonished round of applause, so thunderous it nearly lifted him off his feet. He earthbended himself a shelter, and sat down to rest and meditate while the crowd filtered away.

Soon though, he sensed a familiar pair of footsteps making their way to his tent. His shelter disappeared around him, and he found himself punched square in the shoulder. Without opening his eyes, he answered:

"Whats up Toph?"

"Whats up? WHATS UP? That was freaking amazing Twinkletoes! A little showy, but still!"

The Avatar suddenly grew anxious.

"Showy? Really? That's not what I was going for at all... well, it sort of was... but... I didn't..."

Toph laughed. "Chill out Twinkletoes, was just playing. It was precisely what these people needed to hear. Well, see. Okay, so I didn't see much of it per se, but that was some awesome earth, metal and Sandbending. She giggled slightly. "Oh, and also, you could have flattered me a bit more. I was thinking, The Wondrous Toph Bei Fong. Or something awesome like that." She paused for a minute. "Hey Zuko!"

Zuko ignored her.

"Aang, man, that was phenomenal! That was, incredible! I'm glad you couldn't do that when I was chasing you 5 years ago!"

"Thanks Zuko, but it was more about trying to help you know? I thought, if there's anything –"

"Hey, in my book, you did exactly the right thing. No justification needed my friend."

Toph then decided to announce another arrival to their group.

"Sokka's coming!"

Aang looked up in surprise.


"Aang!! WOAH! I mean, seriously dude, that was awesome! Like, amazing! Incredible! Iv never seen such bending!"

"Sokka, why are you here?"Aang quickly questioned.

"Oh, I get it. You don't want me here eh? S'fine, I can take that..."

"No, no! It's just, I don't want you guys to all think I've changed or something. Just cos I can do what I just did, I'm not a monster or anything! I'm just, Aang!"

"Hey, calm Aang. Relax. I'm here because Dad stepped down as Southern Water Tribe chief 6 months ago. He made me the next chief. So in future, it's Chief Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe to you mate!" But, ill let you off for just now because you didn't know about it..."

It took a while for the mischievous grin on Sokka's face to become apparent to Aang.

"Anyway, dude, what's with the whole not writing to me or anything? Surely Momo, while not being Hawky himself, would have made an okay messenger lemur?"

Aang felt his heartbeat skyrocket nervously.

"Uhm, well, you know Sokka, letters are hard to write sometimes... and, uh, you know, busy Avatar, and, stuff..."

"Yeah, well you don't have to apologise to me Aang. But there is someone you might want to apologise to. I brought her along, since she's now the Southern Water Tribe's greatest waterbender and my second in command."

If Aang's heart had skyrocketed previously, it now felt like it was going to explode.

"Uh, Sokka, what dyou mean?"

The group around Aang parted, and she stood there, the light from the torches surrounding her long dark hair with a halo glow that surely only an angel would possess. He caught her scent in the air, subtly bending it towards him. It had been three and a half years. Forty two months. Too long. Way too long.

She brought back memories. Memories so powerful they brought tears to the almighty Avatar's eyes. He looked up again from where his gaze had fallen, unable to cope with three and a half years added beauty. He had figured she would find a husband, a good water tribe man, and he would take care of her, and she would slowly forget about him. But he saw no betrothal necklace, not even her mothers, which she had guarded so fiercely for so long.

She spoke some words to him. He suspects she might have been saying hello, but her voice simply washes over him, like a cool shower on a hot midsummers day. More memories come flooding back. Laughing on Appa's back. Splashing in the various pools they had used for Waterbending training. Kissing her on the day of the invasion, when he felt sure he would face Sozin and not make it back alive. Kissing her, after finally ending the war, in the gaze of the beautiful sunset in Ba Sing Se.

He stammers a reply. She offers her hand to him, inviting him to walk with her, to find some peace. He takes it gladly, her skin on his purely serving to warm him once again. It has been so long, but he felt he had done the right thing, leaving her in the southern tribe. The long amounts of travelling would have strained them, he tells himself. Tries to convince himself that he'll say the same thing again.

But having her here, holding his hands, leading him away from the amused glances of the rest of Team Avatar, he tells himself he was so very, very wrong. She turns to him, once they have found a semi-secluded spot. With his Earthbending, he can tell the rest of the Team are waiting for him. For them.

Katara smiles. She carefully appraises him, still shirtless, sweating slightly even in the chill of the night. Then she slaps him. Hard. On the face.

He reels back, surprised. He was about to turn and run, when a thought crossed through him.

"I probably deserved that"

"Yeah, Aang, you did."

He blushes furiously when he realises he said that out loud.

"Katara, I mean, I know I deserved that, I was a jerk and an idiot, I meant to write to you, but I was... uh..."

"Sure thing Aang. Real convincing." She has stepped closer to him, without him even noticing. Her hand is on his bare chest, and he knows it is over. She can feel his racing heart, his love, hidden for so long, laid out for her to see. He can feel it coming, her revenge. For pushing her away and leaving her when she wanted him most, he can understand why she will walk away.

So that is why he is surprised when her lips brush his.

He pulls away quickly.

"Katara, what? I thought..." he pauses, looking down at his feet. He tries to swallow the lump, but it feels like a dozen lychee nuts are lodged in his throat. "I thought, after what I did, you would hate me." It kills him to say it.

"Aang, I wanted to. I did, but only in brief flashes. And when I saw your show, it reminded me of everything we went through together. And that was too much, too many feelings to ignore."

She kisses him again, deeper this time, with more passion. And he responds, pulling her close to him, revelling in her smell, her taste, her touch.

She pulls away this time, sighing slightly. And he knows, she's his forever girl.

And she knows, that Aunt Wu was indeed right. She will marry Avatar Aang, the most powerful bender the world has ever seen.


Okay, so i wrote this pretty quickly. I can understand if the endings a little bit next will be better!