Chapter 7: What choice do you really have?

The weather had turned bad quick. Ice cold rain was pouring down when Buffy finally made it two a bus-stop with a running bus this late at night. He paid the buck ten for her ticket and connection and sat down. Her drenched cloths and thin jacket dripped puddles onto the bench and floor. An old woman who had already been sitting on the same bench looked down at the rapidly growing puddle and then up at Buffy.

Buffy just glared forward not even noticing the old woman get up and move to another seat farther back. There was no real sense of time for Buffy while the bus drove. She looked out the window and saw through the dark a few landmarks and turns that looked familiar but mostly she was going on instinct, basic memory from when she drove here earlier in the week.

When the bus was as close as it was going to get Buffy pulled the stop-request cord and got off. The ice cold rain slammed back down on her and she remembered how cold she was. But too late now. She ran off in the direction she knew Chilton was at.

It was close to midnight by the time Buffy arrived at the school's grounds. The rain had finally stopped but now she had ice forming on the fringes of her cloths and her jeans had frozen stiff at the shins. There was a wall covered with dead ivy surrounding the school. Buffy could see most of the lights were around the gate with a single guard sitting in a what looked like a nice warm booth.

Not going in the front way, she thought to herself. Taking a running start Buffy charged for the farthest corner of the wall form the gate and leapt up. She cleared more than half the way up but had to scramble between the wall and the slightly jutting corner post to reach the top. Once there she crouched and looked around. The campus was full of dark buildings but lights were scattered around all over and some were moving. The school had some security but not much. Buffy fell over the side into a silent crouch then ran off along the wall.

Hanlin walked through the dark unlit halls of Chilton. His soft shoes gave off the slight scraping sound that echoed down the hallowed halls. He didn't normally stay this late but it happened from time to time. The staff was aware he was here so the few security guards normally didn't bother him while they patrolled around the building. There was no security inside.

He had left his office to grab a soda from the faculty lounge. As a rule soda machines were not allowed on campus for general use since students didn't need the extra sugar and generally unhealthy products they carried. But the faculty voted to have one in the lounge for their own convenience and it didn't hurt anything, as long as it wasn't widely known.

Hanlin held a coke in his hand as he walked through the main office and opened his personal office door. He stepped inside and turned to close the door in a practiced fashion from years of doing it. For someone who held a position like his for years entering one's office was so common and second nature that it was more muscle memory than any conscious thought. Without turning around he spoke. "Please get out of my chair, Miss." He turned and saw the young woman who had been at the school a few days ago. "I don't want you ruining the leather."

When Buffy had snuck in she had found the doors opened and the office empty. Which had made sense because it was late and who in their right mind would be at work at…looking at the clock she saw it was past midnight. Yeah, Buffy, why am I here? Do I know this guy is here, was there a note…du no…I just ran off into a storm and now am going to die from the flue or something for what to run and break into a school. Buffy felt like an idiot. She hadn't thought, she hadn't let herself think pas the anger and the memories. All this and for what…what did she think she was going to get?

Buffy realized again how cold she was so she closed the door and walked inside. She grabbed a blanket off or some kind of decorative rug or something from a couch and wrapped herself in it. Looking around she saw the desk and figured since she was here might as well try and find out something about this guy. She sat in the big leather chair while she fiddled with the desk droors. They opened up with ease, no locks. But inside all she saw were papers that meant nothing to her and pens and pencils.

She had been so absorbed looking around that she didn't hear the slapping of feet on the tiles outside or noticed anything till the doors were squeaking shut. Looking up she saw the backside of the old man, Charleston.

He kept his back to her and for a split second Buffy thought he hadn't seen her which blew up in the other half of the second. "Please get out of my chair, Miss." He said in this disapproving tone. He then turned around and looked straight at her showing no surprise at all. "I don't want you ruining the leather."

For several minutes or what felt like several minutes they stood there or so Buffy thought. She had been so angry over that book and at this guy for sending it. She had been full of rage and felt so violated. Then here and now faced with the old man all that went away. Buffy suddenly felt really tired, and this guy she had hated so suddenly was just another old man, she really didn't care one way or the other about him. This had all been a big mistake.

The sudden swing changed again when Charleston began speaking. "Well you certainly took long enough," he said walking around the desk towards her. Buffy could just watch him confused till he was almost right on top of her and gave her a shewing motion with his hands. Buffy was so thrown off center she got up suddenly and backed away letting the blanket fall back into the seat. She went back to the other side of the desk and just watched the old man.

He wasn't even watching her. He looked down at the chair she just vacated and with two fingers reached down and picked up the blanket. He looked at it and then turned at her. His face had this look of exasperation like he was asking "Oh God why did you force this blond bimbo on me…what could I have done that was so bad?" Keeping the blanket between his two fingers he draped it over a small table to the side and rear by the window. Coming back to the chair he looked down at what Buffy could see was the wet smear she left on the dark brown leather. Charleston let out a sigh pulled out a handkerchief of all things and wiped his chair down before sitting.

He set down a can of soda and then sat down himself. Now the two stared at each other.

Buffy recovered from this bizarre show and remembered her anger but she didn't have anything to say. She wanted to scream at him but scream what…she could break something but what, the office was full of wood and nice looking things but Buffy wasn't the type to go breaking things at random, even though she wanted to.

Buffy wouldn't admit it but some part of her was actually thankful the old man spoke first. "You should take a seat." He said while he turned on his desk lamp adding a small bit of illumination to the room. It stung Buffy's eyes for a few moments but she recovered but she didn't sit. She needed to take control of this situation and she couldn't do that sitting.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she said. It seemed like a good enough question. She didn't know a thing about this guy but she didn't want him to know that. Something general was the best bet…yeah, in Buffy's own heated head she felt clever.

Charleston leaned back in his chair but didn't answer right away. "Did you walk all the way here from Stars Hollow, my dear? You look like you've just swum a river but forgot to take your clothes off."

Buffy became acutely aware of herself and how she did not fit in this setting but it only set her off even more. "Save the small talk you old fart. You sent me the book, why?"

Hanlin's eyebrows rose. He let out a controlled breath of air through his nose and leaned back in to rest his elbows on the desk. "My, my," he said but his tone seemed like he wasn't talking to her. Buffy had met a few people like that on the road and it pissed her off. "I must say you're not what I expected. Oh it was good how you got in past security and I can see you're not afraid of physical adversity." He began talking and he was now looking at her but still his tone was so unconcerned so patronizing. Like he knew everything…suddenly a chilling thought entered Buffy's mind, it ran down her spine. What if he did know everything?

"It must be well below zero out there and here you are in rags." He said. He turned his chair around and grabbed back up the fancy blanket and tossed it to her. "Better you use this than piddling on the rug as well."

Buffy didn't catch the blanket but let it drop to her feet. This was not going as it was supposed to. She was angry, she could take this guy she knew it. But she didn't move didn't do a thing. She felt so helpless she knew how pathetic she was.

Charleston shook his head and gestured with his hands, "Pick it up, young lady." He now looked annoyed. "I swear you are just going to sit and drip on my rug as well. Wrap it around you and sit down."

Buffy slowly did just that but not because he told her to…it just made sense.

The Headmaster rolled his eyes. "Dear lord, Miss Summers, to think Mr. Giles was said to have such a reputation. I expected more from his Slayer." The words struck home and Buffy was out of the chair across the desk and had the old man's tie in her hand pulling him forward across his desk. She topped the moment she realized what she was doing but didn't let go.

The old Headmaster wasn't fighting but his eyes stared daggers into hers. "So you're a common street thug as well," he hissed out, "do you even think about what you are doing?"

Buffy let go of him and the old man fell back into his chair. He had to take several deep breaths and press his hand to his chest which gave Buffy some warm feelings. "I was thinking." She said, "I was thinking of throwing you out that nice fancy window you have back there."

Charleston looked back behind himself at the window then back at Buffy who now stood so proud and defiant. "Alright, then by all means do so."

Buffy blinked, What did he just say?

Seeing her surprise Hanlin pushed in. "Go ahead, if you've thought it through then go ahead, murder me in cold blood." He looked at her expecting her to do it. Seeing that she wasn't he went on and recomposed himself. "Well I can see your reputation isn't disserved either."

Buffy latched onto those words, "My reputation?"

The old man looked at her suddenly realizing she had no idea what he was saying. "Miss Summers, you are the Slayer, the one who defeated the Master, closed the hellmouth, slew Angelus, fought and defeated Spike, the vampire that is known for killing two slayers? Did you think after all that that you had no reputation? My dear, what was Rupert Giles doing with you these last two years?" He sounded genuinely confused.

Buffy let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. "Look old man, you sent me that book through Rory. You know who I am. Who the hell are you? Why did you give me that damn book? Buffy's voice was high and she was now poised over the desk her hands resting on it as if she was going to lung at him again.

Hanlin stared at her. He grew very thoughtful then. "What?" Buffy said now tired and angry and a whole lot of else she didn't even know how to describe. "What are you looking at?"

"I was just thinking how you must love to throw tantrums in your family." Charleston replied right away. Buffy didn't get any of that. Tantrum, he called this a tantrum, who the hell was this guy?

"You're a watcher aren't you?" Buffy finally asked. Her voice dropped showing her exhaustion from all that was happening and had happened this day. The hike here hadn't helped any. She started to lean back and fell into the chair she had sat in a moment before.

Charleston had also changed expressions. He had dumped the confused look and was once again in his patronizing mode. "Miss Summers, if you are worried that the council or your watcher, Mr. Giles knows where you are I can assure you they didn't find out through me."

Buffy looked up at him her face showing how confused she was. The older man leaned into his chair to get more comfortable. "How about you sit there and listen a bit. You might be surprised by what you can learn."

It was close to five in the morning when Buffy came out of the woods back at the Independence Inn. She stalked through the snow which had gotten thicker since it started falling again. Somewhere between her toes going numb and realizing her teeth were chattering Buff determined she did not like snow very much. If she got back on the road she was going to Mexico. Work on my Spanish.

She crossed the field behind the inn and made it to her small shack. Once inside she thanked god that she had left the heat on. She fell against the wall too tired to even crawl into bed or change out of her soaking wet cloths. Her head lulled against the wall and she fell asleep.

Lorelai drove up the driveway and parked behind the inn. Tucking her scarf in she exited her car and walked up the back steps. Taking in a deep breath of chill air she sighed with pleasure. Snow. I love snow.

Going inside she instantly was bathed in the smells from Sookie's kitchen. "Mmm," she sounded of contentment. Her best friend rounded a corner giving orders to a kitchen boy. A wood spoon was in her hand and was waiving a round, so Sookie was in her conductor mode. It happened every now and then. Basically it was a sign Sookie felt in control and she had everything planned out. They were rare moments.

"Oh, Lorelai," Sookie said seeing her friend and boss though they kept that second part on the down low. "Come here," she squealed. Lorelai obeyed her snow boots tracking in the snow from outside. She had a bag with some keels and the rest of her work attire.

"What," Lorelai said smiling.

"Here try this," Sookie said then forced something passed Lorelai's lips before the taller woman had a chance to open. "One, two, three…" Sookie counted off.

"OW, oh my god," Lorelai said through her full mouth. She finished it off, "What is that, that's delicious." Sookie held up another of what she just fed Lorelai. "That's hideous," Lorelai said not skipping a beat. What she had eaten tasted sweet and tart, what Sookie was holding was ugly, gnarled, and green, like sickly green.

"I don't know," Sookie said. "Jackson said he got these from some new business associate and if we liked them he could arrange to get the seeds so he can grow them himself."

"But he doesn't know what they're called," Lorelai said. That sounded strange. She shrugged, it was Jackson, everything was on the up and up. Just then her cell rang. Without looking she flipped the phone open and put it to her ear.

"Lorelai Gilmore's phone this is she," she said into the phone. She felt really chipper, like the first snow…ah "I love snow."

"What?" a recognizable voice came over the earpiece.

Suddenly Lorelai was rudely kicked out of her buzz, "Mom?"

"Lorelai, yes it's me, what's wrong with you?" Emily was coming in clear. "I call and you great like a receptionist and then say 'blow', how rude. I know you don't like to answer calls from me but really…"

"Mom, mom, MOM," Lorelai tried to cut her mother off. "I didn't say blow, I said snow…its snow, I love snow. Okay what are you calling about?"

"I need a reason, I can't just call up to talk to my only child –"

"No, Mom, you can't." Lorelai said but she did it in a joking manor…then she realized Emily wouldn't pick up on that.

There was a silence over the line. "Mom," Lorelai said tentatively. "Mom, you there. I didn't mean that like it sounded. I was trying to make a joke."

"Well it wasn't funny," Emily came back over the phone and she sounded tart. "Really, I would say what you need to do but I know you won't take anything I say over the phone seriously. You're probably holding the phone out in the air so you can talk to your friends and ignore everything I'm saying."

Lorelai held the phone away from her ear walked out of the kitchen and to the front desk. Once there she grinned at Michel who glowered at her then put the phone back to her ear, "Yeah, Mom, sure."


"What? What I say?"

"That's it, I can't talk to you like this, I'll be there by lunch time." Emily said.

"W-what, Mom…mom, lunch, what…" there was no response on the other end. "Your party hung up. Please dial again for your next call –" the automatic phone person said. Lorelai shut her phone.

Michel was pretending to look at the guestbook. Lorelai stared at him while he pretended to ignore her. She drummed her fingers on the counter top. He slowly turned to her a small smirk on his lips. They locked eyes then she turned and walked away. Michel watched her go and then went back to contemplating the vast mystery that was the guestbook.

The day went on for about an hour before Lorelai stopped and looked around. She looked out the windows towards the woods out back. Looking back inside she walked around the first floor in a quick circuit. Ending in the kitchen she caught Sookie's attention. "Hey, Sookie, have you seen Anne?"

The head chef looked around thinking about it. "You know what, I haven't. And I don't think she was in for breakfast either."

Momentarily worried Lorelai told Sookie thanks and grabbed her boots by the back door. She flipped off her heels and slid her feet into the warm soft boots. Going outside she headed towards the shed/apartment.

Buffy groggily remembered the rest of her conversation with Charleston. The bastard was so sure of himself.

"No, Miss Summers, I'm not a watcher, or at least not anymore. The council and I did not see eye to eye."

That made Buffy smile. "You couldn't cut it with the council." She said trying to show smug. That was cut off when the old man kept talking.

"Yes, as matter of fact it was about you."

"Me," Buffy was now even more confused forgetting her anger for the moment.

"Yes." The headmaster rose from his chair and went to a chest that had looked like a table, it was old and wood was all Buffy noticed. "Well not you exactly," he continued. "The council and I were in disagreement about the next generation of potential slayers. As I'm sure you know some potentials are identified early and are given over to be raised by the council. Most will never be the slayer but they are still trained and groomed to assume that role since it is never known who will ultimately be chosen." He found what he was looking for. Pulling out a book he came back over to his desk.

"I pointed out that the young women raised in the council's care were being groomed to be fine warriors focusing on their fighting skills but they're creative energy was being stifled as a rule. A rather large group of young women were being trained to be obedient to what I believe a fault. And when I tried to push my opinion I was relieved of duty."

Buffy looked at him blankly. "You were kicked out because you think girls are being raised to be dumb asses?"

Charleston bristled, "I'm an educator, Miss Summers, first and foremost the best weapon against evil is a sound mind. As headmaster of Chilton I've made it a mission to hold young people to a high standard where they are taught discipline but also pushed to achieve academically, physically, and creatively. We try to train young men and women to reach their full potential."

"And here I thought it was just a place where you oppressed kids and made them wear ugly plad."

Hanlin was not amused. "In the words of a man you probably don't know, God does not play dice with the universe." He looked at her and suppressed the smile and shudder at Buffy's doe-eyed look. "I don't believe in coincidence. The Slayer just happens to turn up in a place where demonic activity has risen regularly for the last 100 years. You're here to stop the rise this time and I intent to help you achieve this goal."

Buffy instantly snorted. Getting up she walked around her chair and turned her back on Hanlin for a change. Crossing her arms she turned and gave him a look that was both hatful and hurt. "Do you have any idea what being the Slayer cost me?" Tears were brimming at the edge of falling but they didn't make it to falling. Buffy turned away again then back again now raising her voice. "I lost everything! I've done my part!"

Hanlin listened. Buffy went on talking about how almost all her friends were killed and the look in her mother's eyes when she was cast out of the house. When she was done Hanlin just sat there considering her. He had been listening and did feel sympathy for her. Buffy Summers was a 17 year old girl. She had been the Slayer since she was 15. He was sure she had endured far more than what a normal young woman should ever have to. But feelings were irrelevant when faced with fact.

"Despite your difficulties," Hanlin spoke breaking Buffy out of her own tired daze. "You are the Slayer." He fixed her with a stare. "Run around the world if you like it will not change. You are the Slayer." He said that last sentence as if it was the answer to the problem. "And I will give you another fact, Miss Summers. People will die without your intervention. You have the power to help people and if you choose not to use that power then you are effectively abandoning them. You might be able to justify choosing to save one group or another or picking between battles to fight but what you do now is nothing short of opening a door to monsters. You would do the people of this world a greater service if you took a gun and shot them in the head yourself. At least then they die quickly."

Buffy turned on Charleston again. But before she reached for him she caught herself. This time she did cry. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks. "Go to hell," she said behind strained a throat that was now tight to the point of choking."

She turned and walked out. Behind her Hanlin got up and watched her go. Silently he appraised her. "Strong. And here I thought Rupert disagreed with my ideas on promoting strong willed slayers." He said to himself. Confidently he went back into his office and called to let his wife know he was on his way home.

In the bizarre space between sleep and just zoned out Buffy slumped against her radiator. She didn't see anything or understand anything. That was until something firmly was holding her by the shoulders. "Anne, Anne, Anne…" Buffy threw her arms up breaking the hold and rolled forward clipping whoever had been trying to grab her and coming into a low crouch. She reached for a stake that wasn't there and stared at her attacker…Lorelai?

It was like a splash of cold water on her face. Buffy instantly straightened and looked up at her boss. Lorelai, who was naturally pale and clear skinned was taken aback and looked to Buffy to be in a state of terror. To her credit the woman that had won Buffy's respect with her kindness and over all soft but durable exterior recovered quickly. Her bright eyes stared at Buffy and Buffy had no idea how to react.

She was surprised again when Lorelai came right up her and embraced her. It was tight and warm and felt so good. That was the message that part of Buffy's brain said. The other part kept her body stiff, every muscle ready to break free and snap whomever or whatever tried to hold her. It was a second before Lorelai pulled away. She looked at Buffy and her eyes were so sharp and clear. Her pretty face was changed showing concern of all things.

She's worried about me. That idea hadn't bothered Buffy for months and it seemed longer. Someone was worried about her. That was a bad thing…she couldn't give a reason but it was wrong, no one should worry about her. Those thoughts were stopped when she realized Lorelai was talking.

"Anne, are you alright?" the older woman said again.

Buffy shrugged, "yeah, fine, I just…" she looked around then down at herself. Her pants were still wet and the bottoms under her knees were spattered with mud. It was clear she had been out and she had been sleeping by the radiator instead of the bed…what could she say? "I had a bad dream and went out…I guess I didn't realize what time it was." What time was it anyway?

Lorelai stared at Anne for a moment. She didn't buy it, not all of it anyway. First thought was the fear every mother has, drugs, sex, something all too cliché from a lifetime movie. But she held her tongue. Anne wasn't Rory and whatever was going on till it was a problem for the Inn Lorelai knew she had no business getting involved unless Anne asked. She hoped Anne would ask. She hadn't realized it but the young blond had become very dear to her.

There was so much of herself she saw in the young woman, the energy the willingness to do whatever it took. Anne was a bit more physical but that was beside the point. Lorelai identified with Anne and wanted to help her but she couldn't. The only one who could help Anne was Anne.

"You missed breakfast, Sookie said. I got worried." Lorelai didn't say any more.

"Thanks," Anne said. She rubbed her bare shoulders. "Um…I'll get to work in a second. I just need to change my cloths." Anne's head was lowered in shame. Lorelai knew that meant Anne knew she was doing something that Lorelai wouldn't approve of.

"Sure," Lorelai said. She turned to leave but stopped at the door. "Anne," the blond looked up, "you know you can come and talk to me. I'm here for you."

"Thanks," Anne said. But she held her arms wide, "You've already done so much for me already. Really, I'm fine."

"Okay," Lorelai said. "See you up at the Inn."

Buffy came up to the inn. After convincing Sookie that she didn't need to eat anything she started working helping out the cleaning staff and mopping the floor. The guests were tracking in snow. She was just finishing her latest mopping of the front when she caught Michel staring at her.

"What?" she said.

"No, nothing." The Frenchman said and went back to doing something behind the desk.

"What," Buffy walked up to the front desk holding her mop. 'You've been staring at me all morning."

"I was just wondering what you were doing so late that you missed breakfast." He replied snidely. "After all, I can't imagine you could score drugs on what Lorelai is paying you."

"None of your business."

"Exactly," Michel countered, "Which is why I did not ask. But I can look and make suggestive comments all I want. It's a free country no?"

Buffy didn't feel like arguing. She had to go down into the basement and get the linens out of the laundry.

Emily parked her car in the Inn's main parking lot. Climbing out her foot plunged into the snow. "Uh." She grumbled shaking off her leather pump and making her way to the sidewalk. She got inside where she saw the familiar face of Michel the concierge.

"Hello, Michel," She greeted. The Frenchman smiled. She walked up to the desk. "You should get someone to shovel that parking lot. I nearly slipped and died out there." She advised him in her courteous but knowing manor held by someone who knew their opinions were taken as requests or instructions.

"Of course," Michel said. He hit a button and spoke into the speaker phone. "Anne stop wasting time down stairs and go shovel out the parking lot. A guest nearly slipped and injured herself." There was the beginning of reply but Michel hung up before it could be fully formed.

Emily started taking off her coat just as one of the Inn's employees came from the back with a big plastic snow shovel. The young woman brushed past Emily so fast that Emily wouldn't have noticed her accept that she was holding her coat out for someone to put up. The employee grabbed up the coat, not at all professionally and stalked off to hang it up by the rack near the door. "Please let my daughter know I'm here."

"Of course," Michel said for once smiling and sounding polite. Pulling up the speaker phone he hit Lorelai's office, "Oh Lorelai, Emily Gilmore is here to see you." He said in a amused expression. Less than a heart beat later there was a clatter as the snow shovel fell to the ground and bounced on the wood floor.

Emily turned startled and met the brown eyes of a young blond girl who stared straight back at her. The moment lasted just that a moment but in that brief time there was enough seen for recognition. The blond turned and headed out the front door nearly plowing over a guest coming in.

"Hey, Mom, what's so important that is couldn't wait till dinner tonight –" Lorelai came out front just in time to see her mother charge out the front door. She looked to Michel for an explanation but he just shrugged. Sensing something was up she quickly followed cursing she was back in her heels and her boots were at the back door.

Buffy didn't know what to think. Suddenly it was so clear. Why Lorelai and Rory looked familiar, that weird feeling she just ignored. That woman back there. She got Christmas cards every year with a check for a 100 dollars from her.

Emily Gilmore, her mom's mom. Joyce's maiden name. Why hadn't she realized?

"Buffy Anne Summers, stop right there!"

She couldn't help it. She wanted to run, to not turn around. But the sound of her full name, a name she hadn't heard in over half a year compelled her to stop. Someone once told her names were powerful. Buffy never knew just how true that was till she stopped hearing hers.

She knew she had family out east. But they never visited. Mom never talked about them. It was something you thought about on holidays. Another mail address; that was all they were. But Buffy knew the name. Gilmore, her extended family. There were pictures; one was in her mom's bedroom.

Slowly Buffy turned to face her grandmother. She didn't know what she was feeling. Shame probably. But that feeling was put on hold as she watched a woman roughly her height blowing through the snow in some kind of lady's suit in shin deep snow. It would have made Buff laugh if some form of terror wasn't holding her in place.

Beyond her grandma Buffy saw Lorelai, her boss – her aunt, her mom's little sister. She had liked Lorelai. The lady had been so good to her, right when she needed to feel like a person again. But she shouldn't have come here. Buffy knew this was so wrong. She should have never accepted Rory's invitation…this was not what was supposed to happen. A lot of things weren't supposed to happen.

Lorelai saw her mom wadding into the snow. At first she stopped and chuckled but saw Anne up ahead standing like a deer caught in the headlights. Uh'oh, Lorelai's warning system went off. She hurriedly jumped into the snow to try and rescue Anne from Emily. Instantly the snow was in her heel and her ankles went numb, so cold. Trying to take steps Lorelai made her way after her mom. How did that woman move so quick in this stuff?

Emily got to Anne first. Lorelai brought up the rear. Emily was already going off.

"Buffy, what are you doing here? What are you wearing? Where's your mother? Speak up. What's wrong? Buffy Anne Summers, I asked you a question…"

What the. Lorelai's brain did a 180. Emily was calling Anne Buffy…what was going on here? Lorelai made it up to her mother. Before she could speak however Emily spun on her too.

"Lorelai, what is Buffy doing here? You didn't tell me Joyce's girl was visiting. What else haven't you been telling me? Joyce isn't here is she? That is just great, both my girls, grown women running around behind their mother's back – does your father know? If Richard is hiding them from me –"

"Mom what the heck are you talking about?" Lorelai cut her off. Her brain was trying to catch up. Then she took another look at Anne who was standing still as a statue in the snow wrapping her arms around herself.

"Mom, Joyce is out in California –"

"Yes and this is Buffy, her daughter." Emily cut Lorelai off. Emily was again addressing Anne, "What are you wearing. Come inside its freezing out here." She reached to take Anne's arm but the blond didn't move.

Lorelai could relate. Her brain was going on overload. Buffy was this blond girl from a picture she'd seen maybe two or 4 Christmases ago. There was some big deal about two years ago but Lorelai hadn't been paying attention. She stared at Anne. "Buffy," she said and saw the brief moment of recognition as Anne's head tilted up slightly. Oh my god its true. Lorelai was stunned.

Emily was not stunned however. She kept going. She turned back and forth between the two women accusing them of this and that and never letting either of them answer even if they could have. Lorelai didn't know what to say. But that didn't stop her from ignoring her mother for a moment and going straight up to Anne – Buffy. Taking the younger woman by the shoulders Lorelai somehow made the shorter girl look up and meet her eyes. "Why didn't you say anything?" Lorelai asked in a soft caring voice.

In a weak sound that could have been a whisper Buffy's head fell again, "I didn't know…I didn't know…"

The next few hours were a blur to Buffy. Somehow she had gotten her jacket, was in a car, and now was sitting in a dining room that she had never seen before and looking at a furniture that could have been hocked for enough money to set her up for a year.

She was alone in the dinning-room. But through the big wood doors she could hear people talking. Over the months on the road her hearing had become sharp; especially when people were talking about her. Having heightened Slayer senses was also an advantage.

"I'm calling Joyce…"

"Hold off on that…"

"Why is she here?...How long?"

"Why was she there?

"She would have told us."

"Police, I'm calling the police right now…"

"Calm down I'm sure there is a reasonable…"

"I didn't know…"

"How could you not know, she's your niece for god's sake…"

"Hey not my fault Joyce left…"

"Both of you calm down. Let's be civil about this."

"…ask her…"

"…I thought she was nineteen…"

"…she's a child, barely older than Rory…how could you not recognize her…"

"I'm calling Joyce and that's it."

While this was going on Buffy started recalling the few memories she had of her grandparents. From recollection they were these faceless voices that she could remember hearing as a child. There was once she remembered talking to her Grandma over the phone…that must have been when I was six or something.

"What if she's sick or something…"

The moment Buffy heard that she instantly remembered what it felt like to be strapped down in that cell. It had only been a few weeks but she had never been more scared than when her parents had put her in that hospital. She was never going back. The daze that she was in was gone just like flipping a switch.

Lorelai was arguing with her parents. Just went Emily was grabbing the phone to call Joyce the doors to the dinning-room were flung open and Anne – Buffy walked in as if she owned the place. "Put that phone down or I'll be on the road so fast you would think a twister came through here."

Everyone was shocked quiet for a second. Buffy stood in the middle of them. Her focus was on Emily but Lorelai watched as the small girl turned to give them all a look that was defiant and commanding…and threatening. Lorelai remembered the first time she saw Anne come off the bus. She had expected the tough as nails kid from New York to be like this. But in the last few days she had forgotten that Anne…Buffy, had come into her life through an act of violence. This wasn't someone who cowed away from fights; she would physically join them. And that idea scared Lorelai.

For all Lorelai liked to think of herself as a strong independent woman, she also knew that she was not a violent person. She never even spanked Rory. Hair pulling was about as tough as Lorelai ever really had to be. Buffy, this girl, while she hadn't threatened with physical harm her body language was screaming it if she was crossed. And everyone reacted to it.

Emily for once obediently set the phone down on the hook. Lorelai took a small step back. It was Richard believe it or not that came forward to confront his other Granddaughter. Lorelai always saw her dad as a powerful person. That's why when he was in the hospital not too long ago she had been so disturbed by how weak he could become. But at this moment she saw how big he could be. It was kind of ridiculous seeing this giant of a figure tower over Buffy's little frame.

The girl didn't back down but stared up at Richard. Lorelai was actually bracing herself for a fight but it never came. Richard just stared down at Buffy and spoke, "I'm glad to see you, Buffy." And with that the threat of physical violence was gone. Everyone visibly relaxed though Buffy and Richard still stood in the center of the room.

The big man actually managed a somewhat affectionate if a bit awkward hug that Buffy returned even more awkwardly.

That being settled Emily was about to pick up the phone when Richard turned and stopped her. "Emily, lets hold off on calling Joyce right away." He turned to Buffy, "I'm sure there are some questions that can be answered before we make a long distance call."

Lorelai called the Inn to let Michele know she wasn't coming back in today. She also left a message on Rory's cell to let her know that there was a family issue going on and that she would meet her at the house later tonight. After that she sat down on the couch next to her dad. Emily was pacing back and forth while Buffy had sat in a chair by the door. Part of Lorelai was asking the question, was Buffy by the door so she could get out faster or to make sure nobody else got out?

Richard was calm as always and to Lorelai's surprise not at all aggravated, or at least hid it well. He stopped Emily from coming in on Buffy two times before the girl finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry for dropping in on you like this." She started saying. "I honestly didn't mean for any of it to go down like this."

Lorelai flashed her mother a look and actually was afraid Emily was going to have a aneurism or something. Buffy noticed it too but kept talking. "I didn't know who you were, Mrs. Gilmore." Buffy was now talking to Lorelai, the first time she ever addressed her as something other than boss or by her first name. So formal, it made Lorelai feel really uncomfortable.

"I left home about six months ago." Emily bit back a cry and covered her forehead with a hand. "There was a issue in Sunnydale. The police thought I killed a friend of mine –"

"Oh, God," This time Emily couldn't stop. "You killed someone, oh God, Richard –"

"Emily," Richard cut her off. He stared up at her. "Dear, you need to sit down. Let the girl finish." Then he turned back to Buffy and settled back in.

Buffy looked between her grandparents. This was a new one for her. One for the books.

"Mom and I had a fight and I had to disobey her. Before I left the house she said don't come back."

That last bit probably hit Lorelai the hardest. Again she turned to look at both her parents. They had their problems, they had a lot of problems but never did she ever think that her parents would have thrown her out. She couldn't even imagine saying something like that even in anger. She must have caught Emily's eyes because the older woman also spared a look at her own daughter.

Both then turned suddenly realizing that Buffy hadn't stopped talking. "…so I went to LA, then from there I started trekking east. I've done a lot of odd jobs and over all I've been getting by. And Rory's already told you how I got to Stars Hollow. And I honestly didn't have a clue who you were. It never even crossed my mind."

When Buffy was done everyone was quiet. It seemed like forever before Richard broke the silence. "Well that's quite the adventure, Buffy." He saw how Buffy blinked at the sound of her own name. He imagined it had been some time since she heard it said so casually. What she must have been through. "Well, look at the time." Richard pretended to look at his watch. "I'm sure dinner will be ready soon, would you two be so good as to join us. We can discuss how it would be best to proceed."


Sorry this took so long. Been working on other projects. There is another chapter that the outline was already written. But it will be some time before I put in the dialog and stuff. Hope you enjoyed it. I know it was a bit slow.