... Grr, stupid needs. I'm probably going to write as much more as possible until I feel bored... again

Jack stares. He's unable to turn away from him. Because right now, he's the most beautiful creature that he has ever seen.


Glen was sleeping on his bed even though it was just turn twelve.

Jack was just visiting and he didn't mean to suddenly barge into his room. He didn't even know he was sleeping. Either way, it wasn't his fault. It was Glen's fault for not locking the door.

So Jack stares at him from the door. His feet is stupid for walking towards him and his mind is even stupider for thinking that it might be fake. But his eyes are probably stupider than anything because he can't look away.

The black hair that lies softly on the man's cheek as the sun shines upon his fair skin. One arm is up against the bed and the other is straight down on the bed, hanging slightly over the edge. The blankets cover his body so perfectly that Jack doesn't notice that the blankets are really a mess across his body.

Jack hovers over him, his hand so close to his face. But he wasn't touching him, fearing that he'll wake up and break the illusion. Its so beautiful, his heart pounds against his chest. Jack wants to stoke and pet it, watching it carefully like a beautiful antique painting.

But the illusion is broken as he sees Glen stir from his sleep; two violet eye are staring at him. And his face is red with embarrassment. Sadly, his hand is still over his face.

His mind goes blank because he's suddenly against him. His face is buried against his chest and he takes notice of the calm heartbeats compared to his fast-paced heartbeats. His face is red, it probably looks like a tomato. He wants to bare away from him, his best friend. His Glen.

"Go to sleep, Jack"

And he takes notice of something. Lips were on his head. Arms were wrapped gently but soothingly around him. And he's warm.

Jack also notices something too.

As he slowly falls into a deep slumber, Glen is still awake.