Full Summery: The world already proved to be so much more than the mere human believed it to be. What if the Death Note itself was even more than Ryuk himself believed it to be? What if there was something like demonic possession too? Because now there is a Notebook's curse, the spirit chained to it. With Light as its unwilling host, will our favorite detective be able to save Light from the Dark? AU.

Author: Sjezza

Pairings: Still undecided. There will be at least a very strong friendship between Light and L

Light: A GoodLight, although possessed. Warning for possible insanity from time to time.

Length: Unknown

I'm planning for this to be a faster read than my other story This will unfortunately for some of you mean that I won't go in too much detail on the typical things that nearly all DN fans (should) know by now (details in appearance, skipping some well known, but not that important material, scenes, etc.) All in all, I try to give this a faster pace. It will also be a good way of writing off my frustration if I'm stuck with my other story "Speechless" (which, as much as it pains me, I'm unfortunately stuck with, but this will probably also mean there might be some frequent updates on this story… hehe) This story is one of the many ideas that have been spooking around in my head for a loooong time. This one is about nearly two years old? Yeah that long. Well I hope you like it. ^^

Please Read and Review!

So I know you guys want this to be updated too.


Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Death Note. No really.

A Notebook's Curse

By Sjezza

Chapter 1: Another World

One glance of the surroundings was enough to make one conclusion nearly nobody would argue with:

The place was rotten.

Big structures of bones, some which looked like it had belonged to dinosaurs, were scattered over the barren valley. The sky was dark, the air was unbelievable depressing and the stench in the air did not help the atmosphere at all. The place had the word 'rotten' all over it, with an capital 'R'.

Yet, even with the environment in such horrid condition, none of the habitants seemed to notice that there was anything out of place. If anything, the only object that might be of any interest and stood out from the rest of the dull and grey realm was a large puddle-like put, situated in a bone-like cave that was providing unnecessary shelter. The scene was abandoned from any form of living, except for the lone figure hovering near that particular puddle-like put.

" Hyuk Hyuk."

The monster-like creature somehow seemed to fit the surroundings with its atmosphere. The strangely humanoid figure was a Shinigami, just like all the other creatures in this realm.

Welcome to the Shinigami Realm.

"Hyuk Hyuk."

Ryuk let out another of his usual strange laughs, and trailed one of his long thin-clawed fingers across the notebook he had just gotten in his possession. His new notebook. Although, it wasn't really new, was it? The notebook actually looked quite old, ancient even. While his other notebook looked like a modern brand new notebook, this one looked quite worn-down. It still had its black cover intact but it was slightly battered and the edges were curled, and looked like it had been wet and dried many times. There also seemed to be this strange atmosphere surrounding it, yet not really there.

Something was not completely right with it.

Ryuk though, didn't notice, or was either ignoring it, as he was too busy with laughing like a maniac because his plan had finally succeeded. He had finally acquired a second Death Note, and from the Shinigami King himself nonetheless! That had gone so much easier than he expected. Who had thought that the Old Geezer was so easy to trick? All he had done was ask information about the creation of Death Notes, give some compliments here and there and start looking for the place the Old Man had let slip.

True, it was dangerous to trick the Shinigami King, potentially painful and it could be even fatal to try, but he had been desperate for some new entertainment. For already about a century now, there had been this strange annoying tugging in his mind and body that demanded some entertainment. This year it had finally snapped, and he had set his desperate plans into action, afraid of not being able to take the boredom any longer. If there was one thing the Shinigami feared, it was boredom. Having absolutely nothing to do in his near perfect immorality.

Well luckily it seemed that the he soon didn't have to worry about that anymore.

Sure, his plans had been dangerous, and it had been a tense conversation, but since he was still 'alive' and well, Ryuk was only glad he had done this. Now he didn't have to steal another notebook from that lazy ass, Sidoh anymore either.

Now he could finally set his 'Big Master Plan' in motion without having the risk of losing his life. Well, at least what one could still call a life, since he, as a shinigami, didn't really live a real one. But that was of no importance because even though it was an unbelievable boring and monotonous one, the shinigami valued it, and so decided that he would need a second Death Note in case the human decided to do something stupid with the other one.

He might not be the smartest of the bunch, but he was everything but suicidal.

Crouthing down next to the puddle-like pit, Ryuk started humming a victorious tune, moving his upper body a little from side to side as he tries to contain the mirth he was feeling. Shinigami in general didn't feel emotions, but Ryuk was one of the very few that could experience it to a certain extent. It was a blessing and a curse because while he was able to feel the more positive emotions like he was feeling at the moment, it also caused him to feel depressed when he was bored.

But now it would finally become his blessing for at least a long time because he was finally going to get some entertainment! The bulky-eyed shinigami laughed maniacally. And it would start today.

This was the reason as to why the Shinigami was currently sitting at his favourite spot in the Shinigami World, next to the deep puddle-like pit where one could watch down at the Human Realm, which was one of his few favorite past-times.

This hobby was normally simply because he had nothing else to do, and human watching was one of the few sources of entertainment in the Shinigami realm. Or at least, that was what Ryuk thought. Most of the other Shinigami never really got it, but Ryuk didn't care. He didn't understand how they could go on years with those games without stopping either. Well, it wasn't that there was anything else to do, but Ryuk still thought that his 'hobbies' were far more entertaining then theirs.

Humans were far more interesting after all.

And he was going to get a chance to study them from even a closer range. The thought made him throw his head back and let another couple of his odd chuckles escape out of his sharp teethed mouth.

Now lets do it.

Slightly calmed down, a gleam entered his bulged yellow eyes, as he slowly stretched his arm, holding the newly acquired and battered notebook just above the watching hole. The grin on his big wide mouth and purple-like lips only widened even more and he couldn't help but let escape a last chuckle as his fingers slowly let the notebook slip between his fingers.


In a slow-motion-like state the black battered object fell down into the hole with a sound that was a combinations between a 'wish' and a 'splash'. It then disappeared out of real sight, and the Shinigami could feel its connection through his ownership dull down to nearly nonexistent because of the distance between the two. It was a strange feeling he decided, but didn't mind it. He was too busy with focusing on the notebook as the image in the water followed its fall, and it landed in an area of grass with a thud, on the property of a school building.

Perfect! Teenagers are even more interesting.

Now it would surely be just a matter of time before it was found. The shinigami made a slightly shocked face, as if it was horrified by his own actions, just for the heck of it, and then started laughing maniacally.

Finally he would get some entertainment out of this hellhole!

He hoped at least that the puny human that found it would be amusing enough at least.

Or else…

"Hyuk Hyuk! Chehehe! "

The Shinigami King was very old.

No shinigami would even question that.

The Shinigami King was also very powerful.

No sane shinigami would question that theory either.

Every shinigami that been in his presence just for a moment, knew these facts immediately. Others who hadn't been in his presence to experience his aura on their own had surely heard the stories from the others. His aura alone was enough to make sure that all the sane Shinigami beneath him would abide by his words instantly. It enabled him to keep his position with ease.

Like he had done for many, many centuries.

None of the shinigami really knew how old he actually was, and many doubted that even the King himself remembered, since years passed quite quickly in the Shinigami World. Time became a vague concept for a Shinigami, since it didn't really have effect on them like it had on humans. One of the few means to keep track of time was to keep an eye on the Human Realm, which many weren't that interested in.

Age didn't have a large significance in the Shinigami World. One of the few situations where it was of any importance was when it involved the age difference between two Shinigami, or the years the Shinigami had left before he had to write in his Death Note again. So, time was not that important in the eyes of many.

As time passed, many Shinigami would eventually forget their previous lives as well. Many lives had been lived as a human who had gotten their hands on the Death Note many centuries ago. Others could possibly best be described as fallen angels, who had failed to remain as innocent as they had been. All memories of those entities were slowly forgotten over time, and the excitement in the Shinigami realm, which had already nearly non-existent – disappeared completely.

Only Ryuk, one of the rare mischief-makers in the Shinigami realm, seemed to be the one that put actual effort in finding some amusement, or finding information that would give him something to muse about for a couple of years. This was why the Shinigami King wasn't surprised when said shinigami eventually showed up in front of him, 'humbly' requesting some information about the history of the Shinigami World, especially the Death Notes.

The Shinigami King, who secretly kind of liked Ryuk, had at first refused, not wanting to waste his precious –boring and monotonous – time with the lower Shinigami. The Shinigami King knew what the shinigami was planning to do. Sure he was old, but he was no fool. Not even close to one in fact.

However, he had to admit to himself that he was quite curious himself, but on the other hand didn't want any other possible competition to his power. Though power usually had to do with the age of a Shinigami, it had occurred a couple of times that a 'newer' Shinigami had nearly been able to rival him. But that didn't matter anymore though, since the keyword had been 'nearly'. They were all dead now.

They, as well, had soon been forgotten as centuries passed.

All but by the Shinigami King though, since even though he was the oldest shinigami in the realm, having lived there from nearly its creation, he never really forgot very important memories. Of course, many memories and details seemed vague and some had disappeared altogether, but yet, there was still a main picture for the Shinigami King to remember. The Shinigami would always remember the cause of this curse. The fiend being that had cursed him to immorality, although he knew that it had not been the being that had gotten him into this place, he had always felt that it had played a mayor role in it.

He had tainted him then, and the Shinigami King had fallen.

But that didn't matter anymore, as that cursed entity was currently being trapped in nothingness. It wouldn't be able to escape without his help either, and he surely was not planning to.

Yet, that somehow bothered the Shinigami, as he knew that it had never really been defeated. Defeating it was something that he hadn't been able to accomplish; the Shinigami King knew that he would never been able to either. He had tried his best for that cursed being to be stripped of his power, and succeeded, but that had been the only thing he could do.

As powerful as the Shinigami King was, he himself could not defeat it. He could only trap and restain it, and yet he never really thought that was enough. He wanted revenge!

He growled, and its bony hand clenched around the sides of his throne. Some of his higher-ups noticed his sudden change in mood and shied a little bit away from him in response.

A feeling that had been lost to the him for ages suddenly returned to his soul. Emotions other than the weak basics were rare for such unemotional beings as shinigami and the Shinigami King was surprised by the sudden and rare experience. That didn't diminish the feeling though, as it only caused him to become happier. Emotions were cherished in the Shinigami world. Emotions were what the shinigami were either jealous or ignorant of.

Another tinge entered his body and the King's slitted eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't felt such a sign for a long time. Slowly but surely the emotions started to twirl around his mind, like a whirlpool before slowly calming down and leaving a simple thought behind. Defeat your enemy through the Human world.

Something told him, that this was the chance to do so. A feeling that urged him to put together the plan that was already forming in his head. Although it had been centuries ago when he felt these kind of emotions last, it didn't take the Shinigami much longer to recognise the feeling as what it was.


Fate was telling him to take action, and so he would have little choice but to comply. The thought made the King grit his teeth in annoyance.

Even the Shinigami King didn't want to mess with Fate, althought he had to power to should he really want to. His first thought was that was exactly what he was going to do. However as the feeling got stronger, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of 'path' would be created if he complied. He was actually quite curious as what this new development would do.

Was Fate telling him this was the way to get rid of his archenemy perhaps?

So after days, or possibly weeks, of musing he couldn't get away from the feeling anymore. He had to act at that moment, and so called Ryuk back to him, and started his own plan. He subtly started telling him the rough outline of the history of the Death Note's and he could see Ryuk waiting for something more specific. The last chance to back out was once again stopped by this undesirable urge, driving him to let it slip.

And so he did.

His blood read eyes followed the other shinigami as he quickly rushed away when he was finished with his little story, without doubt set on finding the object he had spoken off. The Cursed Death Note. The object where he had trapped his enemy in all those years ago, as he became what one of the most ancient myths talked about.

The Notebook's Curse.

Absolute darkness. Absolute Nothingness.

It was a place no human would have the ability to imagine. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing, except for the darkness itself. Nothingness; it was one of the few concepts that a human mind wouldn't be able to grasp.


That was one of the few words the being, who was currently residing in this 'nothingness', could think of to describe the place he was currently hovering in. He simply existed in nothingness, a deep black hole consisting nothing but himself.

There was no touch to the senses. There was nothing to smell, nothing to hear except the sounds he made himself and even those were vague. He could not speak either. It were only the thoughts that were whispering in his mind. There was no way to measure time going by. There was no way to know whether or not time passed slower in this small realm of nothingness either.

Who knew how much time had passed ever since that day.

He wasn't able to move either. There were these invisible chains holding him back with every movement he made. His power was chained too, rendering it useless. So with nowhere to go and centuries long of fighting his fate, he had eventually changed his plans. As soon as all his fury had reduced enough for him to get it back under control and think clearly, he had decided on a different approach. His fury was nearly unrivalled, hence the centuries that had passed.

So for the next couple of centuries he had decided to rest. He would rest until the time finally came that he was able to escape. That Old Goat wouldn't be able to keep him there forever anyway, and so he had just decided to wait.

His revenge would come eventually.

So as the unknown spirit with many different names continued to wait in the binding darkness surrounding him, time passed, but the darkness stayed the same. Yet the spirit didn't mind, for it was something he did not fear. It was more comfortable than anything else actually. He loved the dark.

Then eventually after an unknown amount of time, a sound erupted through the nothingness. There had been no warning, or any way to sense it either. It was just a simple sound that was a combination between a 'wish' and a 'splash' and it echoed through the nothingness.

Something so small in reality suddenly rivalled a deafening explosing after the endless silence the spirit had been trapped in.

That was the only warning before everything around the spirit broke down. The bounds that had locked away his power crumbled to the ground. The darkness remained, because it was the only thing the spirit liked. The spirit had bound with this realm over time. He had claimed it as its own, in attempt to get the power that it needed over time. He did not fear it.

For he was Darkness himself.

For the first time in centuries, a pair of glowing insane red eyes snapped open as he awoke from his frozen state. The last of his invisible chains evaporated into the air and the little power he had left spiked as he immediately became aware of his surroundings.

A deep intake of breath echoed through the space before a high and sharp sound pierced through as the spirit immediately sensed where it was. He was in the Human Realm! Finally! His escape!

The insane laughter eventually stopped before the spirit finally spoke up for the first time in a long time. His voice sharp and high, a tone of evilness and insanity mingled deep within it.

"Let's see how you will stop me now Old Goat!"

Another one of his high and sharp laughs followed. All he had to do now was wait for the unlucky soul that he would take over, and once again start a new world.

His World.

With that, the Notebook the spirit was trapped landed on the soft grass in the middle of a grass field of a High school.

Now he just had to wait.

At the same time, a certain ace student was staring bored out of the window from the classroom. School was so unbelievable boring for the student, so it was no wonder that he couldn't wait for the bell to ring, even though nearly everyone who knew him might think or expect otherwise. Which meant that they didn't actually know him as well as they probably thought. Better yet, the student was sure that nobody knew about his real self.

They were too fooled by his perfect image.

But that was perfectly fine with him. He didn't really have any interest in any of them anyway, even his so supposed friends. He had really tried, but they just weren't on the same wavelength as him, just like everybody else he knew.

The student sighed silently and looked at the clock in a manner that didn't reveal any of the complete disinterest and the unbelievable boredom he was feeling. About ten more minutes left, and he was finally finished with school. Well a couple of months really, because than he could go to college. That thought brought a light smile on his lips. He would only have to wait a little longer before he would finally be able to follow his father's footsteps.

The teenager continued to daydream about his future for a little longer before he snapped out of it. It wouldn't do any good for him to think about things that might never happen. It was important to keep rational, he reminded himself. He wasn't the perfect student for nothing. He would not allow himself to lose his perfection. He was expected to be perfect, so he would be perfect.

However, before the teenager could go any further about his 'perfect-ness' in his thoughts, something else caught his attention. He narrowed his eyes as he saw an object drop down in the grass.

'A notebook?' The teenager thought. 'Did that just fall out of the sky?' He continued in disbelief. He replayed the memory in his head, and yes, he was sure that it had fallen out of the sky.

'How on earth…?'

Since a long time, something had gotten Yagami Light's attention. He would have to take a closer look, he decided. The next couple of minutes Light spend multiple times checking if the notebook was still there. He would search for it after class. School was then finished anyway.

Now if just that damn bell would ring.

Light had to keep himself from running to the old ancient thin book that had fallen out of the sky. It wouldn't do any good for his image not to appear as collected as he always was. So instead he kept a steady pace as he approached the dark brown notebook that was lying in the middle of the grass field.

'There it is.'

The book looked like an antiquity. Light was about to immediately reach for it to pick it up, but a feeling stopped him. There was something strange about that notebook. It was not just the appearance of the notebook, which looked like it could fall apart any moment, but more the energy that seemed to be radiating from it. Light continued to stare at the object, before he quickly shook himself out of the trance. That strange atmosphere had somehow caught him into just staring at the book.

He shook his head at the ridiculousness of that thought and moved to pick it up. 'Yeah right Light, you are just tired from school.'

As soon as his finger gazed the cover, a tingle run down his spine and Light froze in his movement just for a moment. He quickly pushed himself out of it and picked the damn notebook up, slightly unnerved about the strange sensation that was suddenly running through his body.

'What is this book? Why does it have such an effect on me?' Light thought as he suddenly felt light in his head.

He started to feel dizzy suddenly and everything started to spin. He reached with his hand for his head. Yet, even though feeling ill all of sudden, a curious urge made him turn the notebook around and look at the nearly unreadable letters that had been crafted into it by a fine calligrapher. His eyes allowed his to quickly work out the letters on the notebook as he tried to burn it into his memory.

'Death Note?' Light wondered as he suddenly stumbled back when he read the letters. The headache that had just appeared had caught him of guard. ' Meaning God of Death…" Light absently continued, his mind unable to let it go.

That piece of information seemed important somehow.

Black spots slowly appeared in his vision and he absently felt his arm holding the thin antique notebook moving without his permission. His eyes widened in surprise and fear. He wasn't moving his arm at all. Well it seemed he was, but he wasn't moving it. It was as if someone was moving for him. Light was now really more than just simply unnerved, but the world was spinning dangerously now and he couldn't really control his body at the moment to do anything about it. Everything felt dull and heavy.

'Wh-What is going on?' Light tried to say out loud, but instead could only speak up in his mind.

Panic finally settled as he felt his arm finally stop its movement. Then suddenly against my own will he turned around and started walking towards the gate, and Light panicked even more. He wasn't doing this! Why was he walking toward the street? He could be overrun by a car! This couldn't be happening to him!He was perfect after all! He should be in control of his body! Panic overrun all his thoughts.

Then as he was nearing the street, the only warning he had was the heaviness in head reducing to a nearly dull sensation, when suddenly his body collapsed on the ground. Everything went black, though Light was still somewhat aware of his surroundings. Worried shouts and cries followed quickly and he felt someone touch his shoulder and shake it. He couldn't respond. Even though he tried, he couldn't.

'What the hell is happening to me?'

It was as if he was trapped in his own body. He felt his mental composure slowly breaking down. Whatever was happening, he knew, no he felt that this was not right. And there was nothing he could currently do about it.

Then finally when he felt himself being lifted from the floor by someone, and he felt himself falling asleep.

The last thing he heard was an insane high-pitched laughter, before he slipped into unconsciousness.

The demon was free at last!

- - TBC - -

So what do you think? Is it a GO or NO? Share your thoughts!

Bye the way, does any of you have any cool names for the 'evil spirit'? 'Cause I'm still thinking about that one.

Please Review!