I do not own Harry Potter or the Lord of the Rings, J.K. Rowling and JRR Tolkien do.

Now read and, hopefully, enjoy.

Pain ripped through his mind, soul, and body like an untamed wild fire, eager to destroy. The pain stopped all rational thought. It burned, and burned, and seemed never-ending.

"Owww…" The moan came out soft and pained its source shifted. His long, silver-streaked midnight hair fell back from the man's face. His eyelids fluttered open, and slightly hazy, emerald eyes greeted the sun. Harry lay there for a moment, and if you looked closely, you could see the haziness slowly start to drift away. He blinked softly one more time and slowly, carefully, sat up and brought his hand close to his face. He stared, fascinated, as though he had never seen it before.

Harry's eyes then left his hand, and he studied his surroundings with an air of wariness. He did not know where he was and that was odd in and of itself. Maybe he was in part of the Forbidden forest that he had not been to before? But that did not make sense as there were no creatures about and the forbidden forest had quite a number of eclectic beasts. After looking around he found that he could not even recognize most of the flora which sent his mind spinning. Unfortunately even his magic was not helping much in finding out his location. The best bet was trying to find someone or something that could speak to him, and tell him where on earth he had landed. Disliking his options, Harry sat down and once again stared at his hand hoping to answer the other questions popping into his head.

"Odd," he whispered. "I remember so much blinding pain, yet I can't feel my old wounds or even left-over aches. I still see my scars, but feel none of the usual pain."

Standing up Harry glanced around before sighing and running his hand through his hair in frustration. He had the worst luck ever he decided as he stared into the forest before picking a seemingly random direction, and setting off into the foliage. His pale skin was oddly visible among the trees and the speckled light of the setting sun filtering though the leaves as he quickly disappeared.