Hey all! This is my first fic on this website. The one I was using before for this has been abandoned. No users left.

It's a Meredith/Derek AU fanfic. It begins in high school and will follow them until Seattle Grace. I don't intend on dragging it out for too long. Lemmie know whatcha think.

Inspiration for fanfic: Song:
Again & Again by the Bird & the Bee

Again and again and again
Do it again
Do it again
Again and again

It's a shame, it's a shame
It's a perfect shame
Creep under my door and we do it again, oh

It's easy and easy and easy and easy
And creepy and creepy and creepy, oh
Again, again, again, again

Again and again and again
Do it again
Do it again

Again and again and again
Do it again
Do it again

Again and again

Say my name, say my name, say my stupid name
It's stupid how we always seem to do it again, oh

You're so stupid and perfect
And stupid and perfect
I hate you, I want you
I hate you, I hate you, oh
Again, again, again, again

La, la, la
Again and again and again
Do it again
Do it again

Again and again and again
Do it again
Do it again

Again and again


Update #1


Meredith Grey was ready for summer this year. It would be a waste as always. Summer school was never needed for her so she was happy it never had to happen-summers were empty... if she didn't get an A the wrath of her mother, the infamous and famous Ellis Grey came down on her. That part Meredith hated the most. It wasn't motivation to not fail, it was fear of failure.

The summer would be different this time around, because junior high was over and now, now she would be a freshman in high school come August. She was ecstatic and nervous at the same time. Summers went easier because of her best friend Cristina Yang. Cristina was the perfect best friend, or person as they referred to each other. Cristina was sarcastic, cynical, she didn't take shit and she spoke her mind. Meredith admired her honesty and the way she could sum up Meredith's life's problems in a short monosyllabic sentence. Cristina admired Meredith's strength. Those who would kill to Ellis Grey's daughter were insane in her book. She was a legend but Cristina saw through all of that and the toll that Ellis took on Meredith. Every time Meredith and Ellis got in a fight, Cristina would ditch school with Meredith and they would have a girl's day; full of laughter and tears- but only from too much laughing. She hated to admit it, but Cristina loved those days. No one at school suspected a thing, two girls with 4.0s ditch school and the staff tended to look the other way. Cristina and Meredith always laughed at it, as if grades defined who people were? They knew better than that.

Boys were not a high priority on their list. Cristina could pinpoint any guy in the room and point out their flaw before any one else could notice. Homophobe...Bush supporter...Pervert...One eyebrow she would sound off as any of them made eye contact with her. It kept Meredith sane and safe.

Cristina was her best friend since kindergarten. She understood her. Meredith didn't like going to the mall too often like the other fake girls of the school. They liked to play football in the park with the guys and watch medical dramas on TV. They didn't wear a lot of make; if on the rare occasion they did. They could have cared less what people thought of them.

Nothing fazed them. Pop quizzes, midterms or finals they always got the top scores, with little effort. Partying was their vice, that and laughing so hard they had to hold their stomachs.

Seattle was a little brighter for Meredith because of Cristina Yang.

Meredith climbed up the stairs of her house, the house she came home to every day. Usually empty, and quiet, but it was what Meredith was used to. Her mother was rarely home, life of a surgeon Meredith knew that line well. That line meant that her mother left at 5 am and came home around 1 am. She packed clothes, slept for a couple of hours and then left. Food was bought by Meredith mostly. A savings card her mother set up for her helped her get money out of the bank and fills the shells of the pantry. So much for home cooked meals, Meredith scoffed at the idea that her mother could have a motherly bone in her body. Dream on she told herself as she unlocked the door.

Her father? Well that was a different story. That coward left when Meredith was six years old and the only thing Meredith remembered about him was that he could down a bottle of alcohol. Maybe it was better he wasn't around she'd think.

It was 9 pm and she had been out with Cristina the entire day; walking around the city, going to book stores and just sitting and talking. Most people would have found that boring but they found it fun, laughing so hard that tears spewed out of their eyes.

It was a good day Meredith thought as she opened the door and hung her purse on the hook by the door. She kicked her shoes off and made her way to the kitchen.

"Meredith, is that you? She heard from her Mother's voice

"Crap!" Meredith thought to herself

Meredith- yeah it's me she answered as she half winced. Talking to her mother was not a pleasant interaction.

She said as she sighed. Maybe she was the only one who liked coming home to an empty house.

It sure was a good day she thought, the joy fading from her face as she realized she would have to be forced to be with her mother.

Ellis- I got off earlier today. How was your day? She asked, unusually chipper. She was usually cold Meredith thought.

Meredith stared wide eyed at her mother, jean clad and button shirt like some house wife-,"Umm it was good really good", she tried to say with confidence but it sounded more like a question. She felt like a kid caught in the act of doing something wrong- but what did I do? She asked herself.

Ellis- good. She said with a smile that seemed almost genuine. Or was it genuine? Meredith asked herself. She couldn't decipher, it'd been so long since she saw her mother really smiling.

Meredith stared at her mother. This was unusual behavior for her mother. They mostly saw each other in passing as she headed to and from the hospital that occupied a great portion of her life. Meredith despised the hospital that kept her mother away when she was younger but she had grown to appreciate it now- it allowed her peace and quiet. And sadly, being away at the hospital seemed to be the greatest joy in Ellis' life.

Meredith nodded, not knowing what to say, "How was yours?", she asked, interested to hear her mother's reaction.

Ellis- it was good too. Why don't you go take a shower and then we can talk.

Meredith- talk?

Ellis nodded as if nothing was out of the ordinary

Meredith nodded back and made her way up the stairs slowly, wondering that the hell just happened.

Am I hallucinating? Or was that my mother, acting like an actual bonafide mother?? Meredith asked herself, while she simultaneously questioned her sanity


Let me know what you think please.


