PAGE EIGHT (four panels)

Panel 1. WALLY and LINDA, back from their work, approach their front door. The house is dark and quiet.


…on the run all evening--no time to even look at the monitors. You?


Good footage, plenty to edit. And our house is still standing.


That's right. Keep your expectations low.

Panel 2. WALLY and LINDA have entered the dimly lit house. LINDA is gazing fondly at something out of the front of the panel. WALLY is reacting with mild surprise.

LINDA (whisper balloon):

No matter what, kids always look cute when they're asleep.

Panel 3. WALLY and LINDA's view of BART on the sofa in open-mouthed slumber while IRIS and JAI look up from their videogame on mute in the background. They're wearing their uniforms as pajamas (no gloves, boots, or masks).

WALLY (whisper balloon):

I'm still going to kill him tomorrow.

Panel 4. LINDA puts a blanket over the sleeping BART as WALLY leads IRIS and JAI to their bedrooms.

WALLY (whisper balloon):

Come on. Bedtime was an hour ago.

JAI (whisper balloon):

Can Bart come the next time you go out?

IRIS (whisper balloon):

He was the best babysitter ever!