I softly smiled to myself in my sleep. I had just been dreaming of Zach. Ever since our kiss the other night the boy was all I thought about. I couldn't shake all of the times Zach entered my thoughts. I knew the odds of us getting together were a million to one but a guy could dream right? I simply couldn't help myself.

Truth be told I had been in love with Zach for 4 long years. That was the real reason I left. I just couldn't be around someone I was so incredibly in love with and just couldn't have, So I ran away. I met someone else, we had a comfortable relationship. It wasn't going to last forever, and it didn't. Thus, the reason I am back now. Sharing a place with someone and not having your name on the lease was not the wisest move I had ever made. So I am forced to stay at my mom and his step-dad's place until my new lease started at the end of the month.

I thought I could handle it. I thought that seeing Zach everyday would be no big deal. That after 4 years the feelings I held for the younger man had to have faded. Been dead and buried.

Damn was I wrong.

All of those feelings he thought were dead and buried? They were very much alive. One look at that beautiful swimmers body, marked with those smudges from paint or markers and I was lost. My old feelings were suddenly fresh and new and in my face all the time. I was loosing his mind, all I wanted to do was worship that man and never let him go, so I did what any idiot in love would do.

I hung out with the object of my affection all night, had a great time, got absolutely plastered, then commenced to destroy my friendship with Zach for all eternity.

The funny thing about all of this was, AS I was doing it I knew it was the dumbest thing I could ever do. I, under NO circumstances whatsoever should go around kissing my brothers straight best friend. What was I thinking? That Zach would kiss back?

Wait a minuteā€¦.Zach DID kiss back. When I started kissing Zach, he didn't push me away. He didn't yell at me and ask what the hell I was doing. Hell I didn't even look surprised. He just kissed back, even when I was pulling away at the end Zach kept kissing me.

So what was with the cold shoulder at the beach? He wouldn't even say if he was mad about what happened. He wouldn't even agnowledge that anything DID happen. He even went to far as to pull Cody away from me just so he could get the hell away.

Cody. Now there was one special little kid. It was all thanks to Zach too. God knows the boys parents didn't do anything. The absent father and the mother who could give 2 shits. Zach is that boy's father. Biologically no but in every other way that counts. He loves Cody more than any father ever could. There isn't a thing he wouldn't do for that kid.

Including lie about who he is and who he wants, so his sister won't take Cody away.

I have heard how Zach's sister talks. She doesn't want my 'influence' around her kid. And if Zach admits to being like me, then Jeeanie just might decide that she doesn't want his 'influence' either. Zach would never risk it. He would never create an opportunity where the chance of loosing Cody was real.

So I will back off. I know that Zach would never ever put himself into that position, so I have to suck it up. I'll be leaving soon anyway, I'd just do what he did last time. Find someone, be comfortable, and that would be the end of it. I crossed my arms and turned on my side, trying to fall back asleep.


'Just what I need' I thought. 'A visitor' So I dragged myself out of bed and rubbed my eyes.

"COMING!" I yelled as I headed for the stairs. I walked down, rubbing my eyes the whole way and opened the door. I suddenly looked up and my eyes met those of his visitor. I opened my mouth to speak.

"W-" I was suddenly cut off when my visitor smashed our lips together and pushed me inside.

I wrapped my arms around the other man's form and pushed him up against the wall finally disconnecting their lips. I pulled back and looked deeply into the other man's eyes saying one word.


It was a question. Many questions actually. Are you sure? Do you really want that? Is this real?

Zach answered simply by pulling my lips back to his furiously. There was no hesitation for Zach. He was a hurricane of lust. Before I knew it I was being urged up the stairs, my shirt and Zach's being torn off and forgotten on the steps. In another second Zach was going upstairs back first, lips connected with mine and hands working on my belt. I did the same for Zach, undoing his belt and helping him out of his pants, shoes being kicked off along the way.

Suddenly we were in the bedroom. Zach sat himself down onto it and laid down, scooting back. I took a moment to look at him before I was being pulled to the bed by fervent hands. Zach connected our mouths again. Damn if there was one thing I could do forever and ever it would be this, just kissing Zach. Soon I could feel Zach's hands on my ass and suddenly reality dawned on me. It had been maybe 2 minutes since Zach had been knocking at the door. This was all moving to fast. I didn't want this to feel like any other fuck. I wanted Zach to feel special. This was his first time with another guy, so I was gonna treat him right.

So I slowed down. I disconnected our lips and slowly kissed my way down Zac's body. Taking in every moment we had together. This was gonna be slow and sensual and sweet. There was no way in hell I was going to let Zac forget this night. I sure as hell wasn't going to.