Twisted and Tortured

Chapter 1

Don't own em but love em.

Damon stood frozen, his chance to bring Katherine backed just died with that imbecile Logan Fell. Damon tried to process what the Sheriff had said but he mind was shutting down. He sunk to his knees. He had only truly loved two people in this world, Stefan and Katherine. He had waited and planned for this for what seemed like forever. He had pushed himself to develop his powers make the necessary alliances and now he had failed.

Getting up, walking towards the road he went to stand in the middle of it waiting. He would wait for as long as it took, which wasn't long. He longed for an end knowing that it wouldn't come easily, but he could pretend that for a split second he could die, go on into after world, perhaps gain some peace.

The SUV that had hit him had ended up on the side of the road. Feeling the bones snap back into place Damon stood with purpose. His look was pure predatory as he walked over to the vehicle with the intent of taking the life inside of the vehicle. But his thirst was none existent as he recognized her.

Damon stood in silence for a couple of seconds. "Of course it's you, I mean it's poetic at best." He threw up his hands in the air.

Damon tilted his head and let out a breath. Against his will, Damon ripped the door off the hinges and extracted Elena out of her car. His face contorted she was barely conscious and was losing a lot of blood. He could tell she didn't have long to live. Damon's eyes glazed over, he knew this girl wasn't his Katherine, but she had touched something in him all the same.

"Elena, can you hear me?"

There was no response from her, Elena's skin was white and cool.

"Elena, you will die before I can get you to the hospital."

Damon tore across the main vein in his wrist. Cradling Elena's head in one head he held her in place and the blood flowed into her mouth.

Elena heard someone speaking to her telling her "drink". She was so sleepy, it was hard to concentrate. Elena didn't realize what the liquid was at first. But as her body started to heal she became aware. Oh god, it tasted metallic like, blood. She turned, blood covering her cheek dripping into her hair. A hand turned her head back holding her in place. Elena's face showed the horror and terror she felt.

Damon recognized the look on her face, he had seen it many times in his victims. "Relax princess, I'm not turning you." "I'm trying to save you."

Elena wasn't sure why, but the look in his eyes, she believed him. Her mind was still trying to process everything. She shut out the thoughts, she just drank. Damon felt an intoxicating high, watching the change in Elena's eyes. Knowing his life-force was pumping throughout her body. Penetrating blue eyes never left hers. He knew she would never look at him the same again.

Damon allowed his wrist to heal and then in one fluid motion picked up Elena. "Hold on, I'll take you to Stefan."

"No!" Elena surprised at how strong her voice was. Damon looked down at her only inches from her face. He heard a car coming, he could leave her here or take her somewhere safe. Out of curiosity he took off carrying Elena as he went.

Elena leaned into Damon she was freezing. She had left the manor wearing only Stefan's shirt. Elena had no idea where they were going but she knew for sure anywhere was better than back to Stefan. He had used her to replace Katherine. Elena had been hurt and sad at first but now anger was taking over. By the time Damon sat her down. She was livid. Looking around they were in the woods, but she didn't know where.

Damon walked forward leaving Elena to follow. A small old structure was standing there. Damon opened the door and gestured for her to go inside. Elena stepped inside to pitch black, she stumbled. Her arms went out to find something to steady herself when she felt a hand on her arm, an in the small of her back.

"Let me guide you." Damon helped her sit on a chair near the fireplace. He frowned in the dark, he had felt her trembling. He took off his jacket slung it around her. "I'll make a fire so you can warm up."

Damon mused in his head this girl and Katherine were like comparing night and day in most ways. Although Elena could command attention in a room of people without much effort. He figured that was something given to the beautiful. After lighting the fire Damon stood there watching the flames. After awhile he glanced at Elena. She was staring into the flames but her eyes were sparkling with anger. He studied her face, no mistaking it, he was sure she was angry. He gazed traveled to the rest of her body now, he hadn't really took time to notice what she was wearing. Elena Gilbert sat there in front of him wearing only his brother's shirt and his jacket.

Damon turned back to the fire resting a hand on the mantle. His little brother had finally gotten what he wanted but had managed to screw it up. He smirked then, wondering if his brother being turned as teenager had left him challenged in some way. Because he knew one thing for sure, if it had been his bed she had been in, she would still be there.