Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto (if i did it would have lots of sasunaru, kakairu, kisaita)

This is my second fanfic ever!!! so pleeeeaase review! This is for all Itachi fans!!! Also OC fans!!!

Rated T: For some language, violence, and ermm...some "scenes" (if you get what i mean)

Pairings: ItachixOC a little DeidaraxOC

Side Pairings: KakaIru, SasuNaru, SasoDei, KisaHidan (wierd pairing I know)


"Nii-san!!!" a little girl cried as she stumbled through the dark.

"Nii-san!! Where are you?!" she tripped scraping her knees on the rough floor beneath her.

The lightning flashed outside, showing just flickers of her young face. Wide dark orbs leaked with tears of fear.

The little girl stumbled towards the formidable doors that dwarfed her small form. The lightning flashed once more and she fell down crying. She was terrified. She couldn't find her Nii-san or Okaa-san anywhere.

"Nii-san!!! Okaa-san!!! Where are you??" her small voice cracking with terror.

With the small strength that she had she pushed open the dark doors. It opened with a slow, terrifying creak.

"don't come in…" A voice rasped in the darkness. The figure in the darkness was slumped over.

She was so glad that she found her Tou-san she ran forward only to be pushed roughly backwards by harsh hands.

"GO AWAY!!! LEAVE ME BE YOU LITTLE BRAT!" her dad turned to yell at her his eyes filling up with rage.

The young girl didn't understand why her tou-san was being so mean. He never yelled at her before. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"W-w-what do you mean tou-san?" she whimpered out.

She was met with silence. A glint of silver in the darkness caught the girl's attention. The knife swung down in an arc towards her tou-san's body. Everything moved in slow motion. Her feet lurching towards her tou-san in vain.

The horror on her little face reflected off the blade as it met skin.


"Tou-san!!!!" her heartbreaking cry ran through the house.

"T-t-tou-san!! P-please wake up…please…daddy?" she whimpered quietly as she was slumped over her dad's still form.

"What hap-" came the voice of her nii-san through the door. She turned her traumatized orbs towards her older brother.

"It's all my fault nii-san. I couldn't g-get to him in t-time." The girl whispered quietly to the floor.

Hesitant foot steps padded across the floor to her as her brother fell to his knees.

"Tou-san.." came his broken whispers.

She felt strong arms wrap around her body. She cried into her brother's chest.

"It's okay imouto. It's not your fault." His voice whispered into her hair.

"Yes it is!" she cried harder into his chest.

"No!" he said firmly and took hold of her face.

She was forced to look up into her brothers eyes. His were swimming with pain and tears. She could see her pale- terror struck face in his eyes.

"You must be strong imouto. For T-tou-san" his voice cracked at the end.

"I-i-t's all my fault…" she whispered.

Fatigue and grief washed over her small body and she struggled to stay awake.

Hands smoothed her hair and rocked her. Comforting her.

"Shhh…just sleep for now. It's okay imouto"

The last thing she saw before her eyes shut was the reflection of Anbu rushing into the house in the gleaming silver of the knife.

Soooo did ya like it? Please review to give me some ideas of what you want in this story!! Requests????