Yayyyy I FINALLY got this chapter uploaded! I'm soooo sorry for the wait you guys i just had lots of school work to do :(...anyways i hope you like it!

Huh? What's this? Am I dead?

I was surrounded by darkness, all I could see was my two hands. It felt kind of weird, like I was floating some how. Maybe this was heaven. But would heaven be this dark and gloomy?


What was that?!?

Whipping around I turned to face the whisper but I was met with the same blanket of black. That's strange it sounded like some how had called my name.


I spun around once again, this time I was sure that it was my name being called out. It was the faintest of whispers, like it was being carried along by the wind. For some reason I reached out towards the black nothingness that I was shrouded in. It felt like I had to reach it.

Rays of light blinded my eyes and I held up an arm to block out the sudden light. Squinting, I stared into the small tunnel of light. It contrasted greatly with the black shadows I was in. But this light, was like a star…it made my world just that much brighter.


Taking small careful steps, I walked towards the light. It was calling my name, over and over again. Beckoning me to come closer.

I don't want this to end yet. Lead me back to Itachi, please.

I wasn't rewarded with an answer. Rather, all I got in reply was another whisper of my name caressing the air around me.

Stretching out a single hand, I touched the light, then my vision exploded and color swamped my sight.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

What is that?!? Was that a dream? My body aches.

Frowning, I carefully opened my eyes, ignoring the heaviness in them. I stared up at the sterile white ceiling, it was definitely a hospital.

My eyes felt heavy with sleep and I reached up to rub at my face. Only to find that an IV was hanging out of my arm. Grimacing in disgust, I ripped it out of my wrist and quickly glanced around the room.

It was early morning, the sun was shining brightly in the sky and outside the window I could see the hokage tower.

Wait. I'm in Konoha?!?

What happened?

Then I remembered Itachi's and Kakashi's fight. I sat upright and swung myself swiftly out of the uncomfortable hospital bed. I staggered for a second, my legs were weak and I felt dizzy.

Normal POV

Kasumi took a careful step forward, getting her bearings as she made her way towards the door. Nobody else was in the room. Looking down, she sneered at the white hospital gown she was wearing. There was no way she would walk out looking like that.

Spotting the black bag on the floor, she quickly snatched it up and changed into her normal attire. Sweeping her long silver hair back into a high ponytail. Her mask was still in place.

She was looking forward to seeing Itachi, she wondered if her brother and her husband were getting along well. But, seeing as how they were fighting before she doubted it.

Stealthily sneaking out of the room, Kasumi halted in front of the closed door. In the waiting room, she could see her brother and Itachi slumped in chairs. Of course, they were on opposite sides of the room but, that was to be expected.

The rest of the team who were there during the fight also occupied the waiting room. Some on chairs, others on the floor.

"Hello again." She spoke softly.

Itachi's raven head immediately snapped up and his own obsidian gaze met with her yellow ones.

"Oh my god! Look, Kasumi's okay!!!" Naruto shouted and jumped up, making a beeline towards her.

Sasuke quickly grabbed on the blonde shinobi and held him back as Itachi rushed forward to meet her.

"Kasumi-koi…." Itachi whispered, almost breathlessly.

Hiding a soft smile, she reached up to stroke his cheek. The raven surprised her by hugging her tightly and burying his face into her hair.

She smiled inwardly and said, "You're getting soft Tachi-koi. You were never a big fan of public displays of affection."

"And you don't usually talk so much." He shot back.

Kasumi glared at him playfully and turned around to face the group of waiting shinobi. She caught sight of her brother. Kakashi looked worn out, he had bags underneath his eyes and his face was wary.

Glancing up at Itachi she saw him nod discreetly and let go of her waist.

Sweeping forward Kasumi came face to face with her brother. This time with no hostility.


Her eyes crinkled slightly in the corners, indicating her slight smile. It was a sign that he was forgiven.

"It's been a long time, Nii-san." She stated softly.

Kasumi didn't back away as her brother embraced her tightly. His gravity defying silver hair brushed hers as he crushed her to him. Kasumi didn't do anything, she just stood there standing still. It had been a long time since they've seen each other.

"You've grown." Kakashi stated simply as he pulled away, noticing the slight glare Itachi had directed at him.

Stepping away she leant back into Itachi's embrace once again as he walked forward.

"Yes. So have you brother." She replied.

"And I see you've really gone and gotten married." Kakashi offered her a slight eye smile.


"Itachi." A cold voice rang through the waiting room.

Kasumi and Itachi both turned around to look at the person who had so rudely interrupted their conversation.

"Otouto." The older raven stated nonchalantly.

The younger stood with Naruto standing slightly behind him as if he was unsure whether or not to stop sasuke or let him talk.

"So you've come back."

"Not permanently."

"Would you like to explain?" Sasuke hissed coldly, they both knew what he was talking about.

"With time, you will know." Itachi responded quietly before turning around to resume the catching up he had to do with Kasumi's brother.

"I'm happy for you." It was whispered quietly, as if it wasn't meant to be heard. Kasumi's and Itachi's sensitive hearing barely caught the sentence.

Kasumi's yellow orbs glittered with happiness as she looked up at her husband. Shielded eyes looked back down at her. But she knew that inside he was weeping with joy, if that were possible.

His brother had finally forgiven him. The one thing he'd been wanting since the day of the massacre.

Itachi turned around to gaze at his younger brother. His eyes neither hostile nor soft.

"As am I for you." He whispered tonelessly, but after many years of hearing Itachi's toneless talk Kasumi could hear the slight emotion behind it.

Sasuke turned around to embrace Naruto, who's blue eyes had filled with tears that his lover could not shed.

"As I was saying, what do you plan to do now?" Kakashi asked, as the couple turned around once again.

Glancing briefly at each other, Kasumi answered for them. "We might stay for a day or two. But then we will leave."

Kakashi's eyes lit up with a liveliness that had been missing for many years. Itachi looked down tenderly at his wife and partner.

Kakashi's eyes narrowed, "You do love her then." It was more of a statement than an answer but Itachi answered nonetheless.

"Yes. I do."

"You're happy?"

"Yes Nii-san. I am." Kasumi said softly.

Leaning back a bit with satisfaction, Kakashi was happy to hear that his younger sister had finally found happiness. Even if it was with a criminal. She had been so cold and distant before but, seeing this soft and tender side of her was a nice change.

"Ah! This tense attitude is making me crazy! Let's go to Ichiraku's!" Naruto yelled happily, earning a punch on the head from his boyfriend.

"Yeah!" Everyone else in the room cheered.

Heaving themselves off the floor each of them gave Kasumi a greeting, and watched Itachi with weary but pleased eyes.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Ichiraku's is still here?"

"Yup. Naruto here, eats there everyday." Kakashi answered.

Her frown deepened at the thought of eating such foods every single day. Itachi smiled down at her antics and gave her a soft kiss before tugging her along.

Without missing a single step, they walked together in perfect synchrony. They looked like they were made for each other.

"So what did you eat Kasumi-chan?!? At Akatsuki? Did they have ramen?!?" Naruto asked happily.

He and Sasuke were now walking side by side with Itachi and Kasumi. The brothers still refused to look at each other though.

"No Naruto. They fed me scraps." She said tonelessly before looking ahead with cold eyes.

Naruto gasped dramatically, "Itachi-san how could you! You…."

The glare that said raven gave him caused him to shut up. That was when Sasuke elbowed him and told him, "Get the joke?"

Once again laughing boisterously, naruto started skipping about. Itachi finally looked at his younger brother with eyes clearly saying "Did you really fall in love with that idiot?"

The younger gave him a hard glare before grabbing Naruto and holding him still. All the while Kakashi was walking slowly behind them, Icha Icha already out and ready. The rest of the gang were chatting idly ahead of them.

There wasn't anyone nearby. The hospital had been near the outskirts of the city, therefore they hadn't run into any civilians or shinobi. This was probably for the best, as there were two well known S-Ranked criminals in the vicinity.

Hands intertwined, Itachi and Kasumi both discreetly did a quick check of the village. They hadn't been back for a long time and they were both looking out for the changes they hadn't been there to witness.


The explosion of dozens of Anbu was enough to shake the ground. Immediately Kasumi and Itachi fell into a fighting stance, daring them to get closer. The rest of the group formed a circle around them.

Kakashi stood in front, once again acting as spokesperson.

"What are your orders?" he asked, voice filled with authority.

The tallest anbu stepped forward, his eagle mask glinting in the sun.

"We are hear to arrest Uchiha Itachi. He has been charged with the murder of the Uchiha clan and is sentenced to death."

Kasumi frowned because they hadn't stated her name. She glared coldly at the anbu, her eyes filled with venom and poison.

"He deserves a trial at least." Kakashi protested.

"No he does not. Now we will take him peacefully or by force." The anbu stated.

Kakashi glanced behind him, but was surprised when Itachi left Kasumi's side and stepped forward. Kasumi also moved to follow but was stopped with one look from her husband.

"I will go, if you don't hurt them." He said quietly, his voice filled with a dark tone.

Behind the masks the Anbu sneered. "Of course."

"Don't Itachi!" Kasumi said with a fierce vehemence.

"Please don't" she tried again.

"I must Kasumi-koi." He answered her.

Her eyes pleaded him to stay, but Itachi turned back around and swept gracefully forward. The anbu rushed towards him, with ropes and kunai but were blocked by murderous Kasumi.

She hissed dangerously, "Hurt him and all of you will suffer a slow and painful death."

She disappeared back into the group.

Fighting down shiver, the Anbu moved forward once again but this time without the weapons.

Itachi gave them all a cold glare that could freeze hell over but allowed himself to be lead away.

"No!" Kasumi shouted.

Before he left Itachi just shook his head and whispered to her, "I love you." Then the Anbu, along with Itachi disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Unable to follow, Kasumi stayed, staring at the place her love had just occupied. Kakashi and the rest of the group moved forward but flinched when she whipped around.

"Why?" she whispered fiercely, her eyes burning with hatred.

Snatching out a kunai, she jumped up powerfully landing on the roof of a nearby house. Her legs ready for the second leap.

"Where are you going?" Kakashi asked her.

Kasumi turned around just to glance briefly at her brother before leaping into the air, disappearing from view.

"To see the Hokage."

Okay so did u like it? Hope it wasn't a dissapointment. I hope to get the next chapter up soon!!!! Please Review!!!!
