Lord Sesshoumaru was walking through the forest absorbed in thought. What he was thinking about is as impossible to guess as it was for Jaken to actually do something right for once. So deep in thought was the great dog demon that he neglected to notice he was being followed. The one following Sesshoumaru was a little girl he had found in a village not too long ago by the name of Rin. She kept darting from bush to bush and giggling quietly.

This had been going on for sometime when Sesshoumaru caught his foot underneath a root in the path and tripped, sprawled out in the dirt.

Extremely embarrassed, the demon turned to the offending tree and sliced it to bits with his claws. Turning, his foot got caught on another root and he was sent sprawling once more into the dirt.

Rin, finding this hilarious, burst out laughing and could not be calmed down again for another ten minutes. Had anyone else dared to laugh at the great lord, they would have been killed on the spot. Since it was Rin, Sesshoumaru simply looked up from where he lay and said,

"Tell no one of this."


When asked later by Jaken why she kept laughing, Rin could only look at Lord Sesshoumaru and start laughing all over again.