Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters. I do own any names that you do see that are not in the show or manga, so no stealing, please, I worked really hard on those characters.


What Happened First

A howl ripped through the forest, a howl filled with agony and desperation. The howl came from a certain moonlight haired half dog demon by the name of Inuyasha. Inuyasha had struggled with all he was worth to not end up in the position that he was currently in. It was all the miko's fault as well. She claimed to understand demon customs, but she really did not and he was paying the consequence for it.

Kouga grunted as he continued to piston in and out of the tight heat around his aching erection. The miko did not understand that when he gave her the courting mark that they could both indulge in each other's body and that it was basically essential that they do so. However, since she was not giving in until they were properly 'wedded', Kouga decided to use the hanyou to fulfil his needs until the miko and he were considered proper in her eyes. He really did not care about the fact that the hanyou was less than willing in the coupling. With a howl of his own, Kouga reached completion and released his seed deep within the mutt's hot channel. It was then that the scent of tears reached his sensitive nose and he pulled loose of the hanyou.

"Are you crying? Pathetic." The wolf demon laughed at the crying hanyou before he spit on him.

"Keep your mouth shut about this mutt. You know that none of them will believe you." Kouga then left the little hanyou to his misery. Inuyasha knew that words that the ookami lord spoke were the truth. Since the wolf had officially initiated himself into the ragtag group, the others had quickly forgot that Inuyasha was there for anything other than to serve as a shield for Kouga when fighting against demons. The only one that really seemed to notice that Inuyasha still existed was Shippou.

That was the last straw that Inuyasha could take. The wolf had taken something from Inuyasha that was not his to take. Not only did he take Inuyasha's virginity, he took away Inuyasha's future choice to mate with a female or to be the dominate if he had decided that he was into males. He had been forced to submit and his scent would now mark him as a submissive as well as the fact that his entire being was re-engineering itself to the biological and psychological set-up of a submissive. The only thing that was in Inuyasha's favor at this point was that he could have Kouga exiled for so many years for the rape of an underage demon. Demon laws did not care about the rape itself, but minors could not achieve sexual pleasure of any kind until they reached adulthood, close to their three hundreth year, and this also meant that should the minor get pregnant, they would have to mate with an older, sexually active demon. The minor would have to go so many years pleasing their mates, but unable to receive anything in return. It also compounded the minors fear of future sex. That fear of sex usually ended up with strife between mates until the younger is driven to madness and commits suicide. For Inuyasha, that is the thing that scared him most. He was only two-hundred fifty years old and a minor. Kouga had not pulled out when he had climaxed and Inuyasha knew that there was a high probability of him being pregnant (otherwise they would not have made that law). He would need help and he knew of only one place that would be able to give him the help he needed. Screw Naraku, he could eat them all. The only person he was going to see to was Shippou and then he was gone.

"Shippou, if I were to leave right now, would you want to come with me?" Inuyasha asked seriously. He did not have time to play games with the young kit. Shippou picked up on the tension in Inuyasha right away and he replied with his own seriousness. Inuyasha felt so bad for the kitsune at times like these as the little kit was supposed to still be in the sling connected to his mother's back.

"Yes, but why? Are you leaving?" Inuyasha looked at the kit for a long moment before answering.

"I am leaving. Are you sure you want to come with me? If you do, you should know that no one else is coming. It would be just the two of us." Shippou looked thoughtful for a moment before answering Inuyasha.

"I will come with you on one consion. Can I call you 'Momma" now?" Inuyasha smiled at that. If things had not happened the way they had with the wolf, he would have insisted on being called 'Papa,' but alas, life did not work that way.

"Yeah. Come on squirt, I have something for ya." Inuyasha pulled out a thick, long, wide piece of cloth. He had figured that Shippou would stay with him, if only for the fact that Inuyasha could teach him how to survive after the humans died, and had prepared to step into his role as the kit's mother. He place the cloth about himself and then lifted Shippou into the pouch at the front. For the first time since his parents had passed, Shippou felt truly safe. Riding on Inuyasha's shoulder had come close, but being pressed against the warm, beating heart of Inuyasha was what he had needed. With Shippou situated, Inuyasha moved swiftly into the treetops in the direction of the place that held the name of second home, his forest being his first.

After the first hour of travel, Inuyasha was able to tell that Shippou had fallen asleep and he was glad. The kit had been asking questions and talking non-stop. That was not what was bothering the hanyou though, what was bothering him was he needed some quiet to think about what was going to happen and how to handle the situation he was in. From where they were starting, he knew that he and Shippou had at least a two month journey ahead of them. He also knew that he would have to make a stop to stock up on food before he took them on the week long trek through the wastelands. He would have been able to survive until he made it to the other side, but he was not going to risk his health if he was pregnant and he definitely was not going to risk Shippou's health. That alone might another week of travel, but at least they would make it to their destination before the cold season began.

Finally they had made it. Sanctuary. The refuge of hanyous and mixed blood demons. He could only hope that Hitori-sama was still heading the village because when he had been there about a hundred years back she already been elected leader six times and was running again. She had also been the demon to teach him about demon law and specifics laws that only pertained to him because of his affiliation with the White Dog Demon Clan. He had missed her all the years away and he felt some of the peace that his soul had been missing return. The rest would follow with time.

Shippou peeked his head out from the sling as Inuyasha knocked upon the high, heavy wooden gates of the well-protected village. When the gates began to open, the kit snuggled back down into the sling and against the hanyou's slightly protruding stomach. A mixed blood demon and a neko-hanyou met the newcomers with suspicion, but lead them immediately to the center of the village where the head resided. To Inuyasha's fortune, finally, Hitori was waiting in the doorway of her hut. Her face, still surrounded by masses of curly green hair, brightened when she recognized the youth that she had found crying on one of his human nights a hundred years ago. Inuyasha had grown so much, but when she saw the aura of desperation, sadness, and deep pain, her smile and happy purple eyes dimmed. She opened her arms to him and he left the guard behind to take the offered comfort.

"Inuyasha, my child, what has the world done to your spirit?" She received no response, just the sobs of pain that weighed down the young one's spirit. She took him into her home, brushing the guards off to go back to their duty. Once within the privacy of her home, Hitori sat the inu-hanyou down and coaxed the entire story out of him. Shippou had listened quietly, but as he did not understand most of it, he was soon pulled under the spell of sleep. Kagome probably would have complained about how much Shippou had been sleeping, but in truth the kit was supposed to be sleeping that much due to his age. Inuyasha was relieved that Shippou was finally getting all the nutrition and rest that a toddler demon should be getting.

"Oh, Kami-sama pup! Why did you not go to his council? Surely they would have found you an acceptable suitor and punished him accordingly." Inuyasha looked at her sadly.

"After the death of one of the tribes of the Northern Lands at the hands of Naraku as a trap for me, they have deemed me a threat and I am banned from going anywhere near their lands. Even if they did hear me out, they would not have punished him as he is the last of his line and his mate will add unique powers to the royal line of the ookami of the Northern Lands. I was better off just coming here, especially since I have Shippou to worry about as well. Sneaking extra food to him was getting hard, as well as covering for his naps." Inuyasha replied softly. Hitori just hugged him again, making sure to watch out for Shippou who was still attached quite stubbornly against Inuyasha's front.

"We will find one here then. Leave it to the world to have the minority have to fend for themselves. Go get some rest, you and the kit. When you wake, we will have you properly outfitted as well as talk about the things that need to be handled. I will also call for the healer. Now go." Inuyasha demurely did as he was bid. He went directly to the room that had been his an hundred years ago and laid down to get some much needed rest of his own. Inuyasha lifted Shippou gently from the sling and laid him on the futon first then settled himself in behind the babe. Hopefully things would work out now that they were guarded from the cause of most of their problems. Inuyasha hoped that was the case and it was for the next decade.

A/N: It's back and better than ever (at least I think so). Also, I am not going to pair Inuyasha with Naraku as you can see. I tried to work it out that way, but it just sounded weird. I hope you like it. I couldn't get it out of my head after evil genius asked for it. This just proves that I actually read my reviews, not look at the numbers ;) Ja!