The last chapter. Man, it feels good to say that because I've never finished a story before unless you count my Dream Live stories on my other account, which I don't because a lot of it was the dream lives. So, this isn't my favorite chapter ever, but it completes the story, which was what it's supposed to do. I've written 6 chapters of the sequel, and I'm uploading the first chapter of it. So, YAY and enjoy the final chapter. =)

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Chapter Twenty-Three


"Tell us about the premiere. You're smiling and grinning and you need to tell us why you're so happy!" Hiro stated as he sat down in the desk in front of Takuya who turned a dusty pink and glanced between his friends.

"You saw the news yesterday morning, didn't you?" the two looked at each other and gave a small nod. "What else is there to say then?" he grinned.

Hiro began to smile. "So the two of you are actually back together, like, officially?" Takuya nodded. "That's great! Tell us what happened!"

"Well," he began. "You two know the basics. What they said was pretty much all the truth… but—what they don't know—is that I went back to his—our—place and… then afterwards he asked me to move in with him. I said yes."

Keiko squealed. "Oh my Kami-sama! It's like a yaoi manga with an actual plot! Which is just as good as regular yaoi if not better!"

"What are your parents going to say when you tell them that you're moving in with your boyfriend though?" Hiro questioned curiously, leaning forward as if a preteen girl eager for what they called "gossip".

Takuya gave a slight smile. "They already know. They saw, I told them they had no chance of changing my mind and now we are speaking to each other. It hurts a bit, but they'll get over it sooner or later, I know that, they know that, they're just being stubborn. Yoshirou has no problem whatsoever about me dating Kazuki. He just wishes he didn't have to hear about it." He snickered. "Poor Yoshirou-nii. He doesn't have the best of luck with that but it's his damn fault for being so curious." Even though he said this, it was said in a fond voice.

"So Yoshirou-senpai is fine with it?"

"Hai," he nodded. "He even told tou-san that he wanted to study psychology and not business. I was a little shocked at that but good for him. Tou-san and kaa-san should be at least thankful that they have one son to give them grandkids, because—as far as I know—I'm not having any unless they're adopted because I'm positive males can't have kids unless we suddenly grown a uterus."

Hiro groaned and held his stomach. "Don't even make me think of that. Let the women handle it, they can handle the pain better than us men can."

Keiko smiled. "Hiro, I didn't know that you thought that way!"

"Are you kidding?" he exclaimed incredulously, drawing the attention from the people around them. "Women are freaking crazy wanting kids! How do they handle pushing a baby out of their… men could never put up with that! We're too lazy and don't have the ability to handle that kind of pain."

Takuya laughed. "You are completely right on that. Gosh, just the thought of pushing a kid out of your ass is like… creepy and painful."

"You can always get a c-section!" Keiko told them, nodding.

Hiro and Takuya glanced warily at each other. "You mean like," Hiro began. "Getting our stomachs cut open?" Keiko nodded. "No thank you! I don't want my muscular stomach to become all cut open and scarred!"

Keiko beamed. "But I bet it feels amazing to carry a child! Everyone says that the woman always have a glow about them when they're pregnant! It does sound a bit painful, but in the end it should be worth it! And the thought of you and the one you love creating something and bringing it into the world, isn't that just so romantic?" she grinned silly-ly and clasped her hands.

Takuya pursed his lips in thought and replied, "That does sound kind of nice actually."

Hiro glanced over at him in shock. "You aren't actually thinking about that, are you?

"No!" he glared at him, sitting up. "Of course not! Besides, I can't get pregnant anyways, so that's a mute topic. Why are we even talking about this?"

"Because you brought it up," Hiro and Keiko stated in tune, laughing at the look Takuya got on his face.

"When are you moving in with him?" Hiro asked suddenly, once again serious.

"Hmm," he thought. "We haven't really had a chance to discuss much but… sometime after graduation. Near the end of March, probably." He smiled dreamily. "I can't wait. I'm going to be living in our house and sleeping in our bed and bathing in our bath…"

"We get it! Everything will be the two of yours!"

Takuya nodded. "Hai, ours…"

Hiro and Keiko glanced at each other. "We've lost him."

As soon as Takuya had collapsed on his bed, there was a knock at the door, and he sighed, yelling at the person to come in.

The door opened and Yoshirou leaned against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest. "I can't believe my little brother is going to be moving out before I do! And he's graduating from high school in a few days…" Yoshirou pouted. "You're growing up to fast! I want my otouto back!" Yoshirou let out a loud wail and ran over to the bed and moving to jump on it and then paused, asking, "Is the bed safe to be on?"

Takuya rolled his eyes and sat up. "Yes, the bed is safe to be on, Yoshirou-nii."

Yoshirou let out another scream and then pounced, knocking his brother onto his back on the bed, sitting cross-legged on top of him. "Ow!" Takuya cried, struggling beneath him. "Let me go, jerk!"

"No!" he exclaimed. "I want my little, innocent otouto back! Don't leave me!" he pouted at the younger boy, eyes widening in a tear fashion.

Takuya sighed and shook his head. "That's not going to work if you don't have it more than perfected because I have it perfected."

Yoshirou lost the pout. "No you don't! Let me see it!"

The teenager shrugged before jutting his bottom lip out only a little bit, widening his eyes and forcing tears to the front of them so that they appeared glassy, and then gave a small whimper and sniff. Yoshirou stared, slumping a bit and then moving off of his brother to sit beside him. "Eh, is that how you get people to do everything for you, you lazy brat? You're too good at that!"

Takuya beamed. "Kazuki thinks it's cute." He gave a millionth dreamy sigh of the day.

Yoshirou groaned. "I can't believe my brother fell in love before I did, I can't believe someone fell in love with my younger brother before someone fell in love with me! I'm older! I'm supposed to do everything first! No fair!"

"There are no rules that say the elder is supposed to do everything first." Takuya pointed out. "I'm just… extremely lucky. You'll find a girl that'll be worthy of you one day and you two will have lots of little kids running around, getting into things, making a mess."

"…" Yoshirou stared dryly at him. "Takuya, you totally just had to ruin having kids for me, didn't you?"

"Eh?" Takuya blinked in confusion. "Did I say something wrong?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, the whole running around after kids thing."

"That? But that sounds like fun…" he frowned and then smiled. "Or rather, watching Kazuki run after kids would be fun." He gave a sigh as he nodded and looked back up at his brother who was still staring at him. "What's with the look?"

Yoshirou shook his head. "Never mind,"

A few days later


His graduation had been a blur. One second he had been marching out along with the rest of his class and the second he was holding his diploma up with both hands, bowing to the principal before walking back to his seat.

Takuya's hands shook lightly as he watched everyone else in his class stand and get theirs, smiling when it was Hiro's and Keiko's turn. His stomach was in knots, and he bit at his lip in excitement. He was almost finished with high school, he would be moving in with Kazuki… could anything get better?

After all the speeches were through and over with, they stood and headed for their homeroom as the everyone else cleared up the place.

"Senpai!" he and Keiko turned to see that Hiro had stopped in his steps and their friend soon had an armful of a short first year. "I'm going to miss you, Hiro-senpai." Amaya gave a small, watery smile as he pulled back.

Hiro stared at him, blinking rapidly before forcing a grin onto his face and pulling the smaller boy back into his arms. "We'll see each other again, Amaya. You don't have to worry about that." he pulled back, swallowing tightly, ruffling the kid's hair as he began walking backwards. "Ja ne, Ryuunosuke-kun."

Amaya frowned and bowed his head, hair hiding the fact that he was crying. "Bye… Hiro-senpai."

Hiro frowned heavily as he and his friends walked back to their class. "He's too young. He's not even 16 for another week."

Takuya sighed. "He's not," Hiro looked at him questioningly. "Age… that's one of the things that doesn't really matter when it comes to love, in fact, very little does matter when it comes to falling in love, age and gender being the biggest. You're not even three years older than him, I've a friend dating someone nine years their senior and he couldn't be more happy." Takuya smiled. "Age is but a number."

"… You're always so full of cheesy lines, Takuya." He gave a small laugh. "And I appreciate that."

"You're welcome,"

After their final address by their homeroom teacher, they were free to do as they pleased. They were finished with their high school years and—for some reason—it felt… odd. Not in a completely bad way, just… odd.

"Takuya," said boy turned and grin as he saw who called his name.

"Kazuki!" Takuya squealed, running over to the older man and throwing his arms around his neck, bouncing on his feet. "I missed you so much! Hug me!"

The aspiring singer laughed, hugging him even tighter. "Aren't you just a ball of energy today?"

"Aren't I always?" he gave him an innocent look and then said, "But that's good for you, isn't it, Kazuki? Let's go back to your house and hang out."

Kazuki stared at him. "Only if you call it our place."

Takuya bit his lip to keep from grinning even wider. "Our place, our place, our place. It feels so good to say our place. So let's go back to our place," Takuya quickly glanced around before sliding his hands down the muscular chest and taking a step closer so that Kazuki could feel the teenager's hot breath on his lips. "And have some play time."

Kazuki groaned. "You are irresistible, do you know that?"

Takuya smiled. "So you tell me." He wrapped his arms around the man's waist and rested his head on his shoulder. "Let's go home,"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Konma Suzume asked her son as he smiled at a picture of him and his… boyfriend before placing it into a box.

Takuya looked over at her and nodded. "Of course, or else I wouldn't be doing this, okaa-san." He looked back at the few boxes around him, biting his lip in excitement. "I'm moving in with Kazuki. We'll be living together. I can't get over how much I love the sound of that."

Suzume stared at the eighteen year old. "You really do love him, don't you?"

Turning back towards her, he eyed her for a moment before replying, "I honestly, truly do. I've told you and otou-san that. You should know. And Kazuki… he loves me, he's told me. He wouldn't lie, and I know he's not. He means it. And I mean it back." He gave a heavy sigh and placed something else into the box before closing it and taping it shut. "That's everything, Kazuki should be here in a few minutes." Takuya glanced at his mom and asked, "I was hoping we could go in peace? No fights. I know you and otou-san are having a hard time with this, but… shouldn't the two of you at least be comforted by the fact that I'm in good hands?"


"No," Takuya interrupted. "Listen to me first. Kazuki… he's great to me. He spoils and pampers me, but not too much as to where I'm acting like a brat that can't do anything for himself. He's probably the sweetest guy on the planet, and he's amazingly talented. He's a wonderful actor, and he can even dance a bit, and he's the best singer I've ever heard. Although," he gave an amused smile. "That might just be my bias talking.

"I don't know if everything will work out in the future," Takuya stated, beginning to frown. "But I hope so, because I can't bear the thought of even trying to live without Kazuki, be without him, and you know that first hand. Kazuki is good for me and I love him so much that it hurts. Every time he says something kind to me that makes me so happy, I want to shed tears of joy." He laughed, shaking his head. "Kind of pathetic, but it's true. And—" he glanced at her. "—you might be a bit uncomfortable with me saying this but… even when the two of us aren't… gentle with each other," his mother coughed lightly. "I can tell that he doesn't want to—doesn't mean to—hurt me. And I don't mind truthfully, because it's worth it. I just wish you and otou-san could see how much he means to me, because it's more than anything in this entire world."

There was silence for a few minutes. "I… I can't accept this, Takuya," his mother began and Takuya frowned. "But I can try to begin to. Kato-san… seems like a nice boy. And I'm happy for that fact. Your father… he'll get over it eventually. And—when that time comes—I want you to invite Kato-san over, and the two of you will stay here for a week or so. Is that okay?"

A slow smile grew on Takuya's face. "It's more than okay, it's brilliant."

There was a knock at the door and the two of them turned to see Yoshirou smiling. "Your prince awaits, Takuya."

"Yay!" Takuya giggled and then pointed to a box next to his closet. "Can you bring that down for me?" He wrapped his arms around the box on his and started for his door as Yoshirou picked up the box, cursing when he nearly dropped it.

"What the hell is in this thing?!"

Takuya smiled. "Hats,"

Yoshirou sputtered. "Hats?!!"

"Joking, it's trophies."

Yoshirou grumbled. "Fuck you and your trophies, you homo." Takuya glared playfully at his brother as they began descending the stares, Takuya frowning nervously when he saw his father staring his boyfriend down… or trying at least.

Kazuki turned away from the match as he heard footsteps and grinned when he saw his younger boyfriend walking downstairs.

"Kazuki," Takuya greeted, walking up to him and pecking him on the lips quickly. "Can I put these in your car?"

"Of course, anything you need help with?"

"Um," he thought for a second. "Yeah, I have two more boxes up stairs in my room if you could bring one down, Yoshirou can get the other." He added, ignoring the loud groan that it earned.

"Fuck you and your little boxes too."

Takuya grinned. "Everything is so cheerful today." Kazuki laughed, leaving another quick kiss on his lips.

"I'll be right back then," Kazuki stated before almost flying up the stairs.

Casting a quick glance at his father, Takuya walked from the house, slipping on his shoes real quick and headed for his boyfriend's car. Setting the boxes in the back, he told his brother to go back inside as he waited for Kazuki.

Upon seeing him come down the stairs, he opened the car door as Kazuki slipped it inside also, leaning back against it next to Takuya as they waited for the final box.

"Can you believe," Takuya started. "That in less than one hour, we'll be living together. I almost thought this day would never come. I'm happy!" a few tears slipped down his cheeks as he grinned and Kazuki pulled him to his chest, unmindful of what people would think.

"I'm also happy," Kazuki stated quietly. "When I took that movie I never dreamed that a year later I would be moving in with the one person I love the most in this world." He began twirling a strand of hair around his finger.

Takuya smiled and sighed in contentment, leaning into the embrace. "I love Kazuki,"

"I love you too, Takuya."



Glancing over at the ringing phone, Takuya muted the television and picked it up, greeting, "Moshi moshi,"

As the person went on, Takuya's eyes slowly widened. Was this for real? He didn't know how to think about it. He had loved those few months but… did he really want to do another one?

He bit his lip, pondering on that. He wasn't sure but… he smiled. He had to. Thanks to it, Takuya had the best thing that could ever happen, happen to him. He fell in love with a wonderful man, moved in with him, and made some new, fantastic friends.

He had to.

"Of course we'll think about it… yes, I'll tell him… no, thank you for taking the time to call. Bye," as he hung up the phone, the sound of someone entering the living room alerted him and he glanced over to the entrance, blushing pink when he saw his boyfriend in only a towel, hair still wet from the shower.

"Who was that?" Kazuki asked curiously, coming over and planting a kiss on the teenager's lips.

"Uh," it took Takuya a second to figure out what he was talking about. "Oh it was, um…" he tapped his fingers against the couch and then glanced up at his boyfriend, wondering what he would say. "They want us to do a sequel."