Author's Note: Because I am so obsessed with the movie. Honestly, making the Princess and the Frog was the best decision Disney has made in years. It feels so good to see a classic traditionally drawn movie again! After seeing the movie twice, I finally got the idea of doing a Total Drama Island/Action version of the movie with Duncan and Courtney. Yes, I replaced the frogs with spiders. Why? Because frogs are just too damn cliche'. Also, it was fun drawing Duncan and Courtney as tarantulas...weird, but fun. You can also call it a tribute to Scruffy. Anywho, hope you guys enjoy! I'll try to update it every week!

He should have won.

Justin knew it, the cast knew it, the fans knew it, Canada knew it…heck, the entire world knew it! They all knew that he should have won the million on Total Drama Action! He should have been gotten everyone's vote! He should have been the one that Courtney was kissing on live television!

It was him who should have come out on top!

"I don't get it." Justin pondered as he walked down the pool and side stand area. All the cast mates and contestants of Total Drama Action and Island were all staying at a five star hotel called "Suite de Loser". Despite Duncan already winning the million dollars, everyone still had to stay until after the big reward ceremony that Chris had planned out. It was going to take place in two days at the Gilded Chris Reward stage and it was there that Duncan would receive his money.

"Which should be my money!" Justin loudly proclaimed. "I was the hottest person on the show…well, at least until I received all those disfiguring injuries. But compared to these guys, I'm still the hottest!"

"Oh cry me a river, loser." a scathing voice sneered. Heather lifted her sunglasses and glared at Justin as she continued to sunbath on one of the pool chairs. "You may have been one of the hottest contestants, but you have as much brain power as Lindsay."

"Don't you think comparing me to Lindsay is a bit too far?" Justin asked indignantly. "I mean, at least I remember all your names!"

"True, but Lindsay did get further in the game than you did…for both seasons."

Damn, she had a point.

"If anything," Heather continued, placing a hand over her chest. "It should have been me winning the million! I'm the smartest,"

"I think that's Noah…"

"I'm the bravest…"

"I think that's Duncan…"

"I'm the strongest…"

"You're probably thinking of Courtney."

"SHUT UP!" Heather growled before continuing. "And I'm the most qualified person to win the show. It was only because of Duncan and Harold's narrow-minded stupidity that I didn't!" Heather screamed, throwing her hands up in frustration.

"Hmmhmm, you're also forgetting the fact that I do one mean cheer." LeShawna pointed out, hearing the conversation as she walked past holding a large, wrapped package.

"Not all of us can be so loud and proud!" Heather snapped, sitting up from her seat with hands on her hips. The bald teen then caught sight of the wrapped gift. "What's that?"

"Just a present for Gwen." Leshawna explained, proudly holding the gift up. "It was for me, but I think my girl Gwen will like it more."

"I thought I was your friend!" Heather complained, narrowing her grey eyes. "Why does the Goth geek get a present and I don't?"

LeShawna laughed. "Oh, trust me sister. This gift ain't your style." With that, she turned and headed towards the palm trees where Gwen was sure to be relaxing in the shade.

Not the one to be shrugged off so easily, Heather stood up. "I'll be the judge of that."

Justin looked up from admiring himself in the pool's reflection to see Heather get up from her deckchair and begin walking in Gwen's and LeShawna's direction.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"None of your business." Heather sharply replied. "Go fix that bruise on your face. It's disfiguring your face even more."

Justin let out a girly shriek of terror and started patting his face. "WHERE?"

Leaving the modern-day Narcissus behind, Heather crept over towards the palm trees and hid in the bushes to listen in as Leshawna conversed with the dark-haired Goth known as Gwen.

"A gift?" Gwen questioned the package in front of her with a raised brow. "The bald-haired witch didn't set you up with this, did she?"

There was an almost inaudible growl from bushed behind her.

"Now girl, you know me better than that. I might be on even grounds with Heather, but that doesn't mean I'll sink to her level." LeShawna said, pushing the gift towards Gwen. "This is just a little something that my Granny sent to me yesterday. I thought you'd like it better."

Gwen hastily unwrapped the gift, peered inside, and frowned as she pulled out a large, old moth-eaten book. "You're grandma sent you a book on Voodoo and Hoodoo spells, charms, and rituals?" Gwen asked, brow arched in puzzled confusion.

"Yep! My Granny owns a voodoo shop in New Orleans and she's been sending all sorts of stuff that she thought would help me win the million!" LeShawna began to toss some stuff from the box into a bewildered Gwen's arms. "Gris-gris bags! Candles! Powders! Rabbit's feet – don't let DJ see that! And Voodoo dolls!" She tossed a creepy looking doll with needles sticking out of it into the towering pile of stuff in Gwen's arms.

"If figured that since bad boy already won, you might like the stuff better." LeShawna explained.

"Thank…you…" Gwen gasped before finally toppling over from the weight of all the Voodoo items. When she fell, one of the items unknowingly was tossed into the bushes- right onto Heather.


Gwen's head jerked up. "Did you hear something?"

"Aw, probably just Cody and Trent. Those homeboys are having a game of volleyball in the pool." She flashed Gwen a sly smile. "Wanna join them? I'll team with Cody."

Gwen visibly grimaced. "How about I team with Cody?" It wasn't as if she hated being with Trent now that they had broken up, but things were still a tad bit too awkward for her taste.

LeShawna sighed. Well, it was worth a try. "Okay, let's go put these things in your room and head to the pool."

Heather watched the two friends depart through narrowed grey eyes, each sharp enough to cut ice. It wasn't as if she was jealous. Please, she had outgrown such petty, inferior feelings like that! However, if Miss Loud and Proud wanted to have the leisure of being included in her circle of friends (no matter how small it might be), she was going to cut off all ties with that Goth-wannabe Gwen.

"Heather plays second fiddle to no one in relationships or competitions!" Heather smirked evilly when she saw the item from Gwen's pile that had accidentally hit her- the book called The Great Book of Voodoo (and Hoodoo) Spells, Charms, and Rituals. "Especially in million dollar ones…"

Heather glanced over to Justin, who was still gazing into the pool trying to find the bruise Heather had pointed out moments before, and then back at the spell book. Technically, even though Duncan had won, he still hadn't received the million dollars yet- not for two more days.

"Perhaps this game isn't over quite yet." Heather mused as she leafed through the pages of the book. Her eyes fell on one page, and, after briefly scanning the crudely written description on the yellow page, a nasty scheme began to unfold within the depths of her wicked mind. With an evil smirk spread across her beautiful face, she called out to Justin.

"Hey Justin, eyes off the reflection! I believe I found something that might interest you more."

"More interesting than this?" Justin pointed at his gloriously handsome face.

Heather smirked. "How about a million dollars more interesting?"

That caught the model's attention. "Keep talking."

She held the book up. "How far are you willing to go to win that million?"

"Well, since this competition completely mangled my perfect face and ruined my modeling career, I'd say pretty far."

Her smirk became quite diabolic.

"Good, because I think I have an idea…."

Unknownst to the rest of the relaxing campers and cast mates, underneath the palm trees, two greedy antagonists were brewing up a malevolent scheme that would lead to the downfall of one certain mohawked millionaire.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Chris announced, beaming and throwing his arms up in a dramatic manner. "I am proud to present, the number fan favorite, the new delinquent millionaire, and the winner of Total Drama Action…..DUNCAN!" He gestured towards the glass door of the hotel lobby.

Duncan walked through the sliding doors with a smug smirk on his face as a loud applause echoed throughout the lobby. However, the smirk left his face when he realized that none of contestants were actually clapping. Some, like Noah, Beth, and Lindsay, were reading a book or fashion magazine. Trent was at a corner, tuning up his guitar. Gwen and LeShawna were chatting. Katie and Sadie were dreamily staring at Trent. DJ was playing with Bunny. Cody was watching Harold do some tricks with his yo-yo. Eva was lifting weights with Tyler beside her, trying desperately to keep up. Owen was at the snack bar, eating a large subway sandwich. Geoff and Bridgette were making out…as usual. The only ones missing were Justin, Heather, Courtney, and…strangely, Izzy. Everyone had ignored Chris and Duncan's arrival.

"Wait, where's the clapping coming from?" Duncan asked in a slightly bewildered and annoyed manner.

Chris gave a broad grin, showing off his overly shiny teeth. "I programmed the door to make an applauding noise every time you come in."

Duncan's eyebrow raised slightly in surprise. Okay…that was weird, yet ego-boosting.

"Should we ask why?" Gwen asked, pausing from her conversation with Leshawna.

"To make the rest of you jealous and aware of the losers you are." Chris said. He yelped and ducked when a voodoo doll resembling the host was thrown at him. The TDA host shot the grinning Gwen a glare.

"I saw that! Don't get mad at me! It's not my fault all of you got voted off and beat by a smart-mouth punk!" Chris screamed and ducked when a storm of objects were thrown at him-including a book, magazine, hairbrush, yo-yo, and guitar.

"HA! YOU MISSED!" Chris yelled in triumphed. A wooden skull slammed him in the back of the head and knocked him to the ground.

"Oops." Duncan smirked.

At that moment, Courtney walked through the glass doors, talking into her PDA and oblivious to the Chris-hating going on.

"Hey Princess," Duncan smoothly greeted. "Or should I be calling you 'Queen', now?"

Courtney scowled. "How about calling me by my real name?" Suddenly she felt her foot fall on something soft. She looked down at saw that she was standing on the Chris voodoo doll. She picked it up and stared in disgust. "Ew, a mini Chris." Courtney then noticed the large pile of objects on the floor and stomped her foot. "Okay, what's with all the littering? There's garbage bins next to the buffet bar!"

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING LITTER!" Chris said, poking his head out from the pile and glaring at the bossy brunette.

"…..I still stand by my previous statement."

"SIT DOWN!" Chris yelled. When both Courtney and Duncan took seats next to Geoff and Bridgette, the host pulled himself out of the missile pile and dusted himself off before addressing the cast mates.

"As I was saying before I was violently interrupted," he cast a dark, accusing glare at everyone in the room, particularly at Gwen who smirked and waved her fingers at him. "As you all know, Total Drama Action has come to and end and…."

"Bad boy won. End of story." LeShanwan interrupted. "When are you going to let us go home? It's been like almost five months!"

"It's been that long?" Lindsay gasped and looked worried. "Jeez, I hope my pet goldfish still remembers me."

"I seriously doubt that." Cody said. "I heard that a goldfish's memory only last for about five seconds."

"Wow, Carter, I never knew that!"

"It's Cody."

Lindsay blinked. "Colin?"

Beside Cody, Noah rolled his eyes and sighed. "Like pet like owner."

"Stop interrupting me!" Chris snapped making the contestants shut their mouths. "Yes, Duncan shall receive his money during a big ceremony that will take place in two days at the Gilded Chris reward stage. Consider it like the Oscar rewards….except with me!"

Nobody cracked a smile.

Chris frowned. "Just trying to spread the cheer."

"We were feeling pretty cheerful throwing stuff at you." Noah retorted.

"Besides that," Chris continued, purposely ignoring the last remark. "the only other thing I have to announce is that since Chef will be unable to be with us for the next couple of days…"

"Where is he? Is he okay?" Beth asked in a concerned manner.

Chris scowled. "Oh, you guys care about Chef and not me? What's your deal?"

"Chef at least feeds us." Harold wheezed, "Or at least attempts to. You, on the other hand, merely exist to make our lives as miserable as possible."

"Well, I hate the both of you equally," Duncan said, teal eyes narrowing in anger "especially for the fact that both you almost killed me with a frinkin' safe!"

"Ungrateful brats…" Chris grumbled before resuming his announcement. "Anyway, Chef is at Camp Wananakwa, working on a special, top secret project for the show."

None of the contestants liked the sound of that. What was special to Chris meant dangerously painful to the rest of them.

"And in Chef's place," Chris continued, shoving a blonde-headed intern before him, "will be this intern, Joe!"

"Er…My name is..uh..Billy, Mr. McLean." The intern nervously stuttered.

"Whatever! Billy will act as my assistant and will be in charge of taking care of all your personal needs and complaints." Chris said with a happy smile on his face. "So until the reward ceremony, don't come crying to me!" He placed some sunglasses on. "Hello vacation time! They're all yours, what's your name!" With that, the host left to go catch some sun by the pool, leaving the unfortunate intern to deal with the rowdy teenagers.

"Uhh…" the intern looked like deer caught in a headlight. "…nice to meet you?"

Geoff and Tyler shared evil smirks while Duncan cracked his knuckles.

"So you're the new Chris?" Eva growled, dropping her dumbbells.

"Uhhh….I…er…I'm his…um…assistant…"

"Good enough for me!" The body builder snarled and pointed. "GET HIM!"

"Pool time!" Tyler yelled, following after Eva and the small group of contestants that had grabbed the screaming intern and were heading to the pool area.

"Don't tell me you're going to watch that barbaric display!" Courtney asked seeing Duncan get up and head for the door.

Duncan turned back and said, "Uh, hello? Heck yeah! Relax, we're just going to show him the ropes. Besides, if I'm lucky, Chris will be at the pool and I can throw him in too!"

Courtney opened her mouth to make a comeback but thought better of it. "…Good point."

Duncan offered out his hand. "Want to come too? Let out some of that wild side?" He wriggled his eyebrow in a suggestive manner.

Courtney declined his off with a repulsive look. "No, I'm going back to my room." She stood up and began to walk towards the elevator.

"To do what?" Duncan angrily demanded. Though he didn't want to admit it, her refusal stung a bit. The delinquent had thought they were a couple again.

As the elevator doors opened and she stepped in, Courtney turned her head towards Duncan and gave him a smug smirk.

"To complete a list on what I'm going to do with my half of the reward money." She said as the elevator doors closed and blocked her view from the shocked and slightly hurt look on Duncan's face.

Duncan sighed and ran a hand through his bright green Mohawk. Sure he was happy that he and Courtney were back together, but honestly he was still uncertain on whether she was with him because she liked him or because of the million. At one time, he had been so sure that Courtney (no matter how many times she had denied it) was totally in to him.

Now….now he wasn't so sure.

"Oh, what's this? Is the delinquent having love trouble?" a feminine voice insulted.

Duncan turned to see a bald-headed Heather standing in the glass doorway, staring at him with a mocking sneer on her beautiful face.

I'm sorry to say that I had to make Heather the villain in this story. Justin I'm okay with, but I honestly grew to really Heather like over the course of Total Drama Action. However, her performance during the TDA final showed me that she still seemed pretty desperate and bad enough to seek revenge and use some backhanded method to try and get Duncan's million. Yes, Courtney's being a jerk right now. I love her to death, but once again, the TDA final made me a little suspicious on whether Courtney's still with Duncan because of the money or because she truly loves him. We probably won't find out until TDM. I believe she truly loves him, but that's the dilemma that Duncan will be dealing with in this story. Don't worry, this will be end with DxC.

Btw, I'm from Louisiana and have been to New Orleans a couple times (one of the reasons why I loved the Princess and the Frog so much) so I know a bit about the whole voodoo and hoodoo stuff. If you're wondering what a gris-gris bag is, it's just a bag of herbs that bring good luck, love, wealth, or whatever you want.

Anywho, hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! I have pictures of Duncan and Courtney as spiders up on my Deviantart account! Enjoy and Review!