A/N: these will be some Marper oneshots based on the show, because after HM destroyed my dreams of Lackson... well, a girl has to move on. Lol. So here's to my new OTP: Marper.

The first one is based on the recent episodes with Max's conscience.


Max's conscience realizes something that he didn't.

"Now remember this isn't a date unless we see Jeremy from Science and you better act like you're totally into me," - Harper to Max's conscience.


"Wow. You know, she's pretty hot." Tilting his head on the side Max's conscience took a good long look at Harper and commented on it as if noticing it for the first time.

"Dude, you're not supposed to say that. You're my conscience... you're supposed to be saying something smart and studylike-" Studylike... not really a word or is it... Max wondered and then just shrugged off questioning it.

"Hey, I'm just voicing something that you must have thought of before." That was the way it worked, Conscience didn't come up with things all on his own.

"Well if you're so smart then how come I don't remember thinking it?" Ha. Round one goes to Max. He could trick even his own conscience... yeah, he was good.

"Do you remember what socks you're wearing right now?"

Max looked down before giving his conscience an impressed look. "Touche, Conscience. Touche." Maybe Harper was pretty hot come to think about it... why hadn't he thought of that before? Or had he? Drat, it was all too confusing. Max looked at his socks again- he hadn't even remembered putting those on... sweet. Now what was he thinking about again?


More to come!