A/N: So here it is, the end of January. I can't believe it's gone so fast! I'm only halfway through February so hopefully I'll be catching up soon... Thank you so much for all your reviews so far :)

Jan 31

"There are only two truly infinite things: the universe and stupidity. And I am unsure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

Jenny Shepard never enjoyed reprimanding a member of Gibbs' team.

The resulting fall out generally wasn't worth the hassle. Considering the various predicaments she had to deal with on a regular basis, it would be hardly surprising if Cynthia allocated a certain time slot to simply deal with the media just for his team.

Despite her allowance and control over all of that, she couldn't quite believe the meeting she currently held. Tony sat across from her, looking extremely pissed. He waiting patiently for her to speak though, not forgetting his manners and common courtesy, despite his obvious mood.

"Agent DiNozzo, would you care to explain to me why you felt the need to punch a reporter and break his nose?"

"If it helps Director, the broken nose wasn't intentional."

"I'll be sure to put that into the report I send off when the lawsuit comes our way." She replied, dryly. "I expect Gibbs to punch reporters. We practically have insurance solely for him and reporters, just in case. Ziva has too much fun outwitting them; she doesn't need force. And McGee..." Tony snorted, earning a Gibbs-like glare.

"Sorry, Madam Director."

Her demeanor softened slightly. "Tony, I'd like to think you can talk to me after how close we became a while back."

"Yes ma'am." Tony sighed.

"Tell me what happened."

"I don't know what came over me, I really don't." He ran a hand nervously through his hair. "Ziva and I were leaving the scene, and the reporter took a picture of us just as she pulls me into a headlock." At the raised eyebrow, Tony explained. "I was 'leering'." He used invisible quotations, pulling a face. "The jackass of a reporter made a comment about Jake Parker, the kid I looked after yesterday, saying it was a good job our 'son'," Again, he pulled a silly face with the quotations. "Didn't live with us because of 'domestic violence."

"Oh crap."

"Then he calls Ziva a bad mother."

"Oh crap!"

"So maybe it's not such a stupid act after all..." Tony smiled. "You can tell Mr Jackass to thank me for a broken nose instead of a broken neck."

Jenny smiled too. "Maybe I'll just review our insurance plans against reporters."