Author's Note: This is a oneshot based on Driven. I was watching NCIS episodes for 12 hours, in a car, on the way to my grandma's house and I got bored. (portable DVD players are awesome!) I grabbed my notebook and started to write.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything of NCIS unless you count the NCIS DVD'd I got for Christmas.


"McGee, don't start this again."


"I don't want to hear it."

They continued working on the car in silence, trying to find the chip.

"Abby, I'm sorry", McGee blurted out so Abby couldn't stop him.

She stopped taking the vehicle apart and faced him.

"Tim, I know you're sorry and you care for me but it's not your fault."

"You could've died."

"Yes, but I didn't."

"But you could've."

"And I didn't", she said slightly raising her voice.

"I don't know what I would've done if you did...", he couldn't bring himself to say the last word.

"Timmy, look at me."

Tim faced Abby not wanting to look her in the eyes, so Abby gently turned his head, so he was looking her in the eye.

"You need to stop beating yourself up over this. Leave it in the past because it doesn't matter anymore."

"But it does matter, you don't understand."

Abby dropped her hand from his face in confusion.

"What don't I understand?"

"We should get back to work", he said as he walked away.

Abby grabbed him by the wrist begging him to explain himself. Her eyes pleaded with him to tell her his explanation.

"Timmy, please."


He took a deep breath and continued.

"I don't know what I would've done if I was to be the cause of your death, if I would've lost you. I don't know how I would live each day knowing I would never see your beautiful face again, your cheerful smile, or never get a warm hug from you again.

"Tim what are you trying to say", she asked close to tears.

"I'm trying to you."

"...Tim. I'm not sure if I'm ready for a serious relationship. You know I care for you, a lot and if something happened, like you died or if you got tired of me, I don't if I would be able to survive that."

He stepped closer to Abby and held both of her hands, "Abs, I'm not going anywhere and I could NEVER get tired of you. We can take this one day at a time."

He returned her smile. He leaned forward and captured her lips with His own.

He knew she would admit her feelings when she was ready.

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