Author's Note

I'll see you further down the page.

The song's Thank You for The Music from Mamma Mia!

Happy Tree Friends: The MUSICAL!

You're left sitting in the dark, staring at the curtains for a few moments. It's times like this when you notice things that you wouldn't normally. Like how, even in the darkened theatre, you can still clearly see the ruby red velvet curtains, by the light of some nicely placed lightbulbs along the edge of the stage. And you also notice that the guy next to you is munching his popcorn waaay too loudly. And how expensive the drinks were at the concession stand. But, just when you think the show is over, a lighthearted song springs out of the pit band, and the stage lights up again, the curtains parting smoothly to show a large, raised platform with multiple levels on it, each covered in flashing lights.

From both sides of the stage, actors begin running out. First Mole, Nutty, Pop and Handy run out, and meet at the center stage. They bow, to a roar of applause and recede to the lowest platform. Then, Splendid and Toothy meet at center, and take their bows. Without warning, Toothy pecks a kiss on Splendid, who gives him a glare, as they back up and take their spot on the platform. Emm and Lucky run on next, Lucky raising the joyous porcupine above the crowd and then placing her on his shoulder, as they move to the center of the lowest platform.

Next up, Rhyme and Mime head onstage, taking a bow and doing a short dance, before taking their places on the platform. Nicolla and the girls from the ballet studio come onstage next, each doing a pirouette, before Creed power slides in and grabs Nicolla, who blushes. The girls giggle and they head onto the platform.

Lifty and Shifty run in next, looking confused. They look around, and then shrug their shoulders, before looking upward, and becoming quite shocked. Caramel drops from the ceiling, into the Raccoon's hands, and they take her up onto the platform, stopping only briefly to bow. Tyler and Meth run on next, and once they reach center stage, Meth begins playing air guitar while Tyler gives him a Devil Horns salute. They finish their performance and bow before running up the platform.

Sparky, Snickers and Ivory all run in, and strike a "Charlie's Angels" pose, before bowing and taking their spots on a higher up platform. Spazz, Lumpy and Mumbo run on stage, and before bowing, Spazz taps Lumpy on the shoulder, and he turns to him. Mumbo crouches behind the moose, and Spazz shoves him, sending him tumbling head over feet. Mumbo and Spazz share a laugh and a proud handshake before helping Lumpy up, bowing, and taking their spots.

Pippy and Eloise run on, bowing to each other, and then taking each other's hands and facing the crowd in an all-too-cute curtsey, and running to a higher platform. Russell runs on next, bowing towards Ginger, who walks on much slower, almost savoring her pace. He steps to the side, and she curtseys before stepping back and allowing Russell to bow. They take each other's hands and head up the platform. Disco runs on stage and faces away from the crowd in the classic "Disco Point Stance", before Spotty runs on beside him and mirrors his pose. The two point and wink at each other, before turning to the crowd and bowing, electric sliding up the platform.

Flaky and Flippy walk up together, and the crowd's applause only gets louder as they bow and walk to their spots on the second highest platform, hand in hand. Chunky runs on, and looks around nervously for a bit, before bowing. Suddenly, Petunia and Lammy run on, tackling him in a loving(and painful) glomp. They bow and drag his semi conscious body up next to Flippy and Flaky.

Misty comes on alone, and bows proudly, the audience cheers even louder at the sight of her, and she walks slowly up the platform, taking a spot in the center of the second highest platform. Then, the crowd nearly explodes as Giggles and Cuddles take the stage, and bow hand in hand, before ascending to the very top of the platform. Everyone takes the hands of those beside them, and the entire cast takes one last bow before the curtains close completely. The audience begins shuffling in their seats, before a man takes the stage, in the narrow space where the curtain doesn't cover. He struggles to carry an acoustic guitar in one arm, a wooden stool and a microphone stand in the other. The lighting gives a good view of him, short, brown hair and glasses. He's a bit pudgy around the waist, and he looks like he has trouble shaving, but other than that he is unremarkable, save for the suit he wore for the occasion.

Finally managing to get set up, he sits with the guitar, and speaks into the microphone.

"H-hello, I'm Phoenix, the director of this musical, and I just wanted to thank you all for your support. You see, music is so important in our lives, and we don't realize it. If it weren't for the small time musicians and performers out there I don't know where we'd be. I mean… well, lemme explain…"

He taps his guitar for a bit, trying to tune it, and striking a few sour notes in the process. But, he seems to get everything ready, and gets into a steady rhythm, singing himself

Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me

Someone whistles, and Phoenix Turns his head, Pippy is standing nearby, wearing a white silk dress. He immediately stops playing, and rubs his eyes in shock.
"Pippy, are you…. Wearing a dress?"

She scoffs, "Don't get used to it guv, I'm only doin' it this once because I like ya. Now keep playing!"

(Phoenix Smiles, and begins playing once more)
Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk
She says I began to sing long before I could talk
But I often wonder, how did it all start?
Who found out that nothing could capture a heart
Like a melody can?
Well, whoever it was, I'm a fan

So I say
(The curtain slides open, and the entire cast is standing, ready, and begins singing.)

Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me

I've been so lucky, I am the girl with golden fur
I wanna sing it out to everybody
What a joy, what a life, what a chance!

(Someone in the audience, Kitten630 as some may know her, springs up and sings along. It starts with her, but soon others join in. Even Deadliving manages to crack a smile and sings loudly)

Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me

So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me

Pippy leans in and plants a kiss on Phoenix's cheek, who smiles and hugs her like and oversized plush, before turning to the crowd and shouting.


I don't suppose I need to say anything else, do I? Except maybe... I love Pippy like a daughter, so don't get any funny ideas.