Merlin Story 1


Disclaimer: If I owned any of this, I'd be much, much richer than I am now.

Author note: This is actually my first written work. It's an idea that just seems to work itself out the more I think about it. I've wanted to start writing for a while now, but no ideas have ever come this smoothly before. This is a bit of a test to see how well or poorly my work will be taken to. If it works out and I get a couple of reviews, I may start actually dedicating myself to fanfiction. If not, I doubt I'll be heartbroken. All that said, I'd love to hear what you think if you've read and enjoyed this. Please enjoy!

The wooden bowl clunked against to iron tray it rested on as it was carried to the dungeons. The maidservant slowed down as she walked, as she had done every day, so as not to spill any of the food she was delivering. She gave the tray a disapproving stare. It was hardly enough to begin with; a bowl of thin soup and a chunk of bread once a day could scarcely be called rations, even for a prisoner. It was a wonder he hadn't starved by now, despite how vital it was that he stay alive.

When she reached the gates at the bottom end of the dungeons, she was stopped by the guards. By now, most of them knew who she was and her purpose, but they searched her every time. Protocol, they said.

"Purpose?" one of them asked, after having checked her for any suspicious items.

"Food for the prisoner" she replied patiently, "just like every other day."

They nodded in unison, unlocking the heavy gates and allowing her through. This was the third gate and set of guards she had passed today. It only made sense, of course. The prisoner was extremely dangerous.

She held both the tray and the lit torch carefully as she entered the tunnel to the caves. It was dark, and the heavy air made it hard to breath. Before the events of the last years, she hadn't even known that these tunnels and caves had existed. Now they frightened her. She had seen what they had held before their current occupant, and could almost feel the remainders of the great dragon's presence. She turned the final corner and entered the huge caverns. Carefully again she stepped down to the lower valleys between the sharp black rock.

Sitting in the center, leaning against the rock, she saw the shape of the prisoner. It was a painful sight. He had grown pale and thin since his imprisonment. He was quieter now, too. After all, he was rarely allowed visitors. She looked at the huge chains that melded smoothly into the smaller ones that encircled his ankle. She tried to imagine him sitting, chained in to the rock, wrapped up in his dark hooded cloak, and - worst of all - alone. For the rest of his life.

As she stepped closer, the prisoner turned to her and gave his friendly old smile. He always smiled when she came.

"Hello Gwen." He stated, sounding for all the world a free man.

Prisoner, she thought. The word had tasted sour on her tongue. This man was no criminal. She couldn't help but smile back at him. Just like every other day.

"Hello Merlin."

Well, that's the prologue done. This is only a bit of foreshadowing to get you interested.