I don't own DBZ.

This story is inspired by an old soap opera someone was telling me about last week. I hope everyone likes it. I already have 5 chapters which i'll post very soon. Please let me know what you think.

Chapter 1

King Briefs was welcoming King Vegeta, Prince Vegeta, and Kakarot to planet Earth. King Vegeta and King Briefs had met during a galactic meeting of planet leaders. King Briefs had asked King Vegeta to meet with him. King Vegeta agreed, after all, it was King Briefs of Earth. Humans were not strong, at least compared to the Saiyans but what they lacked in strength, they made up in intelligence. The human planet had the most advanced technology. The moment the Saiyans had landed, King Briefs and Queen Bunny were there to greet them but Princess Bulma was not. But her parents only missed her presence. King Vegeta and the Prince did not even think about her absence. They had never met the Princes.

Prince Vegeta was annoyed for being dragged into a diplomatic meeting. Kakarot was ecstatic to come back to Earth. Kakarot had a wife and a son to see. ChiChi would often travel back from Earth to Vegetasei. Her husband spent most of his time in Vegetasei and so she did, but when he traveled to other planets she would go back to Earth to spend time with her friend Bulma and her father. She did not enjoy being the only human in a planet full of Saiyans. The Saiyans were respectful but she rather be surrounded by her own people.

The human King first knew about the Saiyan race by Kakarot. Kakarot had landed by mistake on Earth and the kind King welcomed him. He was fed and given a place to stay while his pod was fixed. Kakarot met Chichi and the two married and began their life together. Kakarot spoke to King Briefs about King Vegeta and the war against Frieza. Naturally when Frieza threatened King Briefs, king Briefs decided to appeal to King Vegeta's compassion. He wasn't sure if it would work out. After all, the Saiyans were a warrior race and compassion was a natural characteristic for them.

The palace party hall was beautifully decorated. The best gourmet food was prepared. The wealthiest and most powerful of the humans were waiting for the Saiyan leaders and their warriors. King Briefs and Queen Bunny were elegantly dressed in their royalty attire. Chichi was excited. This was the first time she attended a royalty reception. Kakarot was walking with her around the hall nibbling at every platter of food. Gohan was left with his grandfather.

The King and Prince of Vegetasei made their entrance with five warriors behind them. The Prince walked next to his father. Even when they entered the hall, they were mighty. They were wearing the royalty attire from their planet that made them look even more attractive. King Vegeta radiated experience, strength, and wisdom. Prince Vegeta radiated youth, strength, and passion. Both the Prince and the King impressed all the women. The King and Queen of Earth announced their guests and became the constant companions of King and Price Vegeta.

Bulma had chosen a blue strapless dress that matched the blue diamonds in her vey modest but beautiful tiara. Her dress was long enough to cover her heels. The Princess was not at the party hall. She was at one of the gardens of the palace. She was waiting for someone.

"Bulma, you look beautiful!" Bulma became startled by the voice and turned around. She smiled when she saw him. He was wearing his dark blue naval uniform. He looked so handsome and strong. He was a naval captain in the Earth's army. He was also invited to the party but his attention was on the Princess he adored.

Bulma walked to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and pulled her against his body. She kissed his nose. They stared at each other's eyes. Her eyes were beautiful and so pure. He wanted to become lost in her eyes. But now was not the moment. Very soon someone would come looking for her. She was the Princess and her planet had very important guests.

"Oh Yamcha, I can't take this anymore. We can't continue to hide our relationship." Bulma's eyes were watering.

"Don't cry. I can't see you cry…I'll talk to your father whenever you choose. I would ask your hand in marriage right this moment if you let me."

Yamcha and Bulma were deeply in love. Yamcha adored her and wanted to marry her. But she was the Princess. And her parents, especially her mother wanted someone wealthy for the Princess. The King was a descent man and Bulma was his pride and joy. They were confident that the King would never force his daughter to marry some old man just for money or power. But they were not sure about the Queen.

"No, today is not a good day. I know my father will support us but I'm afraid my mother will not. She's told me that I must marry someone with money and power. I'm afraid. All of her candidates are old creepy men."

"I won't let that happen…Run away with me. We'll travel to another planet and I will provide for you. I know I won't be able to provide you with all the luxuries but I will work hard for you." Yamcha softly kissed her lips. She reciprocated.

"It's not that easy Yamcha. My father's health is frail. I can't leave him at least not right now. We need to try first. We need to talk to my father without my mother."

"It will be done as you wish. I just want you to be my wife. After we get married we'll go anywhere you want." Yamcha lifted her from her waist. They kissed passionately.

"Bulma! Bulma! Bulma where are you?" Chichi called the Princess. Yamcha buried his face in her hair and exhaled.

"I have to go." Bulma whispered.

"I know. Your parents should be asking for your presence." Yamcha said as he put her down.


"I'm here by the roses." Bulma raised her hand to show Chichi her location.

"I better go before she gets here. I love you Bulma. We'll figure something out I promise." Yamcha kissed her hand and disappeared.

"There you are. Wow! You are gorgeous Bulma. The Saiyans are going to speechless when they see you." Chichi said as she looked at Bulma from head to toes.

"That's right, the Saiyans should be here by now right?" Bulma blushed.

"Yes! Your parents sent me to look for you. Everyone is at the party. Your parents want you there now." Chichi grabbed Bulma's hand and led her to the party room.

"King Vegeta, after the party, I ask to meet with you. I have a favor to ask of you." King Briefs spoke.

"Of course King Briefs. But now I wish to meet the rest of the royal family. Where's the Princess?" King Vegeta answered.

King Briefs drank his wine. "Well she should arrive at any moment." King Briefs smiled apologetically.

Kakarot and Vegeta were standing next to the Kings. Vegeta has his arms crossed over his chest and Kakarot was enjoying the food a little too much.

"You're an idiot Kakarot! You eat like you've never had food before." Prince Vegeta was clearly annoyed.

"There's Princess Bulma!" Kakarot said with his mouth half full of food. King Briefs, King Vegeta and Prince Vegeta looked to where Kakarot was pointing.

All three men were speechless. Even King Briefs was in awe at how beautiful his daughter was. From the back of the hall, Yamcha smiled as Bulma entered the hall. He was proud that Bulma loved him. He was not jealous. He was sure of Bulma's feelings for him. Needless to say, the rest of the guests noticed her arrival.

Prince Vegeta's heart was racing. And his tail told his everything he needed to know. She was the one. She was beautiful, she was delicate, elegant, and her eyes grabbed him the moment she looked at his direction. Bulma walked to her father. King Briefs extended his arm to welcome her presence.

"There you are sweetheart. I'd like you to meet King Vegeta and his son Prince Vegeta from Vegetasei. They're our guests of honor." Bulma extended her hand to shake King Vegeta's.

"It's a pleasure meeting you King Vegeta."

"The pleasure is mine Princess. I don't find myself meeting such exquisite creatures such as yourself everyday." King Vegeta smiled.

"Thank you." Bulma said embarrassed. Bulma directed her attention to the Prince.

"Prince Vegeta, it's a pleasure meeting you as well." Bulma extended her hand with a smile.

Prince Vegeta took her hand and kissed it never leaving her eyes.

He gave her a smirk. "The pleasure is all mine Princess Bulma."

After the long waited introduction, Bulma found herself in the constant company of Prince Vegeta. They walked around the hall. She was very polite and charming. Perhaps too charming but that was who she was. She wanted to make a good impression to help her father's relation with the Saiyans and she did. For that moment, she didn't have to pretend to ignore Yamcha's presence. She naturally did. It was so easy to shift her total attention to the Prince.

They talked about everything. She asked so many questions about his planet, his race, his missions as a warrior, and his people. He was surprised she didn't find his race a bunch of violent savages like many humans did. He liked the fact that she was so interested in his race. But their personal conversation had to end.

And slowly the guests left. The other Saiyans warriors retreaded to their rooms in the palace. King Vegeta, King Briefs, the Queen, Princess Bulma, Kakarot, and Chichi were in the dining room drinking coffee. Prince Vegeta was staring at the Princess as she played with her tea. Queen Bunny noticed and thought that maybe Prince Vegeta would be the perfect suitor for her daughter. Uniting her kingdom with the Saiyan kingdom would be the perfect strategy to protect earth. But Bulma was thinking about Yamcha and her secret relationship with him. She was unaware of Vegeta's eyes.

King Briefs asked King Vegeta and the Prince for a moment alone. King Vegeta, King Briefs, Prince Vegeta and Queen Bunny took their meeting to King Briefs' office. They sat facing each other.

"King Vegeta, I invited you here because my planet faces a vey difficult problem. Are you aware of the existence of Frieza?" King Briefs went to the point. He was holding Queen Bunny's hand.

"I see. Yes I am aware of Frieza. My planet was at war with him two decades ago when my son was a child."

"Well, he has decided to declare war to my planet if I don't give him what he wants."

"What does he want from you?" King Vegeta asked.

"Frieza wants the unconditional alliance of planet Earth and he wants all my inventions. Therefore, he would decide who gets to use my inventions and who doesn't."

"What exactly do you want from my us King Briefs?" Prince Vegeta asked.

"I want to pledge alliance to your planet. I want you to send legions of your warriors here. I, in exchange, will provide you with my latest inventions." King Briefs seemed to be begging.

"I see your plan. Frieza won't be able to declare war on your planet without declaring war on my planet. And that's something he wants to avoid."

"Precisely. My army is nothing compare to Frieza but your race is feared all through the galaxy. My alliance to your planet will provide my planet with protection." King Vegeta reasoned.

"My son and I need to talk about this alone. He will take the throne after me and I'm afraid he would have to make the decision to help you."

"Take all the time you need. You are welcome to stay in earth as long as you wish."

"Thank you for your hospitality. I will answer you tomorrow before dinner. Good night King Briefs." King Vegeta stood from his chair and walked to the door with Prince Vegeta to his side.

King Vegeta and his son were in King Vegeta's room. They were in the dark. Prince Vegeta was by the door and his father was sitting on a chair. King Vegeta spoke to the Prince about King Briefs' petition. King Briefs was right; Frieza would not dare touch earth if the Saiyans, the race who had defeated his soldiers countless times were involved.

"Speak your mind son." King Vegeta asked.

"I don't think we should get involved father. We got rid of Frieza a long time ago and I don't think it would be wise to get on his bad side again."

"I see your point. But if we ally ourselves with this planet our technology would improve." King Vegeta tried to persuade his son.

"How about a negotiation father?" Vegeta smiled.

"Tell me." King Vegeta urged.

"We can only ally ourselves with this planet for so long. When I take the throne the alliance will be over unless I renew the alliance but I won't unless I get something out of this. Technology will not persuade me into it. But if the alliance comes in the form of marriage then it will …"

"It will be unbreakable." King Vegeta drubbed his chin while he thought about it. "You want to marry the Princess?"

"I want her as the future Queen of our planet."

"But I thought you said you didn't want a mate until after you take the throne."

The King pressured his son into choosing a mate but the Prince never complied with his father. He was never really interested in any woman from his planet. He had warned his father to stop harassing him with the same issue or he would choose a whore instead. King Vegeta stopped instantly. Prince Vegeta told his father he would choose a worthy woman after taking the throne. That would give him at least one more decade.

"Never mind what I said. Things change."

"Alright, but you need to feel more than attraction for the Princess for your marriage to work." Vegeta turned to the door to leave his father.

"I already do father. I couldn't feel my tail when I saw her."

When Saiyans found their mates their tails went numb. They didn't feel them and that was the signal that told them they had fallen in love. And their tail would never become numb for any other woman ever again. Saiyan males only fell in love once in their lifetimes. This is why after so many years, King Vegeta had never married again. After losing the Queen, he only focused on raising his son and strengthening the empire.

King Vegeta lightly chuckled. "I'm glad to hear that but what if she doesn't feel the same?"

"I will work on that while we're here. Either way, we'll help Earth until I take the throne." Vegeta left his father's room.

"I guess we'll be staying here for more than I thought." King Vegeta took a deep breath. Well at least his kingdom will unite forces with the most technology-advanced race in the galaxy.