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Chapter 15

The king stood up and looked down as the delegates continued their dialogue. He listened carefully to their conversation. The taller delegate continued...

"I just need more time Krillin. Please just give me more time."

"NO!" Krillin said with distress. "Im about to suffer a heart attack from the anguish and its all your doing! I am a faithful servant to the royal house of Earth and you are going to disgrace my name and my generations to come with your stupidity!"

Krillin was livid. Yancha was literally going to get them killed. King Vegeta was going to kill them including Queen Bulma. He was going to be the only one to blame for the death of a royal. He should have let Yamcha in the dungeons. What has he done? Its all his fault for freeing this stubborn ass. There was no getting through to Yamcha. He was never going to let her go. Krillin began hyperventilating at this point. He gripped his chest. The pain was getting stronger and sharper.

"Take him to the medical wing if you don't wish him to die." King Vegeta said as he stood proud and tall behind Yamcha, who stood frozen before Krillin's condition.

"Oh Shit! Im dead. We're dead!" Kirillin said when he saw Vegeta. Yamcha whirled around to look at Vegeta, his mind going crazy trying to figure out how he could kill the King of Saiyans. The only advantage he had was the element of surprise. The Saiyan would never expect an attack from a delegate. He had to act now. He had to take the risk.

Krillin's piercing cry snapped yamcha out of it. He turned back to look at his friend collapsing. He stood motionless. Krillin was about to eat dust when Vegeta moved and prevented his fall.

Rolling his eyes he picked him up and started to carry him inside. "Ill take him to the med wing. Go on and alert the Queen of his condition."

Yamcha was dumbfounded. He didn't quite comprehend what had just happened. He was so close to King Vegeta. So close to attacking the supreme ruler of this planet. And yet he couldn't move to take action. The only obstacle between him and his love was the King.

"Did you not hear me delegate?!" Vegeta barked at Yamcha.

Yamcha blinked more than a few times. "Yes, I will go alert the queen."

Vegeta murmured something under his breath and walked away with Krillin in his arms.

Bulma patiently waited but dreaded Vegeta's return to their chambers. But it was getting late and she wondered whether he would be back at all. In all true, she thought it would be better if he didn't come back this night. She knew he would probably be training until well into the morning. That would be best for now. They would surely continue to argue. There were so many things to resolve. There was the cargo of the pods they had to send to their new allies. There was also Vegeta's trip to contain the Tuffle rebels. She feared for his life. What if something happened to him? What if he comes back the same way he did last time he had to leave? Or in a worse condition? And her biggest fear, what if Vegeta found out Yamcha was on his planet, in his home trying to convince her again to abandon Vegeta and flee with him? The consequences would be disastrous. Yamcha would be killed along with Krillin. She doubted her pleas to spare their lives would even be considered. Vegeta's wrath would be unleashed onto all three. Then planet Earth and her people would be next.

Bulma wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. She was cold and the palms of her hands sweating. She had to do something. She couldn't continue to live like this. Life was unbearable now. Vegeta was on to her. She had to get Yamcha off this planet and out of her life. But she couldn't trust anyone from planet Vegeta. She knew Chichi would be arriving in the morning. She would help her deal with the situation.

She heard the knock on the door before her guard spoke. "Your majesty? The delegate from Earth says he needs to speak with you."

Yamcha? Or Krillin? What could be so important this late at night?

"That's okay. He can come in." Bulma said to the guard.

As the door opened and the light from the hallway seeped into her bedroom Yamcha stepped inside.

She and Yamcha waited until the door was closed. Both just stared at each other. Yamcha couldn't believe his eyes. She was wearing a short nightgown and a see through robe.

Bulma covered her body by closing her nightgown. But she noticed his appearance. He used to be a captain. Now he was fugitive who usurped a delegate's position. He was thinner and his eyes tired from the lack of sleep and rest. He changed. Prison had changed him so radically and she couldn't recognize the Yamcha she'd loved so much. He was still very handsome but in that moment she realized she didn't see him the same way. She loved Vegeta and while Yamcha was her first love, she knew everything had changed.

"Bulma" Yamcha said with tears in his eyes. He was like a lost boy trying to find a comforting touch. But she could not be the one to provide it.

"Shh" Bulma indicated him to be quiet and she motioned to the balcony, turned around and started to make her way in its direction. Yamcha followed her. When they both were on the balcony she closed the doors that lead back inside.

"I hope it'll be harder for them to hear us here." Bulma said. She looked into his eyes again. It was something that she found extremely hard to do now. She felt dirty. She felt like she was betraying Vegeta. That was more painful than anything else.

"What are you doing here Yamcha? You can't be in here. If Vegeta walks in here and sees you he will most likely find out the truth about you, about us!" Bulma was becoming agitated.

"He sent me here. Krillin is in the med wing. He suffered a heart attack and Vegeta took him to see a doctor. He asked me to inform you of his condition." Yamcha said as he took a step forward. He grabbed her hands while she was still trying to process the information he had just provided her with.

"How's Krillin? Wait! Why did Vegeta take him and not you? What happened?" her mind was going through all kinds of scenarios. She didn't allow Yamcha time to respond.

"You're still alive so that means Vegeta doesn't know anything yet." Bulma said as she realized he was holding her a little too close. She tried, in vain, to break their physical contact.

"You're so afraid of him Bulma. He's a tyrant. He has you living in fear."

Bulma felt her blood boil. With all her strength she pushed him away. "No! He's not a tyrant and I'm not afraid of him. I love him!" She said defiantly. How dare he talk about Vegeta like that?! Her words pierced through his heart.

Yamcha snapped. He became angry. Angry at Vegeta. He had taken her away from him.

"No you don't. I know you don't. How could you love someone like him?"

"You don't know him like I do. And you will never understand that I love him. And yes I live in fear, I fear for your life. He will kill you and I fear I won't be able to prevent it. I want you to leave Vegetasei, now! I will give you a ship the best one we have, I will give you supplies and riches so you can settle anywhere you want. Vegetasei's currency is accepted in all developed planets. You wont have a problem finding a good place to make a life, a prosperous life. You cannot go back to Earth. You're a fugitive there."

"No." Yamcha said and clenched his fists. "I wont run. If I must die because I love you then I rather die fighting Vegeta. Because then I'd know that you would never be able to forgive him for killing me."

With all her strength that she had left, she slapped him. And then again. Yamcha stood motionless now that her tears escaped her.

"I hate you Yamcha."

"And I hate him." Yamha said to her. His anger evident. She had never seen him like that before. "Im going to see Krillin." And then he left. She stayed behind drying her tears and after a while she was able to regain her composure. She decided against going to see how Kirllin was doing. Yamcha would be there and she was too emotional to face him again. She wished Vegeta would come to her but he never did. So she slept alone.

She woke to the sound of the shower running. Vegeta! she ran to the shower and found him there right under the shower head. She was so happy to see him even thought they had argued the previous night. She forgot everything. All she wanted was him. She immediately took her nightgown off and jumped in with him. She faced him and held him from his waist. He opened his eyes when he felt her touch.

She whispered his name. "Vegeta."

"I leave today." He said as he combed her hair back with his hands. And then he wiped the water off her face before kissing her.

They both delighted in that kiss. They savored it. And touched each other's wet skin. Her hand traveled to his crotch and massaged his manhood. Her other hand ravaged his tail. That's it! He couldn't take it anymore. He needed to take her. He grabbed her bottom and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around him and penetrated her with one thrust. She gasped at the sudden intrusion and held on to his neck. He carried her weight easily and kept moving in and out of her. She was his most precious and fragile delicacy. He kissed her lips and intertwined his fingers in her hair to pull her hair back and expose her neck. He moved his mouth to her neck and his rhythm picked up. The noises she was making were becoming louder and he smirked. The biggest pleasure was to know he, and only he brought her pleasure. He removed himself from inside her and with lightning speed turned her around. Her hands landed on the tile wall of the shower. Before she knew it he was inside her again. Picking back up the rhythm he had achieved moments ago. He touched every part of her back. He caressed her shoulders down to her lower back and to her bottom while never slowing down. She felt herself climbing up to her climax. It was so close. She could feel it coming and tightening. Oh heavens! And there it was. Her cry of pleasure sped up his own climax and he continued to move until he had spilled himself inside her. He stopped and removed himself from her. She leaned back against his chest. She smiled when he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder.

"We should finish showering." He whispered into her ear. She laughed. Her carefree laugh made him smile. He wished all days could be like this one. But they wouldn't.