Hey guys, I know it's been months since I put a chapter up but I didn't think that I would.

I decided that I would put up a short chapter while I write a longer one. I don't know if you want more chapters but review and let me know. Here's Chapter 18. Enjoy!

While Harry, Draco and company were living happily in their new world, Lucius was not having such a fun time back in the Muggle world.

. . .

He walked down the lane towards Hogwarts, hoping to find his son there. He soon realised that he had passed where Hogwarts should be, he was passed the lake. He frowned in confusion.

"What is going on?" he said to himself. The wind was whipping his long, blonde hair around his head making it difficult for him to focus. He decided to Apparate the Manor to see if his wife was there. Focusing the Manor's entrance hall, he tried to force himself into the tight tube that was the art of disappearing and reappearing elsewhere. Nothing happened. Again he frowned.

He withdrew his wand from his robes and tried a mild blasting hex, aimed at the ground. Again, nothing happened. He tried again and again but he felt no flare of magic within him, rushing to his wand. His magic was gone.

He needed to find a way back to his Manor home, he was no better than a squib and needed to hide this from the world until he found out what was wrong with him.

. . .

Back at the Malfoy Manor, Lucius Malfoy, the eldest Malfoy alive, Head of the Malfoy line was in his library searching through books at a frantic pace, trying to find out what was wrong with his magic.

He pulled another book from the shelves and flicked through it, as he had with the pile of books discarded on the floor, he caught the words 'loss of magic' in there and stopped. He read the page quickly, once he had the book fell from his hands to the floor.

Lucius Malfoy, a once powerful wizard was a Muggle. . .

Shall I write more? Or leave it as it is? If I write another chapter it will be Lucius trying to intergrate himself into the world he despises, the muggle world. Any ideas on what could happen. Please nothing too outrageous. . . lol. Please review.