WARNINGS :: SLASH (what else?). And, um… shortness?

A/N :: Well. Um. Hi. ((meek wave)) So, obviously, I haven't died. I just, haven't been around. At all. I will give you a vague idea of why:

Why, hello real life! How are you doing this fine- OW. OWWW. OW, REAL LIFE, THAT'S MY BRAIN, WHY ARE YOU HURTING MY BRAIN, OW, IT HURTS, STOPPPP!

So. Yeah. That would be why… my brain was raped by real life. Banbi darling assured me that you guys wouldn't be angry for my extended absence, but just in case… ((opens umbrella)) Alright. Hit me with your best shot.

Inspired by :: 1sentenceorder on LJ. I'm in the process of writing the next 40 sentences, but I figured I'd let you guys know that I wasn't dead and haven't forgotten about you with a little pick-me-up.



1. Comfort :: The Russian put a small hand to the top of the Doctor's head, carding his long fingers through the short hair soothingly as Leonard tried not to fall apart.

2. Kiss :: 'For someone so young,' thought Leonard to himself in the short moment before he was lost, 'it's unfair how good at this he is.'

3. Soft :: Leonard tried so hard to resist, but Pavel was giving him those goddamn puppy dog eyes he was so good at it, and the Doctor didn't stand a chance.

4. Pain :: Pavel cried out loudly, thrashing and spitting and cursing, while Leonard could do nothing but stand helplessly on the other side of the bars and watch.

5. Potatoes :: "What do you mean you've never had a baked potato?!" Leonard spun around and waved the spatula menacingly in the direction of his Russian lover, who chuckled loudly, not intimidated in the least.

6. Rain :: The storm clouds in the sky were dark and threatening, but as everyone else rushed by to escape the inevitable downpour, one young man stood in the middle of the courtyard and spread his arms wide, welcoming the cold, gentle droplets, unaware of the pair of dark eyes that watched him.

7. Chocolate :: Leonard always said that his eyes were the color of dirt – 'Plain, boring, ugly dirt!' – but Pavel likes to think of them as the color of the richest, purest chocolate instead.

8. Happiness :: Now, Leonard wasn't stupid, and he'd heard what people said about them – "He's too young, you're too old, you'll never work out, you're just too different…" – but as he stared down at the beautiful creature snoring lightly into his chest, his arms tightened and he figured that as long as Pavel wanted him, he'd be glad to have him.

9. Telephone :: Giggles ended Uhura's whispered statement into his ear, and he cocked an eyebrow, looking up at the scowling Doctor on the other side of the room with interest and said, "Doctor McCoy is in love with Pavel Chekov?", grinning widely when the man turned bright red and started stuttering, "Now wait a minute, that's definitely not what I said!"

10. Ears :: If there was one thing Leonard loved about Pavel that he hoped no one ever found out about was the soft groans and delightful little sounds that Pavel uttered when Leonard touched him late at night.


The end! (: Well, kind of… the end of this part, anyway. Drop me a line or two if you get the chance, but if not, that's cool too. Hope you liked it.

(David Bowie's "Let's Dance" was responsible for the title this time.)