Chapter One: A Day in the Life of a Ring Finger

Pairing: DarkxDaisuke

Rating: T (for safety, there is some language later on, not much though.)

Storyline adapted from "Only the Ring Finger Knows" manga by Satoru Kannagi. Characters based on D.N Angel English Dub Anime.

I do not own the characters as they below to their respective authors and artists.

A.N: Welcome to my first fanfic that isn't a poem. Since I'm new at this, I would really like some feedback. Well, hope you like it.

At this elite private high school* in Japan there is a prince. He is tall and handsome, intelligent, extremely popular and kind to all. He is the model for a perfect human being. His charm and princely aura radiates around him, warming the hearts of those lucky enough to get close to him. His name was Dark Mousy.

"Why do I have to be so darn unlucky!!!??" screamed Saehara. "Why does Dark Mousy have to be so perfect!!?? Why does someone like him go to THIS school!!??" Daisuke sighed. Saehara is a complete mess. I don't blame him. After all, he did get dumped by the class hottie, Mio Hio.


"I'm sorry Saehara. The person I'm in love with is upperclassmen Dark Mousy. I'm sorry. I can't return your feelings."


"ARGHHH!! It's all that stupid Dark Mousy's fault!" Saehara continued ranting in his personal little world as Daisuke drifted off into his own.

I also feel sorry for Dark though, being hated for a reason he had no control over. There is almost nobody that would speak negatively about him, including myself. From afar, he always has that sweet, gentle smile on his face, as he is surrounded by his countless admirers. I rather like him. He's not like those popular people that are up themselves, brag all the time and ignores everyone. He acts normally around people and people act normally around him.

Daisuke's thoughts were broken by Saehara's extra loud screaming. "I guess I wasted my money buying these matching rings too!"

"Huh? You mean you actually bought her a ring?" exclaimed Daisuke as he finally responded to Saehara's complaints.

"Of course. Matching rings are all the rage at our school. Having paired rings on the right ring finger symbolises friendship, while paired rings on the left ring finger symbolise a couple! If you're single though, the ring goes on your right middle finger, just like yours."

"You only have a crush on her. Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?"

"No. Everyone is always checking out which finger everyone else's rings are on. There is even a rumour that you never take yours off. Still crushing on your ex-girlfriend?" Saehara said suggestively.

"No! That has nothing to do with it." Daisuke's face started to go pink. "Did you forget that it was a mutual breakup? I'm not into this whole matching ring thing anyway. I like this ring and I don't feel like taking it off all the time" Daisuke looked at his ring on his right middle finger. "It wasn't expensive but I like to take care of it. It's like a treasured friend of mine." The bell rang through the halls signalling the end of lunch. The sound of running footsteps and yelling grew louder.

"Fine. Hey, you want to grab some drinks after school?"

"Whatever." Saehara and Daisuke walked off to their next class.


Ouch. My head. Maybe I had a bit too much last night. Especially with Saehara still complaining his head off about being dumped. I thought he would never let me leave.

"Are you alright Daisuke?!" screamed Saehara.

How can he be so energetic and enthusiastic after last night? Doesn't he have hangovers?

"Maybe you should go to the infirmary or get some medication??!!"

Eugh.. I can't deal with his loudness right now. I've got to get away.

Daisuke got up out of his chair and ran for the door. "Hey, where are you going?"

"I'm going to wash my face." Daisuke marched off to the bathroom.

My ring will tarnish if I don't take it off.

He slipped the ring off his third finger and placed it gently on the side of the sink. He splashed his face with the cold calming water. The fourth splash ended up sending water out in all directions, accidentally splashing a nearby student. "Ah. I'm sorry. Did I splash you?" He turned his head around to see an outreached hand passing him a neatly folded handkerchief. Daisuke heard a warm kind voice.

"You're hair is all wet. Dry off with this. It's alright. I didn't get splashed that much."

"Thank you." Daisuke took the handkerchief and started wiping the water off his face.

Hmmm. It's the smell of clean soap. It smells different from mine which I reuse every single day.

"Thanks again. I'll give it back to you when it's…. washed" Daisuke looked up and saw the sculptured face that everyone admired. The face of Dark Mousy.

What is HE doing here?

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" His tone of voice changed.

"Errrr…" Daisuke was in shock, that the person who lent him the handkerchief was the famous Dark Mousy.

"Hmph. I've never been treated so causally by an underclassman before. Whatever. Thanks to your clumsiness my uniform is all wet now. But again whatever. Wash your face at home."
Dark snatched the handkerchief back putting it back roughly in his inside blazer pocket.

Are you looking down on me??!! Just because I am one year younger than you!

"What are you doing here anyway? This is the third floor! The seniors are supposed to be on the fourth floor!"

"Well SORRYYY!!" Dark said in a sarcastic tone. "I got bored so I went for a walk around the school. Don't worry you annoying little kid; I'll never come down here again!" Dark walked out of the bathroom and turned for the stairs. Daisuke rushed out of the bathroom catching up to him.

"I have a name you know! It's Daisuke Niwa!!"

"Don't boss me around." Dark turned around, sighed and continued up the stairs. "Whatever."

"What's his problem?" Daisuke asked himself.

That attitude and sarcastic tone of voice. Those piercing eyes. Has he been fooling everyone into thinking that he's nice, when really, this is his true nature? Is he tricking everyone with his looks? Eugh. Well at least that stopped my headache.

Daisuke walked back into the bathroom to retrieve his ring. He picked it up from the sink, wiped off the water with his shirt and placed it back on this middle finger.

"What?!" Daisuke shouted in shock. "Why doesn't it fit anymore?!"


* High school relates to the system used in Japan with the last 3 years of schooling classed as high school. In this fic Daisuke is currently in his second year, whereas Dark is in his third.

Reviews: Very much appreciated, but if you don't review I hope that in the future I can write something worthy of your comments.