Note- This story takes place during the time frame of the season one finale titled The Fisher King. There will be no unsub involved in this fic though. Instead of Elle going on vacation with Derek he will try to convince his baby girl to go.

The idea behind this story is: What if nothing held Derek back from going after Penelope? What if he pushed aside his ambition, his fears, his desire to not settle down, the idea it might ruin their friendship and anything else that made him hold back and what if he broke in season one instead of season three?

The title of this story comes from the New Edition song If It Isn't Love.

This story takes a few liberates. For example I don't know what month Derek and Pen met but for this story it was May. And I don't know who was Derek's friend in Jamaica. I looked it up on imdb but it wasn't very clear so I am going with Gerald Dupree.

Love Her....What?

May 2006

Chapter One

"Hey, baby girl, you got a minute for me?"

"Hot Stuff, if all you need is a minute you're doing something wrong. But I'll work with you and get you up to my standards."

He laughed and crossed the bull pen to get to her side. "Well I got some free time that just opened up if you want to get started right away. You heard about our time off, right?"

She chuckled. "You should be so lucky as to get this Goddess alone for ten days."

"My Mom always did say I was a lucky guy."

"Moms lie."

He cracked up. "Seriously, what are your plans for our off time and what do I got to do to get you to break them?"

She pretended to contemplate. "Well I do have a hot date with a computer genius."

His face darkened. "You do? Who? Where did you meet him?"

She smiled widely. "In the virtual world, where else? He's the ideal mate. I turn him off when I'm through having my way with him."

He relaxed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well, he can wait. For the next ten days you're all mine. I'm taking you to Jamaica."

She raised an eyebrow. "Ha ha. I don't do sand and sun."

"Who said a thing about going to the beach?" he flirted "We can find plenty of other things to do to keep us entertained."

"Careful, cupcake, you never know who may walk by and actually believe you are being serious."

"Good. Let them. Cause I am. Come to Jamaica with me. The trip is on me. I've got an old friend there who manages a resort and he'll comp us. Don't you think its time we see each other away from this building?" He waggled his eyebrows at her.

Usually he would back off if a woman said thanks but no thanks. This time he didn't becausethis was way too important to him. On her face was a look that said she could be convinced if he worked hard enough and in his mind was the notion he would pour out blood, sweat and tears to make this happen.

He was horny as all hell over her and had been for way too long now. Something had to give.

She told him "We see each other at the bar all the time."

"That doesn't count. You won't even dance with me, sweetheart," he pouted, laying it on thick.

"So I should spend my vacation with you to make up for all the dances I denied you?"

He grinned. "Now you're catching on."

"You're so cute when you're desperate but sorry, Charlie, I've got lots of things lined up for our off time." She started to walk away.

"Come on, Garcia, admit you got nothing on your agenda that even compares to ten long, hot, sultry, steamy, too warm for clothes days with me in Jamaica."

She went and poured coffee. He leaned against the counter and added "I'm asking everyone," which was true but he already figured none of them would say yes and if they did they would just have to spend their trip doing their own thing cause Derek had big plans for him and Penelope.

He never had so many erotic fantasies in all his life as after he met her.

Sure, he was a guy and sure he thought about sex a hundred times a day. And he had fantasies since puberty about every one from his teachers- the young ones right out of college- to his classmates, every shape and size and skin tone, to movie and pop stars.

But this was way more intense. Because all those fantasies were just something to pass through his mind when he was horny.

For Derek Morgan having daydreams about fucking Penelope Garcia was not just some idle thought that came and went on a whim. It was like a demon haunting him. A siren calling to him. A temptress stalking him.

He was going out of his head thinking about getting with her. That's how he came up with this latest idea of his. It had two parts to it: get her away from the BAU and get her naked.

They had known each other nearly two years. Actually it would be two years exactly in six days. He felt kinda lame for knowing that but he did know it.

Still he wasn't trying to romance her. He was trying to fuck her. Big difference and one he was going to make sure she, and he, understood ahead of time.

Penelope stared at him over her coffee. "You're asking everyone?"

She was giving in. His felt his insides soar- like he was going up on a roller coaster. He tried to ignore it- putting it off to the idea of how hot they would be in bed together, since they had so much chemistry, way more than he had ever found with any other woman, and they were buddies- and did not let himself think about how he hadn't felt that kind of giddy feeling over a chick since before college.

Back then he didn't really let himself connect emotionally to any woman and he kept that going to this point in this life. But he was already emotionally bonded to Garcia. That probably should have tipped him off that just sex was not going to be too easy, or possible, to pull off but he was a man and his first thought was that, yeah, sure he could keep it at just sex.

No problem.

"Sure thing, baby girl. Look," he said as Reid walked in "Hey, pretty boy, I'm in the mood to get hot and bothered. Wanna go to Jamaica with me during our time off?

"Excuse me? I don't understand the question. Are you...propositioning me in some way?"

Garcia almost swallowed her tongue when she started laughing, spewing coffee everywhere. Derek spent a minute getting her a napkin and handing it to her before he told Reid "Yeah, Garcia insisted we bring you along. Threesomes are her thing."

Reid went red. Penelope playfully smacked Derek's arm. "Stop messing with him."

Reid gulped. "I have plans," and then he turned and left without his coffee.

Garcia said "I need to get to my babies. Later, sugar."

"Wait up, pretty mama, you didn't give me the answer I'm looking for. Come on. Think about it. How often do you get offered a free ten day trip to an island?"

"Never before."

"Here's your perfect chance. Just use those sexy lips to say yes. You do know how to say yes, don't you? I'll remind you. Like this..." he leaned close to her, invading her space, "yes," he breathed out.

Just then Hotch walked in "Good day," he said in this tone that asked what they were up to but said he didn't really want to know.

Penelope jumped. "Hello, sir!" then she fled the coffee area.

Derek deflated. Damn it. That did not end how he wanted. He was tense, and stuck having fantasies about her for hours while he did his paperwork, but then he got an e-mail from her. It had just one word on it: Yes.