A/N: This is my first foray into True Blood Fanfiction. I was so completely and totally fascinated by Godric's character, I couldn't not write this even if I have other stories I should be working on right now. I wanted to know what brought him to that final moment, bursting into fantastic blue finality in what I believe to be the most emotional scene on True Blood as of yet. This is me, attempting to find out.

Well, Jesus Christ, I'm not scared to die.

I'm a little bit scared of what comes after.

Do I get the gold chariot?

Do I float through the ceiling?

Do I divide and pull apart?

'Cause my bright is too slight to hold back all my dark…

-Jesus Christ, Brand New

What goes through the mind of someone on the verge of taking their own life?

Is it the bad things? Every drop of black water accumulated over time unleashed to wash over you; a flood of evil and shame that has, little by little, grown powerful enough to drown all you are into oblivion?

Or is it the good? The precious moments of glee, satisfaction, pride, love, laughter, and beauty standing before you; a testament to the fact that, even if you can no longer find reason to exist, there was once a time when you honestly believed you held some semblance of purpose?

Even after 2,000 years on this planet, 2,000 years of living…observing…learning, Godric still didn't have all the answers.

He could find the answer to that particular question now, as he stood unprotected beneath an ever-brightening night sky with no intention to escape the lethal sun. But his thoughts couldn't be used as valid evidence. Most in his current position had not been vampires, and those who had been had surely not experienced the world as he had.

And that was what it was all about, wasn't it? The experience.

Godric could sense precisely where his child waited to be acknowledged without any need for visual reassurance. He knew this would not be pleasant for Eric. He also knew that Eric did not welcome the unpleasant peacefully, and he would fight his maker's decision.

Yes, Eric would resist, but ultimately it would not matter. Their relationship had worked that way from the very beginning of Eric's second life, and so in that way it would end.

He did not want to leave his child behind, the thought of abandoning Eric with no one to look after him was petrifying, but Godric was so tired. And Eric had stopped needing him long ago.

Even in the hypothetic case that Eric did need his direction, was not yet released, Godric was no longer fit to instruct. After millennia of pondering…growing…experiencing, the last century had brought things into sharp focus. Everything in the world he now viewed with a higher level of understanding; crystal clarity previously unattainable.

He'd spent the entirety of his brief, fleeting life as well as every millisecond of his endless undeath seeking enlightenment…reason…the absolute truth. He'd fooled himself multiple times into believing he had found it. Now that that supreme wisdom was at last his, he would do anything to return to his former shield of blissful ignorance.

It was the greatest irony he'd ever known.

However, like words spoken aloud, enlightenment was not something one could undo. Thus Godric had to meet the sun. Because it was the only way. The truth; stripped bare and undeniable.

As was his opening statement to Eric:

"2,000 years is enough."

There was a tiny breath of a pause; the quiet that is allowed to ensure the speaker has finished speaking and it is appropriate for the listener to reply. And in that miniscule, silent space, he blinked his eyes. He thought of all he had seen and done, loved and lost, achieved and failed, felt and ignored, hated and admired, remembered and forgotten, wanted and avoided…

Good and bad. Ugly and beautiful.

In that miniscule, silent space, Godric recalled his experience…