-Chapter 1-

"Inuyasha!!! H-How could you?! Especially after what you did to me last night!!!" Kagome pointed to the mate mark on the area where her neck ended and her shoulder began.

"W-Well... It's not my fault!!! You're the one who-!"

"IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT!!! You're the one who decided to accept me as your mate! You're the one who cheated on me with Kikyo! You're the one who... Who does EVERYTHING!!!"

Kagome turned to leave.

"Oh, yeah?! And just where do you think you're going, huh?!"

"To the well! Where else? I'm leaving and this time I'm never coming back! And I'm going to seal the well so people like you can't come through it!!!"

"What do you mean 'people like me'?!"

"I mean half-demon boys with dog ears and fangs!"

"What? No 'sit' command?!"


Inuyasha was burrowed about ten feet into the ground, and lay there, twitching in pain.

Kagome turned around before she left and went back to Inuyasha. "Inuyasha..." she said. She took off the enchanted beads. "There... The only thing you've ever truly wanted..." She laid the beads in his hand.

"K-Keh! I think I deserve it! I've gone through alot of pain for you!" he replied.

That did it. Kagome ran off, crying. It felt like a knife had been stabbed right through her heart.

9 months later...

"Come on, honey! Push! You can do it! Breathe, breathe! In, out. In, out. In, out."

Kagome did as told. She inhaled and exhaled in unison with her mother's words.

"MMMMMPH!!!" she fought off a scream.

"Good; good! There's the head! Just a little more, sweetie. You're almost there! You can do it!"

A new voice announced its presence in the world.

"It's a girl! Look, Kagome! Look!"

A tiny little girl that looked like an exact replica of Inuyasha was placed in Kagome's arms. She had two white dog ears sitting on her head and she had a full head of soft, silvery hair. She had Inuyasha's amber-colored eyes. She even had little fangs and claws. Go figure... No wonder it hurt so much...

"What will you name her, dear?"
