Author's Note: Sorry this took so long I had a load of exams and other stuff going on -_- but here it is at last =D

Again apologies to those who were waiting for this chapter

A few months after announcing their engagement the wedding day finally arrived, Renji and Byakuya both wanted the wedding to be as soon as possible because Byakuya was impatient and Renji wouldn't stop yelling, "You're going to be my husband, woot!!", which Byakuya pretended got on his nerves.

For the wedding Ichigo was Renji's best man and Byakuya didn't have a best man, in his mind he was marrying his best man so he didn't need another one. For the flower girl Byakuya materialised Senbonzakura, who had to throw the flowers as he marched down the isle, those who were close enough heard his mumbling about revenge. Renji and Byakuya decided against Rukia being the flower girl as she would most likely have planned something yaoi fangirl related at could ruin the night due to her obsession.

Since Byakuya was paying for the wedding nothing was too expensive, he wanted a big, bright wedding to show just how much he cared for his fiancé. There were red roses everywhere to compliment Renji's hair, candles to bring to life Renji's personality as a hot-head and doves to represent their love for each other.

Byakuya was dressed in a black tuxedo with his hair tied into a ponytail and he had a white rose pinned to his chest.

Renji had his hair in a ponytail too but he was dressed in opposite colours to Byakuya, he had a white tuxedo with a black rose pinned to his chest.

The white and black were supposed to be like yin and yang, too different things coming together to create something new, beautiful and complete.

The ceremony went without fault, apart from Rukia's sudden nosebleed when the grooms kissed, a few others held tissues to their noses at this part too which Renji noticed, causing him to smirk.

After the ceremony finished the night progressed to the dancing, Renji never managed to grasp dancing even after having around 30 lessons so he had to try not to look like he wasn't just dangling off Byakuya but everyone was too excited to take proper notice of Renji's lack of dance talent.

When Byakuya and Renji had sat down, exhausted from dancing, Rukia and Ichigo went over to them. "Hiya, Nii-sama. We come bearing gifts." Rukia said as she held out two boxes wrapped in elegant white paper with red bows attached.

Renji and Byakuya took one each. Renji opened his first, "A tape? What's on it?"

"Something I'm sure you'll enjoy… What it alone before even considering showing others." Ichigo said with a nervous laugh.

Next was Byakuya's turn, "A video camera? Thank you Rukia." He said, smiling at his younger sister.

"Hey I helped too!" Ichigo whined, he was going to say more but Rukia grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

"I like the quality of the tape, the camera on got a little fogged while it was in the bathroom but you could still see everything." Rukia said, almost squeeing.

"I still can't believe you gave them that tape and the video camera, how can we get more videos of them together if we don't have a camera?" Ichigo asked, annoyed.

Rukia grinned at this, "Relax, yaoi fanboy, I made a copy each for us of that tape and who said that was my only video camera?" She smirked.

Ichigo grinned, "I love you sometimes."

After the wedding Byakuya had a limousine take the newlyweds to the most expensive hotel in all of the Soul Society, the Kyoka Suigetsu.

"Everything was perfect. I couldn't have asked for better. Thank you so much, Byakuya." Renji whispered softly as he sat on the velvet sheets of the king-sized bed.

Byakuya sat beside his Renji and kissed his cheek, "My dear husband… nothing is good enough for you, not even me."

Renji blushed and opened his mouth to say something but his words were lost as Byakuya claimed his mouth with his own.

"Let's see what that tape was that Rukia gave us." Byakuya whispered in his ear, having a vague idea of white it might be if he knows his sister.

Renji nodded and fetched the tape then played it on the TV opposite the bed. He and Byakuya sat on the bed as the tape began.

As soon as they realised it was their bathroom on the tape both Renji and Byakuya immediately turned a bright shade of red.

Renji fidgeted in his seat as he watched, after about five minutes watching the tape and listening to Byakuya's moans he had had enough and stood, removing his clothes quickly. Renji groaned deeply as his cock was exposed to the cool air, he then crawled onto the bed and spread his legs

Byakuya stared at Renji as he undressed, trying to ignore the tape for the moment, "What are you doing, Renji?"

Renji smirked at Byakuya, "I'm damn horny right now and if you don't hurry up and take my ass then I'll come and get yours."

Byakuya flushed a deeper shade of red at those words before searching himself for his inner seme. He stood to face Renji, giving the most perverted smirk of his life; he quickly undressed before pouncing on Renji and giving him a passionate kiss.

Renji gasped into the kiss before pulling away for air, "This isn't like you, love. But I have to say I'm lovin' the change." He winked.

Byakuya nipped his lip gently, "I also intend to put on a show, just in case that camera wasn't Rukia's only one. If I'm right we can collect the tapes later, I enjoy the effect they have on you." Byakuya grinned devilishly.

Renji couldn't help but moan under his husband, "Just shut up and fuck me already damn it! I'm needy here!" Renji bucked up at Byakuya to prove that statement.

Byakuya loses control at that and spreads Renji's legs further before entering the willing body beneath him in one thrust, making Renji cry out in pained pleasure. Byakuya stays still as he allows Renji to adjust.

Renji looks at his husband, who is shaking due to his restraint and his lip is red from biting so hard. Renji can't wait any more and bucks his hips again, "J-just move damn it!" Renji groans out.

"S-s-sorry but… I… can't be… g-gentle!" is all Byakuya manages to say before he loses control again and pounds relentlessly into Renji.

'Ohh good.' is Renji's last coherent thought.

The newlyweds went at it like bunnies long into the night and into the morning.

The next day Rukia called Byakuya, "Nii-sama! Ichigo's dead!!"

Byakuya's eyes widened, "How?"

"He died from blood-loss… he had a major nosebleed." Rukia whimpered out, feeling guilty.

The funeral was a week later and Ichigo was being buried with some of the tapes that caused him the nosebleed that led to his death.

Every human and soul reaper who knew him turned up but some did not turn up to see his funeral, like Kenpachi who was sniffing around for Byakuya.

While the human's cried the soul reapers celebrated, hoping Ichigo's soul would become a soul reaper too.

That night Ichigo finally decided to leave his body. His soul floated up through the ground then he went and grabbed a shovel before returning and digging up his own grave.

"Berry-head! Watcha doin'?" Kenpachi growled curiously.

Ichigo didn't stop digging, "I'm getting those tapes back… they can't kill me twice. If you help me I'll let you watch the ones with Byakuya with me."

Not needing to be asked twice Kenpachi immediately ran at the grave and using his superior strength he threw mounds of dirt away at a time.

Once they reached the coffin, Ichigo opened it and took the tapes out, drooling as he thought about the people in them.

Kenpachi closed the coffin then re-buried it. Not wanting to waste time he picked Ichigo up and ran back to Ichigo's house.

Upon arrival Ichigo placed a tape of Byakuya and Renji into the tv and sat on the bed with Kenpachi to watch.

"Byakuya is so hot." Ichigo thought out loud.

Kenpachi growled loudly, "That hotness is mine! Do not think about him… ya can have the red-head though."

Ichigo smiled nervously, hoping he won't be attacked, "O-ok… he's hot too."

Kenpachi's evil aura vanished as he and Ichigo sighed simultaneously, "Who are we kiddin' berry-head… they ain't separating anytime soon."

"Yeah… sucks."

"I think I have a solution though." Kenpachi said as he moved closer to Ichigo, "How about I have some Berry while I wait?"

Ichigo squeaked in surprise and crawled backwards but that made things worse, he ended up underneath Kenpachi.

Kenpachi smiled perversely, "No choice." Before diving in and claiming Ichigo's lips.

I had to make a reference to Aizen-sama with the hotel name. Aizen rulez!