A/N: I've had this idea in my head for quite a while now, and finally decided to post it. Enjoy and review.

Ichigo lay on his side, gazing over at his sleeping lover.

The man was laying on his back, snoring with his mouth wide open. His blue hair was tousled, messy, and framed his prominent features nicely. The lack of clothing didn't hurt, either.

Ichigo felt an urge to reach out and touch the sleeping man, to stroke his face and brush the blue strands away. He did so, soon finding himself stroking his cheek, his hand running down his neck and to his chest. He seldom got a chance to see Grimmjow looking so peaceful. Everyone knew that he was an angry, ill-tempered man that was rarely seen without either a scowl or a feral grin plastered on his face.

Ichigo smiled at himself and bravely crawled close to the man with an idea forming in his head. He knew that Grimmjow was a deep sleeper and light touches most likely wouldn't wake him. He ran his hands down the man's body once more, just to be sure, before he climbed atop him and cautiously began to place soft kisses on Grimmjow's jaw line, blushing lightly.

Believe it or not, it had been the first time Ichigo had ever been on top of Grimmjow in a way that didn't involve being forcefully pulled down. Even then he was never allowed to do much to the man; for some reason Grimmjow didn't like Ichigo topping him under any circumstance. He got angry whenever it was even mentioned.

But now was his chance... right when Grimmjow was most vulnerable.

Ichigo kicked the covers away. He gently parted the larger man's legs and lay himself between them, clutching his muscular hips with shaking hands. His thoughts were clouded and he suddenly forgot what to do. He felt unsure of himself, and his blush deepened to a dark violet. He inched his hand downward, heart pounding fast.

Right as he was about to reach his destination, he found himself flipped on his back at a sickening speed that made the bed creak. Ichigo's eyes widened and he gasped when Grimmjow's wide-awake face was right up in his.

"What the hell were you doing?" He demanded.

"I-I..." Ichigo turned away, the scarlet flare on his cheek visible even in the moonlit room.

Grimmjow softened his grip on Ichigo's arms, finding the sight cute, but didn't release his hold. He grinned and leaned down to give him a nip on his shoulder, earning a quiet yelp from the boy. "Too bad I caught you, 'cause now I'll have to punish you a little harder than usual."

Ichigo gulped, but didn't struggle. "Oh and by the way," He breathed into his ear. "You suck."